I Become Hokage At The Age Of Eight

Chapter 163 - Next time, gentle (4 more)

Although Hefeng's Helix Maru didn't have much influence on him, if he was replaced by another ninja.

I'm afraid that he will be killed by a spiral pill on the spot.

In fact, even the Qianshouzhujian had spent five or six breaths on the ground before resuming the chakra flow.

He moved his hand and pressed it to the ground, supporting his body to stand up.

The damage caused by the spiral pill on his body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just...

Muji cures.

When the pillars stood up completely, he seemed to have not suffered any harm.


He Feng landed on both feet, stood firm, and looked at it, could not help but marvel at the resilience between the pillars.

"Honestly, I didn't find Uchiha Madara biting her own meat between the pillars, it was because of the healing of Muji."

He Feng thought to himself.

"Hefeng, your strength really exceeds my cognition. Among the ninjas I have encountered, no one can compare to you."

"However, my strength is far more than this."

There was a low voice between the pillars, and his expression became more serious than before.


Seeing a slap of his hands between Senjuzuzu, he began to frantically absorb the natural energy around him.

Combine with his chakras and transform into fairy chakras.

On the forehead between the pillars and the position of the eyes, black lines appeared.

There is no doubt that it is...

Xianfa·Xianren mode!

Zefeng: "???"

Good guys.

The breeze screams good guys.

After being hit by a spiral pill by himself, the fairy mode is going to be opened between the pillars? !

Don't tell me, you still plan to let me see, really thousands of hands?

I'm not Uchiha Madara.He Feng couldn't help but complain.

Then, he heard the words between the pillars.

"Xianfa·Mu Dun·True Number..."

He Feng's eyes widened in an instant, and his brain seemed to be running at a speeding speed at this moment, reminding him of at least a hundred coping methods.

He Feng took a breath, concentrated on it, and stared at the column.

He seemed to be able to foresee what would happen next.


He Feng's heart had a very bad feeling!

However, the final "thousand hands" was not uttered between the pillars.

Because of his fairy pattern, it faded quickly and slowly disappeared.

Immediately after...


There was a squirt between the pillars, but it was not a ninjutsu that sprayed out, but a mouthful of old blood.

This sudden scene was startled.

Next second.

A flying thunder god technique stood in front of Hefeng, threw Tsunade to him, and then flashed to the pillars.

Before the column collapsed, the door held his arm.

Zefeng: "???"

Ri Zhan and others: "???"

Bai Jue observing all this secretly: "???"

Everyone did not expect that blood would suddenly spurt between the pillars.

Zefeng holds Tsunade in both hands.

Now Tsunade, who is less than a year old, is very cooperative with the wind, snails his thumbs, does not cry or make trouble, and is quiet.

The breeze is stunned.

"My spiral pill, isn't it that exaggerated?"

"I just used the most common spiral pill, and it vomited blood between the columns?"

It is difficult for Hefeng to understand the current situation.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)He didn't think that the attack of Helix Pill just now would be so powerful.

Can severely hurt the column to this degree.

Moreover, doesn't he have the ability to heal without seals?

When he just got up from the ground, he obviously repaired the damage caused by Helix Pill.

Rizhan, Danzo, Xiaochun, Yan, Mirror.

At this time, they couldn't bear it, and they rushed out of the woods one after another, worried about the situation between the pillars.

In fact, the hiding place of a few of them has long been discovered by the wind, the door, and the pillar.

It's just not broken.

Now I see them suddenly appearing.

They are not surprised at all.

He Feng hesitated for a moment, then took a step forward, walked to the pillars, and asked what was going on.

"Nothing to do with you."

I said without thinking about it, and realized that what I was expressing was easy to misunderstand, so I quickly explained.

"It has nothing to do with your spiral pill. The damage caused by your ninjutsu has been repaired by your grandpa with Muji."


Fei Jian stared at the pillar with a black line on his face, "Big Brother, you are also true, what is your current body condition, don't you know it in your heart?"

"Using wooden men, wooden dragons, that kind of ninjutsu that consumes a lot of Chakra is fine."

"Even immortal arts are used."

Said unhappily.

And in the process, he checked the body between the pillars.

Today's column is suffering from a terminal illness.

Although relying on the drugs invented in Mingjian, he did not appear haggard, and looked very energetic.

But in fact, this is just a superficial phenomenon.

The body between the pillars was far worse than the state he showed.

Every time Chakra is refined between the pillars, it will further damage his body.

Not to mention Muji cure.

There is even the possibility of shortening the life span.From the beginning, Fei Jian did not support the battle between Zhuma and the Japanese style.

Just considering the character and persistence of the pillars, so I didn't say anything.

However, now, Zhu Jian ignored his physical condition and used immortality forcibly.

The hidden dangers buried before were all exposed at this moment.

The battle between him and Hefeng could no longer continue.

"I'm going to take the first generation of Hokage to Konoha Hospital for further treatment."

Kaoma said to the wind, "Tsunade will leave it to you for the time being."

There was a pause in the door, and then asked the column, "How about brother, can you still hold on?"


However, what Feng Jian never expected was that Zhu Jian could still laugh out loud in this situation.

And it's still a very hearty laugh!

Does he know how big the problem is with his current physical condition?

All along, the most worrying thing in Feijian is that the condition between the pillars will get worse!

"It doesn't matter, in the meantime, I know my body."

"It's just that I haven't absorbed natural energy for a long time, so it's a bit rusty."

"It doesn't matter."

Between the pillars he waved his hand, indicating that the door should not be so nervous.

He can't die now.

"You don't want to think about how tenacious my vitality is."

"Once in the Warring States Period, no matter how serious the injury was, didn't I heal it on my own?"

"What's the deal with this kind of problem now?"

While talking, Zhujian stretched out his hand and gently touched Hefeng's head.

"It's just a pity, this matchup didn't tell the outcome, He Feng."

"We are equally divided."

"Next time, gentle style."

After Zhujian said, he was allowed to use the technique of Flying Thunder God to take himself out of here.


The door room and the pillar room disappeared immediately.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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