I Become Hokage At The Age Of Eight

Chapter 206 - Uchiha Madara appears! (3 more)

Normal people cannot perceive natural energy. This is common sense in the Ninja world.

Even the Kagura's eyes of the Uzumaki clan could only perceive Chakra.

Unable to perceive natural energy.

in other words……

No matter how gentle the wind is, it is a wizard.

It is impossible for him to enter the fairy mode without resorting to toad oil!

Because he cannot perceive the existence of natural energy!

Only by integrating with nature can natural energy be discovered!

This is the prerequisite for entering the fairy mode.

It is the most important thing.

"Hefeng, I know, mastering the fairy model gives you confidence, but there is a big difference between toad oil and no toad oil."

Shen Zuoyu focuses on teaching and style.

I hope he doesn't think of the fairy model so simple.

Only by correcting the mentality, can we learn fairy skills better.

"Do not."

However, in the face of Shen Zuo's painstaking efforts, He Feng shook his head and denied without even thinking about it.

Then, the gentle breeze wiped the toad oil on his arm under the eyes of everyone.

"Now I can really enter the fairy mode without using toad oil."

While talking with the breeze, he restored the chakra that had just been refined into a normal chakra.

Frog eyes and orange eyeshadow disappeared from his face.

Accompanied by the gentle breeze, Shen Zuo's heart almost touched his throat.

Hefeng this kid.

Wouldn't it be possible to enter the fairy mode without the help of toad oil?

Do not.


Deep force shook his head, like a rattle.

Just relying on toad oil to enter the fairy mode is exaggerated enough.

Hefeng is absolutely impossible to succeed.but……

Although Shen Zuo warned himself this way, in his heart, he had a little expectation of He Feng.

Perhaps, Hefeng is really so shocking.

Rizhan, Danzo, Xiaochun, Yan, the eyes of the four were deeply attracted by the gentle wind.

After wiping off the toad oil on their bodies, none of them could perceive natural energy.

It's like this kind of thing, it has never existed before.

Only then did they realize how difficult it is to practice immortality.


Toad oil is only the first step.

The real problem is yet to come.

He Feng took a deep breath, ignoring the people around him.

Although he got the fairy mode from the punch card package, it is still the perfect version of Naruto.

But he could not break the original rules.

To enter the fairy mode, one must absorb natural energy.

Toad oil just helped him reduce the difficulty.

Now that there is no toad oil, one must integrate with nature in order to perceive natural energy.

So he sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed.

Originally, he thought that it would take some time for him to enter the state.

But in fact, the so-called immovability is like a kind of muscle memory to the current zephyr.

When he realized this in his heart, his body naturally achieved the immobility effect.

It blends perfectly with the surrounding nature.

Natural energy that does not exist like air.

Now he is fully surrounded by Hefeng.

"The difference from toad oil is that I, the only one, absorbed a steady stream of natural energy through the gap opened by the toad oil."

"Now I, every pore on my body can absorb natural energy."

"As long as the amount of natural energy is accurately controlled, combined with the chakra, the fairy chakra is produced."

"My body won't turn into a stone statue."

The knowledge and experience in this area are all stored in Hefeng's brain.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)Soon, he absorbed enough natural energy to combine with the chakra between the pillars to produce the fairy chakra.

Accompanied by the gentle breeze once again refining Xianshu Chakra, his body naturally entered the fairy mode.

Around the corners of the eyes, orange eyeshadow appeared again.

Watching his every move deeply, his eyes slowly straightened.

Then came its nerves, and its chin began to sink involuntarily, as if it would fall to the ground at any time.

call out!

Suddenly, He Feng opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes became frog eyes again.

It is still the most perfect fairy mode!

Deeply made the whole toad, completely dumbfounded.

Don't bring this to play!

Toad oil alone is exaggerated and outrageous.


Hefeng really has mastered the fairy mode casually?

How is this possible!

However, Hefeng stood in front of Shensuo in this way.

"How did this fellow Hefeng do it?" Toad Wen on the side couldn't help but complain.

It always thought that he was already very genius.

Compared with Hefeng now, I don't even seem to be a fart.

"The sweat that I have been working hard for so many years...what is the point?"

Shen Zuo is speechless and asks the sky.

Why is there such a shocking genius in this world!

It only took less than five minutes, and it far surpassed my fifty years of hard work!

The most important thing is, how big is Hefeng this year?

Only seven years old!

If you give him some more time.

Where should he grow?

It's unimaginable!

At this moment, Shen Zuo only felt that his own cognition had completely collapsed.And Sun Zhan and others who came to Miaomu Mountain with Hefeng.

The mood at this time is very delicate.

They looked up and down the breeze, speechless for a while.

Why is the gap between people so big!

at the same time……

Right at the entrance of Miaomu Mountain.

A man wearing a mask suddenly stopped.

He raised his head and looked directly at the scenery in front of him, with his hands around his chest, and muttered to himself, "Finally here, Miaomu Mountain."

"It took me a lot of time to get here."

"But there is no doubt that this is the most suitable opportunity to get rid of the wind."

"no matter who."

"My patriarch, my best friend, my love, my child."

"None can stop my Moon Eye project."

Yes it is.

The man masked by this man is not someone else, just...

Uchiha Madara!

He wanted to wait until Zhujian passed away, and then attack Hefeng.

But his growth rate is too amazing, it is beyond Uchiha Madara's control.

Worried that he will become his own confidant.

Uchiha Madara decided to do it before he learns celestial arts.

"Although in order to hide my whereabouts, this time I used the technique of the transformation, only 30% of my body's power."

"But it should be enough to deal with a seven-year-old kid like Hefeng."

"Whether it's Konoha's ninja or Miaomushan's toad."

"Just leave one alone."

Uchiha Madara settled his attention in his heart, and then stepped forward into the depths of Mt. Miaogi.

Looking for a gentle breeze.

"Between the pillars, sorry."

"Your grandson, I can no longer let it go."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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