I Become Hokage At The Age Of Eight

Chapter 235 - I now give you a chance to challenge and wind! (1 more)

As soon as this remark came out, it caused an uproar in an instant.

The representatives of Konoha's various families all showed incredible expressions.

Master Feijian should not only promote the Japanese style as the supreme forbearance, but also the elite as supreme forbearance!

You know, the number of elite ninjas is very rare, and only one elite ninja can be born out of a hundred ninjas.

Their strength is often not lost to the captain of the dark team.

It is an important part of Ninja Village's combat power.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that becoming an elite of Shangren means entering the ruling class of the village.

They are not only the captains of the ninja army, but also the upper ninjas.

For example, the relationship between Kakashi and Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

Kakashi often uses "they are all my subordinates" to describe, rather than my disciples.

"Will it be too quick to let Young Master Hefeng directly take on the role of elite Shangnin..."

"Should it be better to accumulate some experience in the Shangren team first? How can I say it is a time of peace."

Questioning voices inevitably appeared among the family representatives.

Although they knew that Hefeng was the grandson of the pillars, it was too ridiculous to be an elite.

No matter how you look at it, this thing is very outrageous.


When some people question it, others agree.

In particular, the power of the family is weak, and it must be a start-up family based on the village.

They have neither the power to enter the political center nor the capital to survive independently.

For example, the Hyuga clan.

"I very much agree with the arrangement of Lord Shuima." The patriarch Hyuga immediately stated his position.

He was optimistic about the arrangement of the door.

Although in the official plot of Konoha Hidden Village, the Hyuga clan was once known as Konoha's strongest family.

But in this era...They can't get along with the strongest relationship.

The Thousand Hands Clan has two generations of Naruto in a row, a god of ninja and a god of ninjutsu.

The masters of the Warring States Period are all alive today and are very united.

The strongest family in Konoha is justified.

Its strong strength is self-evident.

Although the Uchiha clan had just been purged by a gentle breeze and killed more than a dozen clan masters, it had little effect on the overall situation.

And the pupil technique of writing round eyes is no weaker than white eyes.

In addition, they don't have something like a bird in a cage, and the overall strength of the family is still stronger than the Hyuga clan.

Sarutobi, not to mention the Shimura clan.

Today's Hyuga, really can't even make the top five.

"Don't talk about it now, but in the next few decades, Thousand Hands will return and Uchiha will annihilate the clan. Are they not the same as those who were crushed by Sarutobi with one hand..."

He Feng looked at the current patriarch Hyuga, and couldn't help feeling sorry for the fate of this family.

But there is no way that...

The characteristics of the Hyuga clan are too obvious.

Without the protection of the village, what is the difference between them and the moving fat when they walk on the street swaggeringly?

They need the village far more than the village needs them.

"I have also heard from our clan who said that Master Hefeng is very strong. Even if he takes red pepper pills, he still loses to Master Hefeng."

Patriarch Qiudao followed Patriarch Hyuga, and he had no dissatisfaction with Hefeng's direct promotion to the elite.

"Master Feijian, are you too impatient? Young Master Hefeng is only seven years old now? It is not a time of war. It is really necessary to promote his status and status in such a hurry?"

After Patriarch Uchiha was silent, he stood firm in his opposition.

No matter how to use cold treatment in the interim, as the leader of the family.

More than a dozen masters in the clan died at once.

They are also the geniuses who started the writing wheel.

How could he know nothing?

Even if they inherited Madara's will, they shouldn't have killed them all!(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)This incident has always made him dissatisfied.

Now that he heard that he wanted to promote the Japanese style to be the best forbearance for the elite, he suddenly thought of it.

As Chief Uchiha's voice fell, the venue was suddenly silent.

Everyone's expression has undergone subtle changes.

think carefully.


He Feng is only seven years old this year.

Is it really necessary to be so anxious?

It is not a time of war.

Nowadays, the five big Ninja villages have all signed a peace agreement, and only some small villages will occasionally fight.

As long as the shadows intervene, there will be no problem.

Is it really necessary to be so anxious to let the Japanese style become the elite of forbearance?

Observing the expressions of the people, he was not surprised at all about their reactions.

In fact, what I want now is this kind of response.

"What you guys are saying is very good, they are all very good."

Seeing everyone's silence in the interim, only then did they speak, clarifying what they meant, "He Feng is indeed seven years old this year. This is a fact."

"However, he does have the strength of the elite Shangren. This is also true."

"When have we forbeared the elite and set an age threshold?"


"From the very beginning, the yardstick for the elites is their contribution to the village and their strength."

"The contribution to the village is huge, but for some reason, it is impossible to disclose what he has done."

There was a slight pause between the door, and he slapped his hands on the table, looking at everyone.


Become depressed.Except for Uchiha's face becoming a bit ugly, the other clan chiefs are all confused.

Master Feijian, what are you talking about?

Why can't I understand?

Hefeng has made a great contribution to the village, but it is not convenient to say?

"Of course, there is no proof."

"In order to let you know that Hefeng does have the strength of elite Shangren."

"and so……"

"I intend to give Hefeng a chance."

"Each of you, choose a representative from your family."

"Challenge the peace, if the peace loses, let this matter go."

He paused for a while, and continued, "On the contrary, if Hefeng wins the final victory, then he will be promoted to the elite of the village."

"What do you think?"

This remark caused an uproar once again.

No one thought of it.

Qianshoujian could make such a bold decision!

He even asked each family to send a representative to challenge the peace!

As long as the wind loses, this incident will never happen!

Even He Feng himself did not expect that this kind of blood would be laid down in the door.


He Feng observes the family representatives sitting here.

The Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan, the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, the Nara clan, the mountain clan, the oil girl clan, and so on.

Every family has its secret technique and powerful strength.

It is simply a good thing for them to be their opponents.


"I am gentle and accepted."

He Feng agreed without waiting for the patriarchs of various families to respond.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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