I Become Hokage At The Age Of Eight

Chapter 280 - Death Between Pillars (1 more)

He Feng jumped from the wooden dragon to the ground.

Mulong's body could no longer be maintained, it fell apart, hit the ground, and turned into a ruin.

"Between the pillars..."

He Feng quickly turned around and looked in the direction between the pillars.

The six-pointed star in his pupil disappeared, replaced by a blood-red pupil and three black gou jade.

Sangouyu writes round eyes.

Although not as powerful as a kaleidoscope, you can still clearly see the flow of chakras in other people's bodies.

Looking intently, He Feng's face changed drastically.

Between the pillars today, Chakra is passing by at a terrifying speed.

If the chakra in the human body is beating in the form of flame.

The chakra between the pillars was slowly turning into a small flame from the raging fire.

It seems that there will be the possibility of extinguishing at any time.

A bad foreboding spontaneously arose in Hefeng's heart.

"Should I forcibly refine the fairy magic chakra, causing the terminal illness between the pillars to aggravate..."

He Feng thought to himself that this was difficult for him to accept.

Even less willing to accept the situation.

Obviously follow the development of Naruto.

The column can live for several more years.

Tsunade today is less than a year old, and he doesn't even remember Zhuma.

How can you just leave the world like this?

He breeze three steps and two steps, and came to the pillars.

But I saw that Fei Jian was just looking lonely, staring at the pillars.

At the same time, Sun Slash, Danzo and others, after feeling the loud noise of terror.

They couldn't bear to be curious.

Hurry up here.

As a result, the scene that greeted them was far beyond their expectations.

"Master Feijian, what happened?" Ri Zhan's eyes widened, and there were only very surprised eyes in his eyes.


On the contrary, it was between the pillars, still laughing heartily, and didn't regard his situation as a desperate situation.

He has no regrets in his life.

"Hefeng, you have finally become an excellent ninja."

He took a deep breath between the pillars and exhaled slowly to keep his brain awake."Grandpa Feijian." He Feng did not expect that Zhujian would say this suddenly, and quickly looked at Feijian, hoping that he could do something.

In any case, Jian Jian is the pioneer of science in Konoha Hidden Village.

The condition between the pillars has always been taken care of and prolonged.

But this time...

Even Qianshoujian was unable to change anything.

In order to fight the breeze between the pillars, too much chakra was overdrawn.

The essence of Chakra is actually the combination of the physical body and the spiritual energy.

Now the energy is consumed by the column.

Naturally, it is not far away.

"It's useless, gentle."

With a trembling voice, I tried my best to restrain my current emotions.

Rizhan, Danzo and the others also had a premonition.

I'm at a loss for words, I don't know what to say.

"Fangjian, Hefeng, you don't have to be too sad."

The column continued to explain.

"In my whole life, I was born in the troubled times of the Warring States Period, and along the way, I have not only a younger brother who I want to protect."

"I even met close friends who were congenial."

"We have conducted various competitions, and I win every time."

"Sit on the edge of the cliff and elaborate on their ideals."

Zhuma began to recall the past, thinking of everything that happened when he met Uchiha Madara.

Although the concepts of the last two people have already run counter to each other.

They chose their own paths.

Even Uchiha Madara died in his own hands.

But it is undeniable that the time with Uchiha Madara, that time.

It was his happiest moment.

He is not between the pillars.

The other party is not Madara either.

They are just teenagers with ideals.

Want to end the chaotic world with one hand.

Stop the war.

Let this world usher in peace.

"Although there have been various twists and turns in this, we finally abandon the previous suspicions."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)"Finally chose to shake hands and make peace."

"Let go of the prejudice and hatred between the families."

"Co-founded the village."

The pillar raised his head and looked directly at the breeze.

In his mind, he had long believed that the peaceful breeze has the appearance of fire shadow.

Even if it is not now, one day he will become the Hokage of Konoha Hidden Village.

What is a ninja, what is a village.

Feeling necessary between the pillars, he told Hefeng.

It's just that he doesn't have much time now.

He could feel that Chakra was passing bit by bit from his body.

His brain became groggy, not as bright as it used to be.

The limbs feel weak.

Even the surrounding temperature began to drop.

He felt very cold and very tired.

If possible, I really want to lie down between the columns and have a good sleep.

Take a good rest.


He still relied on his own strong will to give a final explanation to Hefeng.

He told about the encounter, acquaintance, love, and final killing with Uchiha Madara.

Except for the regret of Uchiha Madara.

Zhu Jian felt that his life was quite happy.

He fulfilled his childhood dream and established Shinobu Village with Madara.

All children can live in peaceful times.

Put your heart to each other and treat each other frankly.

No longer need to be like the Warring States Period.

"In any case, we must protect the village."

"Gentle style."

Although Feijian was standing beside the pillars, he did not entrust the village to Feijian.

On the contrary, he gave high hopes to Hefeng.

For the younger brother Feijian.

I feel that no one knows better than myself.

He is clever in mind, and the ninjutsu invented is even more fierce.Many are listed as prohibited techniques.


The strength of the door is not strong enough.

By the time I pass away, the peace agreement between the Five Ninja Villages will fragilely become an ordinary piece of white paper.

The flames of war are likely to reignite.

Can you protect the village?

It depends on the power of the Japanese style.

People who can force the Five Ninja Village to face peace again.

Only the breeze.

Rao Shi Jian's strength is completely insufficient.

Thinking of this, the pillars simply shed light on the future of Konoha Hidden Village.

Entrusted to Hefeng.

This incident made Hefeng unexpected.

According to the statement between the columns.


Wouldn't it be the Hokage in the village?

One, the eight-year-old Hokage?

"From today, I will appoint..."

I saw the pillars speak slowly, using his power as Hokage for the last time.

Rizhan, Danzo and others all even held their breath, raising their concentration by 120%.

Staring fiercely between the pillars.

Unexpectedly, he would announce Hokage's heir at this time.

Put your arms around your chest.

Staring between the pillars with a serious face.

Until now, no matter what the elder brother said, he would choose to respect.

Unconditionally support his decision.

Even let the eight-year-old Zephyr be the second generation Hokage of Konoha hidden village.

He can accept it now.


Halfway between the pillars, the voice stopped abruptly.

There was the last smile on his face.

Stopped breathing.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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