I! Become King Starting At Hogwarts!

131 Draco And Ronald In Grief: Are They Shameless? (Please Subscribe)

In the end, Snape said nothing more.

Ronald whispered that he might be tired.

After all, he deducted countless Gryffindor gems in one night, so maybe he thought it was enough.

Of course, Chen Fan guessed that this was not the reason.

He felt that the most important thing was that Snape believed that a dangerous werewolf should be taken more seriously than this!

Because after Snape took them back to the castle, he hurried back with the sleeping werewolf to cook the wolfsbane potion.

Before leaving, the Potions Master did not forget to warn them that if they dare to make any noise tonight, they will never be forgiven!

Of course, they prefer to replace the word "admonition" with "threat", which seems more appropriate.

Reason tells them that they should go back and rest now.

But anyone who has experienced this "wonderful" process at night will not be able to sleep.

So they simply went to the response room, where Ronald apologized.

And conducted deep reflection.

The fivesome's friendship quickly returns to normal.

Then, there was a quick discussion about Lupine's identity.

Harry was surprised and didn't think it was anything special that Lupine was a werewolf.

He was now numb to the weird things that would appear in the wizarding world from time to time.

Nothing seems impossible!

Magic means anything is possible!

Therefore, he said nonchalantly: "I bet that many people can do this..."

Then he received disdainful looks from the remaining four people in 520!

Harry Potter realized that he might have brought up another stupid... topic?

"Of course!" Draco said: "In addition to being born a werewolf, you can also become a half-werewolf after being bitten by a werewolf."

"The latter cannot control themselves and will turn into a real wolf when the moon is full, but they will lose their mind."

"do you understand me?"

Harry said the wrong thing. Potter swallowed silently and let out an ooh.

"So, Professor Lupin is a...

"Werewolf." Chen Fan added.

What happened next was pretty much what he expected. Hermione felt that Lupine was so pitiful. She should have known that they should have treated Professor Lupin better!

Ronald already knew it from Chen Fan when he screamed at the shed, but he cast a secrecy spell, so he is quite calm now.

And to be honest, he felt that Professor Lupine was of very high standard and was the most admirable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor besides Sirius.

Harry, who didn't know much about this, actually thought it was... cool?

Hope he is serious!

So in the end, everyone focused on Draco, who had never expressed his stance.

After Draco thought for a few seconds, his thinking completely changed from snake thinking to lion thinking.

"I think Professor Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts class is great!"

"I hope he will teach us again next semester!"

In one sentence, the little platinum noble expressed the possibility that he would not tell anyone.

There was a unanimous consensus.

So the end result was perfect and everyone was happy.

After everyone finished talking, they really relaxed.

I had been nervous and tense just now, but I didn’t feel tired.

But now that I relaxed all of a sudden, a feeling of fatigue suddenly came over me.

After saying goodbye to their friends, Chen Fan and Draco returned to Slytherin.

The three remaining lion cubs returned to Gryffindor.

As the dust fell to the ground and our hearts relaxed, everyone had a rare good sleep.

When we got up the next day, everyone found out.

The five-person group, whose relationship had become strained recently, reconciled for unknown reasons.

Of course, friendship in student days is what it is.

Sometimes there will be sudden quarrels, and then they will continue to make up.

So no one else thought anything was wrong.

But it would have been better if they hadn't received two pieces of news in the morning - one good news and one bad news.

The bad news is that they will be imprisoned, but the good news is that the professor who will be imprisoned is changed from Snape to Professor Lupin for some unknown reason!

Of course, Chen Fan actually felt that this was definitely bad news for Draco and Ronald.

Early in the morning, in the auditorium.

While having breakfast, an owl flew in.

Two of the most obvious owls flew in.

One is crooked and the other is arrogant.

Obviously, the former is for Ronald and the latter is for Draco.

To be honest, Ronald didn't quite understand why Mrs. Weasley still used the old owl to send (cfdi) messages when the Weasley twins had obviously bought a new owl for the family.

Perhaps because of the size of Weasley's family, the other good one sent letters to his other brothers in other places?

All this is unknown.

Mainly because Ronald soon ran out of time to think about it.

When he saw the red envelope under the owl's talons, he jumped out and ran away!

On Draco Malfoy's side, things weren't much better.

In the morning, when he was sitting at the dining table in high spirits, eating delicious food and chatting with Chen Fan.

The red envelope falling from the sky immediately made him want to cry.

Draco Malfoy almost jumped up from his stool, not caring that this action was not gorgeous.

He just took the letter and ran out like crazy!

Merlin, you are a piece of shit!

Is the howler letter serious?

Draco scolded Merlin without any scruples in his mind, and ran out regardless of his image.

He happened to bump into Ronald who had also received the yelling letter sadly.

If Chen Fan were here, he would definitely recite a poem at this time: "We are both fallen people at the end of the world, why should we have known each other before when we meet!"

Of course, none of this matters.

Howler letters can have serious consequences if they are not opened in time.

So no matter how reluctant they were, Ronald and Draco still shouted the letter with trembling hands and sad hearts outside the auditorium.

Fortunately, they have already run outside the auditorium, so it shouldn't be so embarrassing... right?

Of course, the above is limited to the speculations of the two people.

In fact, when they opened the roar letter, the roar inside was enough for everyone inside and outside the auditorium to hear clearly!

First came Mrs. Weasley's roar: "Ronald. Weasley! I'm so disappointed!"

"How dare you go on a night trip in the middle of the night? Your dick is almost gone!"

At the same time, Mrs. Weasley's roar was also mixed with Malfoy's angry accusation!

"Draco Malfoy, you actually behaved in such an un-Malfoy way, it's really hard for me and your mother to believe!"

"Don't forget, you are the heir of Malfoy! What you did..."

Mrs. Weasley's voice began to end. Of course, I don't know what method she used to make her voice louder and louder!

"Anyway! If you dare to make mistakes again, ask the professor to send a letter of complaint to your home, and I will make it look good on you!"

Compared to Mrs. Weasley's roar, Malfoy obviously seemed much more reserved.

But Draco's expression was much uglier.

After the rant letter ends.

Draco almost collapsed because he was punished by having to copy the Malfoy family rules a hundred times!

And he is not allowed to find helpers. His father is very familiar with his own handwriting!

Ronald was quite sad at first. After all, after being yelled at for a while, it was difficult to tell whether his face problem was still there or not.

But it seemed like Draco was so sad, and he felt that it wasn't that bad after all.

Anyway, Mrs. Weasley taught her a lesson and it was over, and there would be no further punishment.

Of course, the Weasley family itself has no family training.

If so, maybe it's Arthur Weasley's Happy Education?.

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