I become light in American comics

Chapter 150 I’ll do it myself

Salaka rolled her eyes at Belial and said nothing.

But his attitude was clearly like "I don't know these idiots".

The devil's eyes quickly fell on the red and silver armor. It was completely in line with Belial's previous description, and Salaka indeed felt unusual light fluctuations from this body.

It's the energy fluctuations that they, the residents of the darkness, are naturally disgusted with. Just appearing in the same space makes them involuntarily have the urge to tear each other into pieces.

Disgusting light.

Although Salaka didn't think highly of Belial, he was still a descendant of the Third Palace just like him. Belial would be single-killed by this opponent over and over again. Excluding the suspicion that he had long been dissatisfied with his father and deliberately killed him, the opponent would probably be strong.

Anyway, don't be careless.

Salaka took the lead. It roared loudly, waved its claws, and released a ball of domineering bloody magic power, roaring towards Shen You like a ball of energy churning with blood mist.

Shen You did not dodge and raised his left palm. The Ultra barrier turned into a wall and lay in front of him. Bloody waves washed away from the barrier. The impact wave rolled up all the tables, chairs and ornaments in the church like a piece of stone, and crushed them into pieces in mid-air.

But the magic power, the debris in the sky, and the hurricane were all blocked by the barrier at the other end and could not be shaken at all.

Barry tried to run away, but Shen You waved his hand and interrupted: "It's okay, I'll handle it."

As he spoke, his feet moved, and lightning burst out. The afterimage behind the mobile armor was entangled with lightning and disappeared out of thin air, as if it had broken through the shackles of time and space at the moment of acceleration.

Salaka's pupils shrank, and when her eyes caught the blurry image again, the other person had already touched her face.

So fast

In an almost instinctive defensive reaction, the blood-colored magic power was released from the demon, wrapping its body like a buffer shield.

However it was completely useless.

That layer of protective energy was like rubbish in front of the opponent. The fist shadow glowing with blue electric arc did not stagnate at all, just like the unscrupulous electromagnetic cannon blasting through the devil's defense line after it was released. The deafening roar was like thunder piercing the sky. The magic barrier fell apart like a layer of fragile ice, and the fragments were like crystal splashes reflecting light all over the sky.

Salaka suddenly drank a mouthful of old blood, and his body flew into the air uncontrollably. It felt that the air around it was twisting under this pressure, and its body was lifted into the air at super speed as if it was propelled by a rocket. The church's old wooden ceiling structure shattered on its spine, sending lime dust flying everywhere.

The thick smoke was penetrated by the afterimage, and the demon flew out as if it merged into the sky. The image of the city under the night sky quickly receded in its field of vision.

My heart felt a bit chilly, and I felt the wind was strong for no reason.

It instinctively looked down.

Oh, it turned out that my chest was pierced.

That monster-like punch directly hit it with joy. Just as he said it, he felt something was wrong. No wonder.

It had always felt that Belial was making excuses for his repeated failures. An ordinary human dimension, even if it occasionally encounters someone who can manage it a little bit, how strong can it be?

You can't just walk around with super powers and BUFFs like Thunder Shazam, right?

But now it has changed its mind.

Belial even shamelessly said that when they first met, he fought with the creature of light for three hundred rounds. In the end, he miscalculated a skill and was not careful, and was unfortunately defeated by the opponent.

MD is really sorry that guy has the nerve to brag about it. With this kind of comparison, if a clone like Belial can take three of his moves, it’s already considered a success, right?

After all, even Salaka can't take three moves.

Ultra shot!

Released through the hands of the armor, blue light shot out from Shen You's hands. The demon in mid-air was immediately swallowed up by the light, and was instantly crushed into ashes.

Belial couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw this scene.

This speed, this explosion... I always feel that it is countless times worse than when I first encountered it.

Although it knew that Salaka was definitely no match, it didn't expect to be defeated so quickly.

You creatures of light can break through and upgrade as you please, right?

Belial was still looking up at the hole in the ceiling, not wanting a burst of lightning to explode next to him. When he turned around, he saw that Shen You had flashed in front of him.

"Brother, it's amazing. With your skills and uppercut just now, that idiot Salaka must be going crazy now."

Belial smiled, his teammate apparently dead but he looked happier than the one on the opposite side.

Shen You looked at the demon strangely.

Involuntarily, my mind began to think about a somewhat puzzling question.

Was this demon like this when he first encountered it, or was there something wrong with his brain after it had died so many times?

Belial, who was smiling heartily, noticed that all the eyes of the audience were focused on him, and his smile froze.

Oh, right, I almost forgot.

It seems like it's your turn next?

Shen You slowly raised his palm cannon.


Belial raised his paw and smiled.

"Hey, we're so familiar with each other, why are you so out of sight? I won't bother you to do it yourself."

As he spoke, he raised his right paw, and a dark and domineering wave of magic energy surged in his palm.

"I can just do this little thing myself."


The magic power in his palm exploded, and the overbearing impact blew the demon's head to pieces on the spot. The headless demon fell to his knees, and the remaining remains quickly turned into ashes.

Barry, the trainee Flash who saw this scene for the first time, was dumbfounded.

Are all demons today so strong? Be cruel to your teammates, but even more cruel to yourself?

But in terms of shock, no one present could compare to the bishop who witnessed the whole process.

The bishop, who was once devout and believed in the Supreme Lord's judgment, first witnessed the summoned daughter of God holding a spoon and chatting and laughing with the opposite party. After the incident, two sons of gods came out, but one of them lost the speed of light, and the other It seems that my brain is not working very well. Not only did my teammates not help when they were beaten, but they also had a bad mouth. In the end, they just shot themselves in the head.

So what kind of gods do you believe in?

The God of Harmony?

There was a faint sound of something breaking in the quiet air of the church.

It was the sound of a once firm belief shattered into powder.

Then he went crazy.

"Hahahahahaha, it's fake, it's all fake!" The bishop began to laugh maniacally, "What gods, what divine punishment, the salvation of the world... everything is fake, it's all fake! Hahahaha!"

The laughter stopped abruptly.

It was Batman's hand that struck him in the neck.

Batman hated hearing people laugh like that.

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