"All things green?"

Indeed, most events involving plants in DC cannot avoid the greenness of all things. This thing is so powerful that it is connected to all plants in the universe and is a conceptual abstract existence.

But since we are in Gotham, the plant department’s first priority is naturally Poison Ivy. She is also one of the exponents of the greenness of all things.

"Pal, try to locate Pamela Eisley." Shen You said.


But it’s hard to say whether it can be locked. Apart from other things, Gotham's villains are better at playing hide-and-seek, and Batman must be digging deep to find Poison Ivy at this moment. If he is really related to her, it shouldn't be that easy to find.

"All these plants, they are stimulated by some kind of energy from the 'green of all things'." The old wizard said, "I can try to draw that power out of it.

I thought your device could record magical fluctuations? If you follow the direction of this high concentration of fluctuations and find where this 'green of all things' energy gathers, you should be able to identify the culprit of the incident. "

The old wizard said, made a seal, and held out his right palm to the side.

"come over."

As if an irresistible order was given, a vine flew out of the darkness and fell into his palm.

The plant caught on the vine was crying without tears.

It's not like it has any power to say no.

“Honestly, I’m kind of starting to get used to it.”

Kara leaned back in the chair with her legs crossed, drinking coffee from a cup in her hand. A vine next to her respectfully helped her carry the tray. There were two vines at the back with their tips rolled up, like little fists on her shoulders. massage.

"They're quite cute once you get used to them."

Then he found that everyone in the store was staring at him with unkind expressions.

Kara quickly put down her long legs that were on the table, with a cute look on her face: "Hey, what did I just say? I mean, no matter who the culprit is, they are so disgusting! They must be severely punished!"

The two looked away.

The old wizard cast a spell, and a mass of dark green magic was immediately squeezed out of the vines, lingering in his palm like a billowing gas. The drained vines immediately withered from their strong state, slipped away from the old wizard's palm in humiliation, and shrank back into the shadows.

But after leaving the plant body, the energy lost its hold and quickly dissipated like smoke.

"Pal, did you remember it?"

"Perfect record, sir."

"Good, activate the armor. We found the breadcrumbs, now it's time to go down the rabbit hole."

The mobile armor soared into the sky, and within a moment the waves of greenness guided Shen You to the Roxon Energy construction site.

At this time, the construction site was in a mess. It was a desolate scene, with wildly growing plants covering almost all the construction site equipment. The excavator was the primary target. The entire large machine was entangled by roots, the rusty iron sheet was penetrated by branches and vines, and most of the hydraulic pipes were chewed off. The debris that fell to the ground piled up like a mountain.

Next is a concrete mixer. The heavy mechanical arm was entangled in plants, and the twisted metal shone dimly in the sunlight. The cement mixer truck nearby was covered with thick moss and weeds, and its tires were stuck by tree roots and could not move.

In this chaotic scene, Shen You immediately saw the old man huddled and shivering in the corner.

He was also the only human being in the room.

Shen You landed and came to the old man.

"Are you from Roxon Energy?"

The old man raised his head tremblingly, maybe because he was frightened or something, but he didn't look very smart.

"What energy?"

"Roxon Energy."

"Roxon what?"

"Roxon Energy."


The old man made a surprised expression, as if he finally understood.

But half a second later, he frowned and asked: "What kind of energy is there?"


Giving up asking the old man, Shen You activated the scan and began to inspect the scene. As he expected, a large amount of "green of all things" waves were brewing underground at the construction site, like a huge plant reactor. With this place as the center, a large number of veins extend in all directions, and energy is transported to all directions of the city along all the veins, just like transfusion vessels with endless blood.

Just as he was waiting for further inspection, the old man suddenly jumped up and hugged him.

"It's the Swamp God!"

"What god?" Shen You wondered.

"The God of the Swamp is an ancient legend in our area!" The uncle seemed to suddenly regain his sanity and shouted emotionally, "A long time ago, gods were born in the swamps to protect the green spaces and jungles!

Back then, Gotham's chief criminal tried to bury the body that exposed his evil deeds in the swamp, but God's sanction was triggered. Those who go into this jungle never come out.”

"Urban legend?" Shen You understood.

"It's not a legend, it's true!" the old man shouted excitedly, "We all know that the God of the Swamp is real. It guards the forest and never leaves!

But now it is enraged because stupid humans are trying to invade its territory.

I've warned them, warned everyone, but no one wants to listen. God's wrath will punish this city and no one can stop it."

In just a few words, Shen You roughly understood what was going on.

To put it simply, there was a group of little masterminds who insisted on putting the construction on hold. The local residents said that this would disturb the land god and they didn't believe it. As a result, things got serious and the land god was angry and the city sent it.

Hiss~ Why does this expansion seem like I’ve seen it somewhere before?

Of course, this is not the studio after all, and it is unlikely to be some kind of monster buried underground. But DC's Shen You really immediately thought of a character that fit this description.

An enemy attack alert popped up in the interface.

It was a vine, coming from the deep dark jungle. It first clung to the grass silently and approached. When it got close to a certain distance, it suddenly accelerated and shot towards where the two of them were.

An astonishing speed that should not appear on a plant at all, with air waves bursting through the air.

Shen You frowned slightly, and light blue lightning suddenly radiated from the armor. The vines pierced through his afterimage arrogantly, and with a clang, it penetrated the cement mixer truck behind him like a spear.

It is enough to penetrate steel vines, and it is as easy as breaking through a layer of window paper. After missing a hit, it immediately withdrew and disappeared into the darkness.

A string of afterimages followed behind Shen You, leading the old man to the side. The lightning-fast speed made the uncle frightened, and his mouth trembled vaguely.

Shen You turned around, and the vines had turned around and attacked from the darkness again.

It's just that this time it's no longer such a solitary one, but a dense collection of shots!

"Is it really that guy?"

Swamp God, this title is easily reminiscent of that specific superhero in the DC worldview. A member of the Justice League Dark, Constantine's good brother, and the embodiment of the green of all things.

Swamp Thing.

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