I become light in American comics

Chapter 193 People are gone?

Deep in the universe.

It looked like a giant planet made of metal, as if it were dead. The dark surface is covered with charred pits and jagged hills, and the planet and its inhabitants are immersed in extreme darkness. Flames burst out from the pit, and the scorching heat was disorienting.

There are records about this place in countless civilizations, and it has been given many names. The kingdom of God, the dimension of hell, the embodiment of death and despair, the domain dominated by the most terrifying being in the entire universe.

As for the protoss living on this planet, they prefer to call their home planet, Apokolips.

Desaad is one of this group of gods known as the "New Gods".

It’s also interesting to talk about this product. He is the right-hand man of the famous Dark Lord Darkseid and the most important strategist of Apokolips. He was loyal to Darkseid, but he was born rebellious and had a mouth that was not very good at talking.

Youdao is to accompany a king like a tiger. Being Darkseid's military advisor is obviously a high-risk job. So every once in a while, Desaad would be crushed by Uncle Da's omega rays because of his mean talk. After that, he would turn around and not long after Uncle Da's anger subsided, he would feel that it was really impossible to live without him, and then he would give it to him again. He is resurrected.

Omega rays are Uncle Da's trump card. They are very powerful at a very high level. They are said to be the destructive opposite of the "origin" of the power of creation in the universe. Anything hit will be directly erased.

However, in Uncle Tatsu's hands, this thing is a bit like the Amaterasu in the Hokage Studio next door. It is said to be able to obliterate everything, but in actual operation, it seems that there are only a handful of successful kills. Even Superman, Batman, and The Flash can resist or avoid it. Omega's performance feels like Amaterasu, who is known as the strongest physical ninjutsu, has the best record of burning a snake skin.

If we were to count the number of people killed by Omega rays in history, Desaad might have accounted for nine out of ten.

There was a huge roar, and a white vortex opened as the space trembled. Several machine hunters slowly walked out of the whirlpool.

The vortex swirled and closed behind them.

"You are late." Desard turned around and said coldly, "That gentleman doesn't like delays."

"The Green Lantern Corps may have noticed us." The team leader of the Machine Hunters said stiffly.

"Green Lantern Corps."

Disad didn't hide the disdain on his face and smiled lightly.

"That gentleman has never taken these green clowns seriously."

Several machine hunters looked at each other and remained silent.

In most places in the galaxy, if anyone dares to disrespect Green Lantern like this, that guy is definitely bragging. But only in this place, no one can question anything.

Because everyone in the universe who has heard of the term "Apocalypse" knows that for that adult, this is really not a big deal or a boast.

This is why Apokolips violates almost all interstellar laws and regulations established by the Green Lantern Corps, but few Green Lanterns dare to intervene here.

"The Lantern has never been the focus of that adult's attention. And I think we should have already communicated about our current mission." Disad said.

"Of course." The leader of the Robot Hunter team nodded, "Sector 2814, planet code name 'Earth', the last son of Krypton, our 'Grandmaster' is the only target."

"But remember," DeSaad emphasized, "Kryptonians still belong to that adult in the end. Even after they are captured."

"We understand." The machine hunter said, "What the 'Grandmaster' needs is revenge. As long as he can complete his revenge on the Son of Krypton, any conditions are acceptable."

Desaad smiled grimly and asked, "So, is the arrangement going smoothly on the Earth side?"

"Of course, Robot Hunter never makes mistakes." said the leader of the Robot Hunter team, "One of our survey teams is expected to return from Earth today.

They will bring back recent status reports, as well as new data collected from observations of Kryptonians. "

"Very good." Desard chuckled, "This is why I like to work with machines. Precision and efficiency."

After the negotiation between the two parties was completed, there was a harmonious and evil atmosphere. Suddenly, a machine hunter behind the team leader stepped forward and called him.

"What's up?"

A group of machine hunters turned around and whispered to each other for a moment.

Following the squad leader, he turned around and said to Disad: "Wait, something went wrong."


"The Earth team that was originally scheduled to return today is gone." The robot hunter said without emotion.

The smile on Disad's face disappeared instantly.

No, I just asked you to report the situation, and you are gone?

Do I really look that stupid or am I too talkative?

The universe, elsewhere.

Two vortexes opened out of thin air, one glowing with lightning and golden light, and the other green.

Shen You and Hal both flew out of the whirlpool.

Shen You directly transformed into a life-size form this time. Hal turned his head and looked at him with a surprised expression.

"Why can't you fly so far?"

"Interstellar jumping is not your Green Lantern's technical patent." Shen You smiled.

As interstellar vigilantes, Ultraman and Green Lantern do have many similarities. Ultraman usually moves at a certain speed limit in the atmosphere. When Green Lantern is in the planet's atmosphere, the lantern ring program will also lock their speed limit.

When traveling between different sectors and galaxies, both also rely on wormholes to jump. After all, if you rely entirely on flying, even if you just fly to the next sector, you will have to fly for a lifetime at the speed of light.

Not long ago, they cracked the program of the machine hunter spacecraft and tracked it back to this place based on the navigation system.

A mechanical planet looks like an oversized factory as big as the entire planet.

Huge boilers and magma pools shine with metallic luster, and the hot red color fills the space. Boilers of different sizes, some hundreds of meters tall, burn high-temperature lava that is off-limits to almost any living thing. A huge guardrail surrounded the magma pool, and flames erupted from time to time. The hot air waves seemed to melt metal even from a distance.

"The light ring shows that this planet is called 'Bio'. It is a restricted area and highly confidential." Hal flew towards the direction of the planet and hummed, "I want to see what secrets the guardians hide."

After landing on the surface, Shen You quickly activated the scan.

"No signs of life, but a large number of machine hunter recognition reactions were detected." Parr reported through the bracelet.

Shen You briefly glanced at the enemies appearing nearby: "Oh, there are quite a lot of them. Let's keep a low profile."

Shen You said and looked at Hal next to him: "There is no need to get entangled with the miscellaneous fish. We can keep a low profile."

He shut up suddenly, and then realized that there was no one around him.

Where are people?

Turning his head, he saw that not far away, Hal was already like a firefly in the dark night, dragging the green light and rushing toward a nearby machine hunter in a "shoot at me" posture.

"Come on, you tough guys, let's see who has the tougher light ring between you and me!?"

Shen You: "."

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