Although the guy being questioned didn't know the details, the information he provided was enough for Shen You to understand.

The International Gang - or maybe the Apokolips people who are behind the International Gang, why are they searching super prisons all over the world, and who is the alien they are looking for?

The LOGO received by these boys who performed the mission is the answer.

A round badge with a green background and a red "X".

It was an identity badge once used by Martian Manhunter, one of the founders of the Justice League, known as "Uncle Jon."

So these people are looking for Uncle Jon?

It's not impossible. According to the setting, Uncle Jon should have come to the earth long before Superman debuted. He was a survivor after the destruction of the Martian civilization. According to many versions of the setting, he was immediately controlled by the military and imprisoned after he came to the earth. At some military facility.

If it was known that Uncle James was in the hands of humans, it would be possible that Qixing would be interested in Uncle James that day. In the early days when screenwriters had not read books yet and Martians were not overpopulated, Uncle Jon was still the last Martian in the setting. The talents of Martians are no worse than those of Kryptonians. Invulnerability, super strength and super speed are the basics. Uncle Jon also includes but is not limited to telepathy, heat vision, phase change through walls, arbitrary huge shrinkage of the body, and the ability to transform into any appearance. ability to wait

If you want to compare who among the elders has the widest and richest abilities, then Martian Manhunter is definitely a strong contender. And he has long served as the chairman of the Justice League.

Uncle Jon landed in a box and was immediately captured by humans. The first impression was already quite bad. If the enemy really gets there first, especially if Apokolips is the best at blackmailing and brainwashing people, then the founding chairman of Zhenglian may actually be incited to rebel against him.

But when it comes to finding things on Earth, it's much easier for Shen You than a bunch of metropolitan criminals.

After returning to the laboratory, Shen You directly asked Pal to access the database of Sky Eye - matters involving the detention and processing of aliens, even if they were not the fault of the Sky Eye Society, most likely have records in their database.

Then enter the keyword, Mars.

Sure enough, in the deep area hidden in the Sky Eye headquarters, he found a top-secret project, codenamed "Mars Creatures".

"Locate the location."

"Already doing it, sir."

Parr was extremely efficient and quickly marked a building on the map.

"Bellerive Prison, Louisiana, sir."

bellerive prison

It is naturally impossible for Shen You not to remember this place.

The imperial prison of the Sky Eye Society, one of the most heavily guarded super bases in the world. More importantly, this is the resource library for Waller's famous "Suicide Squad" program.

The most vicious and hopeless super criminals gathered them together and forced them to do some shameful dirty work.

It is indeed possible that Uncle Jon is an alien and is imprisoned in a prison under Tianyan. And Bellerive's security level is indeed high enough, especially since it has taken a lot of countermeasures against superpowers. There are radars for supermen, sensors for speedsters, and all construction facilities are made of anti-see-through materials, as well as force field shielding and reverse phase change barriers.

All in all almost flawless.

But it doesn’t matter.

Shen You walked in through the main entrance in a swaggering manner.

After all, he is Mike Williams, a senior agent of the Sky Eye Society, and his authority is high enough.

Although this series of countermeasures may seem outrageous, the only purpose of building prisons in American comics is to explode one day.

The most famous ones are Marvel's Four Prisons next door and DC's Arkham, which are so hyped that the actual concept is still that "it's no wonder that friends come from far away." Visitors come from all over the world, and everyone is welcomed as if they are at home.

Anyway, when they saw the big riot in a certain prison in the comics, what most readers thought in their minds was not, wow, people could come in and out of such an awesome prison, but wow, this piece of shit was actually being entered and exited again. .

There were no barriers to entry, and he was even saluted by jailers along the way.

The people above ground were all second- and third-tier super criminals, and few of them were worthy of Shen You's reputation. Familiar faces began to appear on the lower level. There were not many heavyweight characters, but at least there were a few who were famous.

For example, the Deadshot who was taken down by him and the Flash in Midtown was imprisoned here.

When I came down, I happened to hear the prisoners in several cells nearby pointing sarcastically at Deadshot.

"The famous Death Shooter, you will never imagine how he ended up here. Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard."

"I heard that this guy slipped from Gotham to Midtown and was caught by Batman when he came ashore. He asked people how they found the clues. Guess what?

Batman said that he forgot to delete the crime plan after he finished the work. The crime plan, escape route and even the vehicle itinerary were clearly written down. Batman followed his notes like he was automatically finding his way in a game and squatted on him at the dock. He laughed so hard."

A group of big men fell forward and backward with laughter. Only Laodun was lying on the bed in the cell with a livid expression and a black line on his face. It seems that he still hasn’t figured out how he could have made such a stupid mistake.

Of course Shen You knew. Because that's simply not true, Lawton's memory was tampered with. In fact, he was captured by The Flash, but because he knew the true identity of The Flash, the latter used a pot to bribe "the greatest wizard in the world" to brainwash him.

So this became the version of the story where Lawton was brought in. I guess the most powerful shooter in the world will never be able to get rid of this stain in his life.

Not two steps further, there is the even more famous Harley Quinn.

Originally a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, he has a PhD in psychology. Batman briefly captured the Joker a month ago, and she was in charge of treating him at Arkham. Within a few days of treatment, the doctor went crazy. So she became a NC fan of the Joker, and released the Joker who had only been hospitalized for a week, and went out with him to go crazy together.

That's it, now the clown is on the run and she's been caught. After only a few days in Arkham, Waller secretly operated and transferred him to Bellerive.

"Hey, handsome~"

Harley's pretty face was lying on the prison railing, giving Shen You a sweet girl-next-door smile.

"Do you want to play together?"

Shen You ignored him and walked straight past.

"So cold~ Then do you want to know where these scars of mine come from?"

"Not interested? It's really boring. What about this one?"

"Telling you secretly, I actually have a scar between my legs. Do you want to know where it came from?"


Shen You disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Harley's laughter stopped and she pouted.

"Really boring."

Captain Boomerang in the next cell looked over: "Can I take a look at the scar you just mentioned?"

"You're too ugly and boring."

Captain Boomerang: "."

Shen You walked by without saying a word. Although he didn't speak, he saw everything here.

Deadshot, Harley Quinn, and Captain Boomerang. An inexplicably familiar configuration.

They are all recent transfers from super prisons in various cities.

This has given him new information.

Because these are some of the most famous members of the Suicide Squad.

This posture looks like the Suicide Squad plan is about to be launched?

If that's true, it means Waller has something important to do. It can be dangerous, difficult, and shady.

Not a good sign anyway.

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