I become light in American comics

Chapter 232 Still reasonable

"The prison has been attacked! The frontal defense line has been breached, and Alpha Team has exchanged fire with the enemy."

A blond girl in the Bell Reve control room said in a hurried tone with a pale face.

"But the enemy is equipped with unknown weapons and suits, and it is difficult for our equipment to fight against it."

"Where's the defense agreement?" the warden asked.

"It's already taking effect. It should be able to last until the headquarters is reinforced. Wait a minute," the girl's eyes widened with disbelief on her face, "No, no, no, this is impossible."

"What happened? Report!" the warden shouted.

"The defense protocol was compromised. Our system was invaded by some kind of virus we have never seen before, and the system was paralyzed!"

The moment the voice fell, all the lights went out. It was like an invisible electromagnetic pulse swept through, and all electronic equipment went silent. The screen in the central control room went black for a second, then turned back on soon.

On the pitch-black background, which looked like an abyss, the mark of Omega appeared like it was carved with blood.

A strange, low, unsettling sound rang out from all the speakers.

"For Darkseid."

The warden was confused: "Dark side? What does this mean?"

"Warden, the side door of the prison has also been breached! Oh my God, the prison system. The criminals. The criminals have all been released!" The girl's face was pale and she was breathing rapidly. The airport was heaving violently, "They are coming in, they are all coming in!"

Oh my god, if so many people come in at once, how can this happen? "

"Calm down, send teams to suppress, focus on suppression and delay with firepower." The warden gritted his teeth, "Delay as much as possible, no matter what, we must wait until backup arrives.

No matter which criminal in this prison gets out, it will be a disaster. "

"Target found!"

The first team of invaders to rush into the second underground floor quickly locked the location of Martian Manhunter.

"It's the Martian. But the situation has changed and he has been released!"

"Wait, there's something else going on. The one next to him is..."

Some soldiers took a closer look at the red and silver armor, the iconic blue crystal and red and silver patterns, and couldn't help but shrink their pupils and look frightened.

The figure flashed, as if a bolt of lightning penetrated through the passage. But when he came to his senses, Shen You, who had put on his mobile armor, had already flashed back to Martian Manhunter, and the team in front of him had fallen to the ground.

Martian Manhunter blinked and glanced at him.

"You're fast." He said sincerely, paused, and then added, "Faster than me."

"Although it's true, you don't have to say it so weirdly."

At this time, the second group of invaders who had been notified nearby had also quickly moved closer. One of the soldiers raised his hand after turning a corner and threw a strange long grenade. It rolled to the feet of the two of them and detonated with a snap.

Space collapse grenades are the same equipment used by intruders when they break through the prison door. It can cause space to collapse in a small area, and its properties allow it to swallow and destroy almost any material.

Apokolips Technology. The effect after the explosion looks like the black hole grenade in the Thor 2 movie.

The grenade detonated, and a hot and strange energy erupted from the unknown reaction of the internal core components. The outer iron shell is burned through, gravitational force is generated, and the burned-through metal remains of the grenade itself are the first to be swallowed inward.

As the nature of the energy continues to change with that strange physical reaction in space, the energy level continues to rise, and the gravity increases. At first, it is a singularity in the core that is so small that it is almost invisible to the naked eye, and then begins to expand, like a transparent egg. Attract everything you come into contact with

In a slow space, everything is still. Shen You squatted next to the grenade, watching in slow motion as the thing was peeled off bit by bit like an egg shell. He quickly took notes while observing its physical reaction during the explosion.

After all, he hasn’t had much contact with Tianqi Technology, so this is a good opportunity to observe it up close.

But black hole grenades are not new in many civilization systems. Although the operation is different, the performance may be more powerful, but overall it is still very different. Shen You quickly understood the principle and analyzed its operation.

At this time, the remains of the grenade shell have just been sucked in, and the collapse in slow motion has not yet completely taken shape.

By now he had figured out at least fifteen ways to disarm it—without causing further damage to the prison.

In fact, you only need to adjust the light to the spatial frequency that suppresses collapse, and then pour it in. He had done something similar to the Speed ​​Force black hole before, and the collapse of the grenade in front of him was smaller and more controllable, and it was much simpler than that time.

After thinking for a while, he poured light into the steel boots on his right leg.

Then stepped on it.


The collapse field that had not had time to take shape shrank instantly and was crushed by his foot.

To ordinary people who don't have a bullet time perspective around them, that's just a split second.

The intruders from the International Gang were stunned for a moment, forgetting to even shoot. It was as if they were shocked by this shocking scene, and even forgot what they were here for.

Ever since they obtained the collapse grenade from aliens, they have regarded it as the ultimate solution to all problems. After seeing its power, everyone firmly believes that there is no problem that a collapse grenade cannot solve. If there is okay there is no if.

Although they have never tried it, they have a wonderful confidence that even if Superman comes and fires a thunder, they can stop it.

What did they see now?

This being known as Ultraman, stepped on an already detonated grenade with a casual kick, and the collapse that was visible to the naked eye was forced back by him.

Are You F*cking kidding Me?

That's a collapse grenade, a piece of extraterrestrial technology that kills everything instantly, not a special cigarette butt that can't be extinguished!

After a moment of sluggishness, everyone looked at each other.

A consensus was quickly reached through each other's eyes.

No order was needed, everyone abandoned their guns in unison and fell to their knees with a tacit understanding.

Give up struggling where you are.

Shen You nodded slightly.

Sure enough, most people are still very reasonable.


King Shark kicked open the iron door where all security measures had failed after the system was paralyzed, and rushed out excitedly.

At this time, a group of demons were dancing in the corridor outside. The most dangerous criminals are out.

It has almost forgotten the sweet smell of freedom that it has not seen for a long time. It couldn't wait to leave this hellish place and return to the water. Before that, it had to bite a few more throats to vent its anger at being locked up here.

In fact, I still want to seek revenge on the little green man who imprisoned it. It used to have a very nourishing life in the sea. It had nothing to do but swim and bask in the sun. When it was hungry, it would go to the beach to eat and beat the teeth of tourists. Then one day, an evil little green man wearing a ring suddenly flew down. He conjured up a pair of long guns and short cannons and blasted him dizzy. When he woke up, he was in a cage.

Now no one can ask it to go back to the cage, not even the little green man comes again!

It longs for freedom, for free.

The big man rushed out of the cage happily and came to the corridor where the demons were dancing. He turned around and saw such a scene.

A strange grenade exploded into a rapidly expanding collapsing space. Even the bloodline of its old god seemed to instinctively sense the terrifying energy, giving it an urge to escape in its heart.

At the same moment, I saw the red and silver strange man in iron armor next to him.

Just step on it casually.

Snap, the collapse disappeared.

The energy that made it feel threatening disappeared in an instant.

The danger instinct dissipated, but King Shark froze in place, and his heartbeat accelerated even more.

A moment later, when the intruders from the International Gang knelt down one after another, the mobile armor slowly looked around and looked at the criminals who were frozen in place in the entire corridor.

"Now, does anyone want to go out?"

All the criminals looked at each other.

After a while, everyone turned around and returned to their respective cages, not knowing who was taking the lead.

King Shark tilted his head, thought about it with his not-so-smart head, turned around and went back, closing the door behind him.

It thought about it and realized that prison was actually pretty good.

Everyone here is talented and speaks nicely. He likes it so much that he doesn’t want to go out at all.

Absolutely not.

When Shen You passed by, he glanced into its cell.

King Shark hugged his knees and huddled in the corner, a flattering smile forced out of his huge shark mouth.

Like saying.

What evil intentions could a little shark have?

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