I become light in American comics

Chapter 256 Fishing Light

Dehrion, the Demonic Factory.

The team followed the captain's plan exactly. The bomb was placed at the location strictly following Shen You's instructions. After completing the instructions, the team members quickly evacuated the factory and activated the detonation switch as planned.

Continuous detonations and precisely positioned blasts destroyed the stability of the central reactor. The core device that supplies energy to the entire factory went completely out of control in a roar that soared into the sky. The overloaded reactor sounded like a kettle about to boil, and there was a risk of going wild at any time.

A perfect mission process, all that's left is to gather up the team and run away before their whereabouts are discovered by a large number of demonoids. At this point, they have succeeded and retired, and everyone present will become a major contributor in this war against Apocalypse, and may be recorded in the annals of history and be remembered forever.

But everyone hid behind the bunker but did not evacuate immediately.

Because the captain is not here.

"Still unable to contact the captain, there is no response to the call."

"Captain, shouldn't it be"

"Don't talk nonsense." Someone scolded, "Everyone has seen what Captain Williams is capable of. Anyone may fail, but he will not."

"That's right. After all, that is the legendary captain! Let's wait a little longer."


As he was speaking, his voice was suddenly interrupted by a deafening roar. The ground began to shake like crazy, the ground was cracked open, and a vague giant shadow broke out of the ground.

A mountain-like body, a ferocious posture, a strange body that combines machinery and biology. Huge wings spread out behind the armor, covering the sky and the sun, like a fallen angel in mythology.

The moment they looked directly at the giant shadow, everyone's eyes seemed to be sucked, their bodies seemed to be frozen, and even their hearts seemed to be gripped by great fear and did not dare to beat.

"That's it. It's the thing I saw in the central control room!" an agent stammered.

Strange to say, what I saw in the picture at that time was clearly a black thing with no facial features and just a mass of chaos, but now it is a giant demon-like image in front of me. But he still recognized it at a glance.

I can't tell why, but it's like some kind of instinct, as if the fear engraved in my DNA was automatically activated the moment I saw that figure.

Fear almost engulfed the agents. No matter how well-trained they were, they were only mortals. The power called anti-life is too powerful for their life level, and even just a fragment of anti-life is enough to drive the minds of ordinary people crazy.

It's over, dead. It's simply impossible to fight something like this.

Similar thoughts came to everyone's mind involuntarily, and they even imagined the scene of their tragic deaths under the claws of that terrifying creature.

They watched the huge monster that broke out of the ground spread out its huge wings, and an indescribable aura erupted, as if it was about to bring judgment to the world. The next moment, the wings flapped violently, and the demon-like body soared into the sky riding on the strong wind and dust waves.

Then he took off and ran away without even looking back.

The agents were in a daze for a moment, and their emotions were not coherent.


This terrifying monster

Why does it look like you are running away?

What followed closely behind it and chased it out of the hole it was knocked through in the ground was a ball of extremely dazzling light. Like a pillar of light rising into the sky, all the fear and anxiety seemed to be swept away with that light, replaced by an exhilarating faith.

"That's Ultraman!" An agent looked excited.

A second ago, everyone was as if they were facing a formidable enemy and could not move. Now, all the agents could not help but feel relieved and sat down in the OB seats with a look on their faces that said, "We are sure."

After the transformation, Shen You ran straight after him from the ground, and with a flick of his hand, a light bomb hit the demon's butt in mid-air. A ball of fire exploded from the demonoid's back, and it crashed face down with a miserable scream.

The super demon turned around and looked at Shen You who had fallen in front of him, with a look of sadness and anger on his face.

As if to say, TMD Ultraman is still chasing me.

In fact, it had already turned around and fled before Shen You transformed.

It seems that although the Anti-Life Engine made this demonoid less willing to obey orders, it actually made it more intelligent than other demonoids. At least this one actually knows when to attack and when not to offend.

Just like just now. When it saw this little human being shattering the cage force field that it couldn't open with all its efforts, it knew something was wrong.

There was once a safe nest in front of it, but it didn't cherish it. Now if God can give it another chance, it will definitely live in its own cage until eternity.

Unfortunately there is no such option.

Shen You stepped forward. It seemed that he only took one step, but he suddenly appeared in front of the demon. The demonoid hurriedly waved its claws to intercept, but Shen You moved his upper body slightly to avoid the claws, then raised his knees and hit it in the abdomen.

Strange power penetrated the body, and the explosive impact shook the ground. At this moment, the demonoid felt as if his organs were about to be crushed, and even the bile felt like he was about to vomit out.

Followed by a combination of left hook and right swing, the demon felt as if his forehead was about to explode. It tried to parry, but couldn't keep up with the speed. Whether it was due to the concussion caused by the heavy blow or simply because the opponent was too fast, the red and silver giant in its eyes was like countless blurry ghosts. Every movement was full of sparks and lightning, and it couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all.

Shen You flew up and followed up with a forward kick. The terrifying power of this kick directly traversed the body of the demonoid, crushing its solid body with pure power. The demonoid's abdomen was overwhelmed and exploded, and the contents in the abdominal cavity were twisted into pieces in a spiral shape with the force. Its entire body flew out like a rag with a hole in it.

However, the demonoid who was seriously injured and flew backwards not only did not panic at all, but his pupils shrank, he seized the opportunity, his body suddenly pivoted to adjust his balance, and with the power of this forward kick, he spread his wings and flew in that direction. .

You didn't expect that, Ultraman? This is my escape route!

Shen You: "."

What should I say?

The desire to live is really felt.

And there is a saying that the flying speed of this demon-like creature with super doubled abilities is really not slow. Especially since it also borrowed his power to accelerate. Even if Superman wanted to catch up at such a speed, it might take some effort.

But of course, Shen You is already faster than Superman at this stage.

A burst of electricity exploded from his body, and the red and silver afterimage shot through the air, chasing the demonoid in its direction.

The demonoid flew not far away, and when he turned around to catch a glimpse of the unscientific afterimage, he was shocked. Seeing that it was about to be overtaken, it made a prompt decision, quickly adjusted its direction and dived diagonally downwards. With a loud "crash", it plunged directly into the huge lake next to it, exploding and throwing tons of water into the air.

Shen is having fun.

Am I afraid of you when you enter the water? Do you think I am Sun Monkey?

However, he did not pursue him directly, but slowed down his movements.

A while ago, he was studying the Blue Lantern of Hope. Although the main direction of his research was the energy of hope, it was not just energy. From the information given by Ganser, he learned more about some common knowledge of the emotional spectrum, such as the universal skill "Spectral Embodiment" of the Seven Lights.

Light can be transformed into any entity, and any tool or weapon can be transformed according to the user's imagination.

There are limitations to Blue Lantern's use of this technique. The setting says that "hope without the implementation of will is empty and powerless", so in the absence of a Green Lantern team, the concrete abilities of the Blue Lantern Ring are generally locked.

But Shen You is no ordinary lantern.

It's just a matter of turning light into a solid substance and shaping it into the desired shape. How could it be so difficult?

Shen You raised his hand, and the energy condensed in his hand, transforming into an entity, long and strip-shaped, like a glowing javelin.

Then he held it with both hands, raised the long pole, and swung it forward. A ball of light was thrown out from the tip like a rope and plunged into the water, accurately locking the position of the demon like a self-aiming device.

Then he held it with both hands and made a "kick up" motion and pulled it sharply. The light pulled the giant shadow out of the water. The demonoid was dragged into the air by the optical cable, and the water splashed down all over his body. At the same time, his face was full of confusion.

who I am? where am I? what happened?

The OB agents in the front row also looked confused.

Ah this

Ultraman is still a fisherman?

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