I become light in American comics

Chapter 262 Killing Ray

Darkseid, the well-known destroyer of the multiverse, is an almost irresistible natural disaster to most civilizations.

At this moment, I have arrived on this earth.

A group of demonoids followed in the sonic tunnel behind them.

Obviously, this is the first time that Zheng Lian in this world has encountered their destined enemy.

"I guess this guy is also a villain?" Hal said, "He looks like a villain."

Superman said: "He doesn't look very powerful."

"Really? Why do I have such an ominous premonition?"

The Flash was sandwiched between his teammates, looking left and right, as if trying to find some uneasiness on the faces of others except himself.

But not at all. Some of the new teammates looked solemn, and some seemed to be looking forward to it, but no one seemed to be afraid.

He suddenly had a strange feeling, as if there was no normal person in this team.

"Just wait here and don't move around. Just wait and see the free light show."

Hal smiled confidently, flew into the air with a green glow all over his body, and shouted loudly.

"Look how Green Lantern pulled this off!"

With that said, he accelerated and rushed forward, dragging a trail of green light, holding a huge baseball bat embodied by green light in his hand, and shouting "Be afraid of my divine light" or something like that.


Then he was beaten away.

Although it sounds a bit disrespectful, the way Green Lantern flew back looked like a tossed stone, bouncing on the ground several times before rolling and falling to the ground.

And the dark demon seemed to just wave his palm casually, like swatting a mosquito. No, it didn't even seem to use much force at all.

The demon next to him immediately spread his wings and flew forward, formed a circle and trampled him under his feet, punching and kicking him as a greeting. The Flash saw something was wrong and hurriedly rushed forward. Wherever the lightning flashed, the circle of demonoids was immediately dispersed, and Hal climbed up in embarrassment, stroking his groggy head.

Superman and Supergirl activated at the same time, flying forward one to the left and the other to the right. Compared to the half of the Justice League that is currently assembled for the first time, the synergy between the siblings is obviously more reliable. Both of them were extremely fast. They locked onto the flaws in Darkseid's wings almost at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right, and attacked at the same time, with the purpose of forcing him to panic.

But Darkseid stood still and did not dodge. The terrifying super speed of the Kryptonians seemed not worth it in his eyes. He then knocked Superman away with one palm, swiped the wrist with another palm and missed the angle of Kara's sprint, followed by a supersonic knee strike. Kara received a heavy blow to her lower abdomen and was knocked away laterally with a groan.

"Hey, I'm not done yet, big guy!"

Hal shouted, and the green light wrapped around his body transformed into a train and rushed straight towards him. Darkseid glanced sideways, standing still as if he didn't want to move at all. I saw the green light train hit Darkseid's face head-on and shattered like glass. Hal, who was wrapped in it, didn't stop and flew into Darkseid's face, and was blasted in by the latter with a casual slap. Falling underground, the force field barrier on his body collapsed.

Darkseid then raised his foot and stepped straight towards the door facing Hal. Hal's pupils shrank. At this time, he was just a mortal after his force field was broken, and Darkseid's random shots started at supersonic speed. At the critical moment, there was no time to recast the defense.

The shadow of death fell rapidly, dust and debris flew everywhere, and time and space seemed to stand still. I saw a remnant figure in red flying over the static masonry fragments and metal debris flying into the air. It jumped and flipped among the countless suspended things like a gymnast, dragging lightning and sprinting to Hal's side, lowering its center of gravity. A sliding shovel stuck to the ground, grabbing Hal and sliding out from the death-like soles.

Darkseid stepped down, causing the ground to tremble and waves of dust to roll, but the Green Lantern under his feet disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye, as if teleporting.

Darkseid frowned slightly. It seemed that even in his battles in the multiverse, he had rarely seen such incredible speed. Turning around, I saw the Flash dragging Hal several hundred meters away and panting nervously.

"The Speedster."

Darkseid murmured, his eyes lit up red.

Although the Kryptonians are powerful in all aspects, the strength and speed that Superman and Supergirl were proud of in the previous round of battle were obviously suppressed by Darkseid.

And although this speedster was seriously partial to speed, he was incredibly fast. Just after the moment of confrontation, Darkseid saw that he was far faster than him anyway.

This is bad. He doesn't like anyone to be better than him, even if it's just for one attribute.

The Flash's heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively realized that he was being targeted.

Darkseid leaned to the side, dodged like a long eye from behind and avoided Diana's thrusting sword. He defused the sword strike with a clever move, and then hit Diana head-on with an elbow strike that exploded with absolute power. Withdrew.

He didn't look back during the whole process, his eyes flashed with red light, and the beam of destruction burst out like lava.

Omega rays!

The energy rays are famous in the multiverse. In addition to their indescribable power, their most famous feature is that they can "track and obliterate everything at any turn."

Once a target is targeted by it, it is impossible to escape even if it runs to the ends of the earth and the ends of the universe. And once hit, even a god will be instantly wiped out from the plane of existence, unable to defend or resist.

And now, this destructive energy has locked onto the fastest man in the world, the creator of the Speed ​​Force.

I don’t know if he felt the law-level power of annihilation in Omega through the connection with the Speed ​​Force. Long before Darkseid launched, the Flash ran away without looking back.

Omega energy is coming!

A terrifying heat wave swept across, leaving scorched black tracks on the ground along the way. The Flash didn't dare to look back, and he could feel the deadly energy behind him without looking back, as if a burning god of death was chasing behind him with a knife.

He tried not to let himself be afraid, not to think about what would happen if he was caught up, and just kept running.

The surrounding scenery was stretched and blurred, and even the electricity of the Speed ​​Force seemed to be left behind. In the blink of an eye, he had rushed out of the border of Deherien, rushed to the sea level, crossed the ocean with his feet on the salty water, climbed over the mountains and ridges, passed through the valleys and plains, and had already crossed the sea level in an instant that ordinary people could not react. Half of the earth has been covered, but the shadow of death still has not disappeared.

He could feel that Omega was still pursuing him.

The whole world stood still before his eyes. The water splash is fixed in the air, the plane is stagnant in the air, the city's busy traffic and pedestrians on the street, the leaves in the valley fall from the branches before touching the ground

At such high speed, everything is still, as if even the air is not flowing, and the entire earth is frozen in time and space and cannot rotate.

But only Omega, who was chasing behind him, couldn't stop him even if time stopped, and continued to chase after him like he was desperate.

"It won't stop. I can't keep running like this."

Barry tried to calm down.

"By the way, Ultraman, he will definitely have a way, he always has a way. I have to find him, he will definitely be able to"

When Xiuxiu thought about this, an idea flashed in his mind, and the conversation he had with Shen You when they were studying the speed force together not long ago emerged.

"Is this trick really effective?"

At that moment, Barry looked at Shen You doubtfully.

"It's not that I doubt it. I know you are usually right. But is this a bit too far-fetched?"

"It's a bit ridiculous, but the Speed ​​Force is inherently ridiculous, isn't it?"

Shen You smiled and patted his shoulder.

"It's okay, trust me, it's not difficult. You are the fastest person in the world, no, in the multiverse. There is nothing you can't get rid of."


Barry took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I'm fast, I'm the fastest, even he said so. There's nothing I can't get rid of, I just need to have light and hope in my heart."

His eyes were firm and lightning flashed in his eyes.

Then speed up again!

It’s not just the reckless acceleration of “power works wonders”. Shen You helped him study many attributes of the Speed ​​Force, allowing him to use energy in a targeted manner and rely on his understanding of time and space knowledge to perform specific operations, instead of relying entirely on the Speed ​​Force energy.

Barry is a science geek. Even without Shen You, he figured out many new tricks in the middle and later stages of the comics. Shen You just helped him speed up his progress.

To Barry, it was a life-and-death speed of running around the earth countless times, but in the eyes of others, it was actually less than one second.

The Flash turned and ran away, and Darkseid's Omega launched. In just a blink of an eye, the Flash braked from the completely opposite place and returned to the scene, dragging a braking track that stretched for several kilometers behind him.

And the omega rays behind him have disappeared.

Even Darkseid's eyes widened and his face was blank.

Where is my omega?

How could he come back like this as if nothing had happened? Why is my omega missing?

Even his Zhenglian teammates were all confused and had no idea what had just happened.

"Barry, what's going on?" Hal asked.

Barry let out a long breath and said: "It was so dangerous. That light, evil door, chased me around the earth several times. Then I had to travel through time for a little bit, and traveled to the future about 0.35. Second.

The ray on the timeline 0.35 seconds ago lost its target, so I finally got rid of it."

Not only Darkseid, but also his teammates couldn't help but show outrageous expressions when they heard this.

Hal opened his mouth.

"What did you just do???"

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