I become light in American comics

Chapter 272 Guns are really useful

After being elected as captain through a fair election, Shen You went up to the commander to find out more, and found that it was not as simple as he said.

It is not entirely appropriate to say that they are the insurance for the previous believers who failed. Because that's probably the plan.

First, there are teams responsible for reconnaissance and interference, and then there is a fully armed elite blood cultist to intercept the convoy of the Sky Eye on the only way. If the package escapes during the melee, there will be several interception teams set up in all directions in the jungle.

As for Shen You and his team, they belong to a more peripheral encirclement. They are a backup option if even the interception team fails to stop the package. To be more precise, it should be considered an insurance policy. They have almost no chance of playing.

But it’s actually quite reasonable. The disciples are originally well-organized and well-organized, and they are teammates who have a good rapport and a tacit understanding. And their team here is called a temporary special team at best, or a group of orphans re-employed at worst. If you can give them key tasks, you will be out of luck.

But it doesn't matter.

If there is no chance, they can create their own chance.

After the information came out, Shen You and Zheng Lian gathered together, and everyone used telepathy to set up an intracranial conference room, leaving aside a few true believers for a brief discussion.

First of all, no matter what these people want to do, they cannot succeed. After all, a bunch of guys who think about summoning evil gods to destroy the world all day long are definitely not thinking about something good. So everyone quickly reached an agreement that the primary goal of the operation was to secretly sabotage the mission.

Secondly, if that "package" is really important, it is doubtful whether it can be kept in the hands of the Sky Eye Society. After all, although those little masters of seeking death are stronger than the Blood Cultists, the Sky Eye will not make people worry if they really hold any dangerous toys. So depending on the situation, they might have to consider snatching the package away from Tianyan.

In addition, of course they have to find out what the package is, and what is it that is worthy of such an effort by the Blood Cult. Shen You originally thought that mind reading was the easiest way to get the answer, but after reading it, he found that the commander was just pretending to be mysterious, pretending that the secrets could not be leaked, as if he "knows everything but can't talk nonsense". However, After reading my mind, I found that he didn't even know about it, he was just a microphone from above.

Missions come with options, and the best case scenario is that none of them are exposed. To disrupt this operation secretly, to fish in troubled waters and get rid of the "package", but it is best not to let the Sky Eye or the Blood Cult know that the Justice League has intervened.

The former is to avoid political disputes. Waller will definitely go crazy if he knows that Zhenglian has robbed his goods. The latter was because of his undercover status. Shen You also wanted to take a long-term approach to catch big fish, so it was a pity to lose so many vests.

All factors summed up, the mission appears to be hellish at first glance, almost Mission Impossible's "IMF (Mission Impossible)" level. But considering that all the executors are gods, it seems to be just that.

Shen You first sent a few true believers to the edge OB, euphemistically called it to observe the situation. Following them, the remaining undercover agents split up and infiltrated into other teams to look for opportunities to act by ear.

As night fell, all personnel were deployed and waiting patiently, and the operation entered a countdown.

At this moment, under the deep night, Tianyan's convoy is slowly driving through the ancient forest. From a distance, it looks like a long snake woven by lights and shadows. On the long and silent road, only the wheels made a low grinding sound in the endless darkness, constantly breaking the silence of the forest.

The trees on both sides stood like giants, their branches and leaves whispering in the night wind, making silly rubbing sounds above their heads, like someone constantly taunting them softly. The trees have different shapes, some are twisted, some are tall and straight. The overlapping branches and leaves form a huge canopy in the night, blocking the moonlight and stars, making the starry sky out of reach.

Adriana, the archaeologist escorting this trip, was sitting in the compartment of one of the cars.

Her assistant followed beside her, stretched out her head and leaned against the car window to look out. She watched the trees illuminated by the car lights regressing rapidly in her field of vision, looking even more weird due to the high-speed movement, and couldn't help but retract her head.

"Do you have an ominous premonition?" the assistant asked.

Adriana was looking down at the documents: "No, what's wrong?"

"No, it's just kind of like that. You know, it's like that in horror movies, right? There's a group of people walking through a weird jungle, and then people start disappearing, and there are fewer and fewer people. You can feel something approaching. , but that’s just not seeing it.”

"Really? But do you know, in fact, the lack of people at this time is not the most terrible thing."

Adriana raised her head and showed a mysterious and charming smile.

"The scariest thing is when you count the number of people and find that there are more people."

The assistant was stunned and opened his mouth.

Adriana laughed out loud: "Ha, if you ask me, watch less horror movies. Nothing will happen. These clairvoyances are really making a fuss. It's just a talisman. Thousands of years ago It’s an old thing, what could go wrong?”

"Wait a minute," the assistant stammered, "I think there really are more people."

Adriana frowned: "No, I just made a joke, okay, maybe I shouldn't have made this joke, I'm sorry. But you don't have to be suspicious about it."

"No." The assistant pointed to the rear, "We should only have two cars behind us, right?"

Adriana was stunned and looked back following his gaze.


I don’t know when there was an extra car at the end of the convoy.

Her pupils shrank, and some kind of dangerous instinct sounded in her heart, but it was already too late. There was a deafening roar, followed by an explosion that overturned the entire armored vehicle. She felt her seat belt buckle tightly into her seat, and her whole world was spinning.

They were ambushed.

Figures began to appear all around, from behind the bushes and trees. Figures in black robes appeared one after another, and the flames stretched their figures very long, twisting and dancing on the ground as the firelight swayed.

"Offer your flesh and blood."

"For the great Lord."

"Tremble under the power of the Lord and be annihilated."

Weird chanting sounds seemed to ring in everyone's ears, as if there was some kind of weird magnetism.

And the next moment was unexpected.

The believers took out their guns one after another.

da da da da

Start shooting towards the center from all directions.

The soldiers of Tianyan began to fight back, with bullets raining down, and the sound of gunfire almost covering up everything. The assistant huddled in the car with his head in his hands and cried: "No, are evil gods cutting corners so much these days? The power given by gods is the gun, right?"

In fact, the blood cultists are not without power given by the devil. It's just that believers feel that preaching must keep pace with the times, and sometimes they have to learn to adapt to the times in order to achieve their goals.

Sometimes guns are really convenient.

The two sides began to exchange fire, and bullets poured into each other.

But no one noticed at the moment.

A golden lightning that was so fast that it was invisible to the human eye was quietly passing through the entire battlefield.

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