I become light in American comics

Chapter 423 There is great terror

Shen You floated silently in the boundless starry sky, his sight slowly sweeping around.

Half a minute ago, a shocking battle broke out here. He and Kalona, ​​two beings who are almost invincible in the current universe, fought on multiple levels such as panels, energy, knowledge, and combat creativity. Although this place is still a bit far away from the nearest inhabited planet, the surrounding area is slightly The most powerful civilization levels should still be observed.

Judging from the results, it seems that Shen You should have completely won. Kalona has been annihilated by Specium's energy, and there is no living thing in the entire star field except Shen You himself.

But he felt it wasn't that simple.

The lamp beast is also gone.

Originally, there should be six lamp beasts in Kalona's body. Is it possible that just now, the six of them were sent back to Spectrum to read the article together with Spythium?

No, probably not.

Shen You knew how powerful his output just now was. He is very strong, and he is confident that he can defeat any lamp beast. But if one shot were to blast all six lamp beasts at the same time, it would definitely not be possible.

"The spectral energy remains, and Kalona used the spectral switch for the last time at the last moment."

Shen You scanned the battlefield repeatedly and carefully, trying his best to reconstruct what happened in the end from the chaotic energy caused by the waves from both sides.

What Kalona used at the last moment was a relatively unfamiliar one to Shen You in the spectrum.

The blue lamp of mercy.

Shen You pondered for a moment, and seemed to have discovered a conclusion from this observation.

Carona. Maybe he can survive.

It seems that bosses who have reached a certain level have more or less life-saving trump cards. Especially the longer you live, the more you learn about the correct posture for running.

The same applies to DC. In the long history of DC Comics, there have been incidents of the death of high-level bosses, but most of them were on the verge of repeated corpse fraud. Even if it seems to be dead, there is still a backup plan, and it is rare to say that it will withdraw from the stage of history directly.

Of course, that's the general case.

Shen You was convinced that this time, even if Carona was not dead, most of his life had already been lost.

It's not that easy to run.

Oa, the central jurisdiction of the Green Lantern Corps.

The center of the planet had been cleared at this time, and no Green Lanterns were allowed to visit the core during the martial law period. The building made of cold metal stood like a lonely watcher all around, with a huge green lantern battery sitting in the center, and a green beam of light reaching into the sky.

In the fortress under the battery, the guardians still gathered here for meetings.

"The greatest warriors among us fall."

One of the guardians said seriously.

"There was Kalona, ​​and then I don't think I need to remind you what happened to the first Green Lantern in the history of the Corps. We had high hopes for Sinestro, believing that he was the best Green Lantern, but the result was... foresee.

Now, the focus is on Hal Jordan."

"Hal Jordan is losing control." A guardian said seriously, "The fact that can be confirmed is that during the battle with the Sinestro Corps, his original light ring shattered due to his willpower exceeding the maximum load capacity.

But upon further investigation, we discovered that he had forged the new ring through the power of his own will. "

"That should be impossible." A guardian said, "His performance exceeded our expectations and beyond our cognitive scope. This makes him an unstable factor. And instability means danger. "

"Not only that, this incident means that his Lantern Ring is no longer under our control." A guardian said, "We cannot confiscate or remotely extinguish the Lantern Ring that he forged by his own will. We can no longer deprive him of the Green Lantern power." identity.

The bigger problem is that his lamp ring does not have to abide by any of the legion's laws, not even the lowest one. "

Everyone was silent.

The most basic rule of the light ring is that no Green Lantern can use the light ring to harm the Guardians.

This was their biggest concern about Hal, so much so that no one even thought to bring it up.

Hal Jordan used to be a thorn in the side. He began to question their orders from the first month he entered the recruit camp. Later in his career as a lantern, he continued to confront the Guardians. And now that such a guy has obtained a light ring with safety restrictions lifted, it is hard to imagine what he will do with this ring in the future.

"Gunther, who we expelled from the Council, made the problem worse. He secretly completed research that we banned. He gave Hal Jordan ion powers."

The usually cold voice of the guardian who spoke even started to become irritated.

"The situation in the universe today is changing. We must admit that challenges and threats are becoming more and more." A guardian sighed, "There are problems with Lantern Jordan from within the Lantern Corps, and there are more and more problems from the outside. The lantern group appears.

Sinestro's Yellow Lantern Corps may have been suppressed, but now there are the Blue Lanterns founded by Gunther in Odim, and there are the Purple Lanterns in Tamalon who broke away from our former compatriots. According to the laws of Oua, these sex lamps are also heretics and should be suppressed."

However, as soon as this statement came out, all the other guardians remained silent and no one agreed.

MD, whichever pot is not opened will be picked up.

Whether it is a blue lantern or a purple lantern, you have no idea who is standing behind the lantern group, right?

Hal Jordan is a Green Lantern, and he is also one of their soldiers. In any case, the ring in Hal’s hand was issued by them in the beginning, and he was recruited by them. Otherwise, even the greatest Green Lantern would still be there. Playing in the mud in that small part of the earth. Therefore, it is difficult for outsiders to say what measures they will take.

But the blue light and purple light are different. There are obviously people behind them. Isn't it just asking for death to live more lives at this time?

But when the guardian saw that his colleagues around him didn't seem to agree with him, he still felt puzzled: "That's a heresy. Isn't our purpose to eradicate heresy and maintain order?"

The guardian next to him had a dark face; "Apocalypse was also a heretic that day. Why don't we just send the legion to attack Apokolips?"

The guardian suddenly choked.

After pondering for two seconds, he said: "Apocalypse is too strong."

So this topic was skipped and everyone just pretended that nothing happened.

"Let's get back to Hal Jordan."

Everyone nodded, indicating that they had no objection.

But at this moment, a guardian said strangely: "My colleagues, have you seen this?"

Everyone turned their heads.

At some point, the place where they were was seemed to be shrouded by an invisible dome, and light began to appear in the air. Red, orange, green, cyan, blue, and purple.

"The power of six-color lights!"

One of the guardians' expressions suddenly changed.

How is it possible that someone can control the power of six colored lights at the same time?

The next moment, a cyan vortex rolled up in the space, and the energy of six colors of light burst out from it, bringing a suffocating storm! Before the things after that appeared, the oppression was already coming like an overwhelming force, as if it had grasped the heart of every guardian present.

"Beware, my colleagues!"

A guardian shouted.

"coming soon!"

Although they didn't see what it was, their senses as immortals had already noticed that there was a great terror behind the whirlpool!

Something powerful beyond their imagination.

The next moment, the true form of that power appeared.

Carona was gray-faced, covered in blood, and his white clothes were in tatters. He fell headfirst from the whirlpool.

With a snap, he fell to the ground and lay motionless on the ground like a dead pig.

Guardians: "."


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