I become light in American comics

Chapter 426 Sniper Blue Lantern

Oua Headquarters.

Carona put his hands behind his hands and looked at the green light spots flying densely in various sectors in the radar screen. He was so happy that he couldn't close his legs.

“I have to say, you really prepared interesting toys for me.” He smiled, “But you didn’t even realize one-tenth of the potential of Green Lantern.

With just a few simple modifications, they can do much more than before.”

After a pause, he glanced at the circle of guardians beside him who were already following him like puppets.

Then he shrugged.

"Okay, I suddenly started to realize that maybe it was a little thoughtless. It's kind of boring that you can't talk back."

Carona reached out and flicked the screen twice, and began to give instructions to the specific green light team.

"There are still many things to do next. I can see that lamp clusters of other spectra are being built in the universe one after another. I am not surprised at all that you are completely unable to control their incompetence.

But don't worry, I will do what you failed to do. Mastering the Green Lantern Corps is just the beginning. What I want to control is not only the power of the entire spectrum, but also the corps corresponding to all spectra will eventually be unified.

A new order of the emotional spectrum will be established, and the unified spectrum will be a hundred times more powerful than the fragmented state. let me see."

He held his chin in thought for a while, talking to himself.

"Since we started with the green light, we might as well start with the legion closest to the green light."

Kalona smiled and glanced at the stiff guardians behind him.

"Next, we have to invite the Blue Lantern Corps."

Sector 1374, a dark star field.

The tunnel of light swirled open, and several blue lights flew out of the space one after another. Saint Walker took the lead, leading several blue lanterns to fly past among the stars.

"Lamp Ring, how long does it take to reach the navigation target?" Saint Walker asked.

The blue light ring quickly calculated the result: "Maintain the current flight speed and arrive at the destination in about twenty minutes."

"Hurry up." The Blue Lantern Sheen who was following him said, "It has been three hours since he noticed Master Ganser's signal for help, and there has been no news since then. If the situation was not urgent, he would not easily contact us."

"There is no need to be overly nervous, Brother Sheen. Master Ganser is not an ordinary person, he will take care of himself." Saint Walker said, "Be hopeful."

Blue lights passed over the stars and soon arrived at the target planet. Several blue lights fell down one after another, and they followed the position of the light rings to find a valley.

Soon they found the figure they were looking for on this trip.

Guardian Ganser was kneeling on the ground, covered in blood, and his white robe was in tatters. He was panting violently and sweating like rain, but his eyes were still full of unyielding fighting spirit, and the green light sign on his chest was like a burning flame.

"Master Gunther!"

The blue lanterns landed in a hurry.

"Oh my God, what's going on?" Lan Lantern Sheen couldn't help but be surprised when he saw his gray face.

Saint Walker even flew forward holding a flashing blue light ring: "Please allow me to treat you."

When Ganser saw them, there was no joy on his face, but more surprise: "Blue Lanterns? What are you doing here?"

Several blue lanterns were startled and couldn't help but look at each other.

"We received your call for help, Master Ganser." Saint Walker explained, "So I took a few brothers who were around at the time and rushed over from O'Dem at high speed."

"No, no, no, it's not me. I didn't call you." Ganser's face instantly darkened, "It must be him, he called you here."

The blue lanterns were confused. But Saint Walker saw that his injury was serious, so he stepped forward and said, "Let me treat you first."

"No." Ganser yelled sternly, "Quickly, get out of here quickly. While they are still here."

Just as he said this, the blue lanterns' light rings suddenly reacted, and the blue light became active with excitement.

"Will energy detected." All the lamp rings reported together.

Everyone looked up and saw green light swooping down from the sky, densely packed with countless light spots connected together.

"It's the Green Lantern Corps!" A blue lantern's eyes lit up, "Don't worry, Master, the Green Lanterns are here to support. No matter who the enemy is."

"You don't understand."

Ganse forced himself to stand up and gritted his teeth.

"The green light is the enemy!"


The green light's creation has been bombarded from the sky, and a large number of Green Lanterns have opened fire and bombardment, almost razing the entire area to the ground.

The loud noise that echoed in the valley was like the pillars of the world shaking, and thick smoke and green light rose from the mountain that exploded in the north, straight into the sky. Black rocks filled the air, blocking out the sky and the sun, as if they were about to swallow the world. Boulders, soil, trees and other objects were thrown into the air and fell like raindrops. The originally flat land was riddled with holes.

Several lines of light and shadow flew out from between the cracked rocks, while shields were used to block falling rocks and debris. Saint Walker ordered: "Blue Lanterns, form a formation and prepare to help Master Ganser defend against the enemy!"

"No, you don't understand, there are too many of them." Ganser said, "There are at least hundreds of Green Lanterns here, and there are only a few of you. Facing them is just a drop in the bucket."

"I don't understand, Green Lantern should be our ally?" You Lanlan asked in confusion.

"It was Kalona, ​​he brainwashed the Green Lantern Corps through the Green Lantern Ring. Alas, another mistake made by me and my arrogant colleagues in the past." Gunther was annoyed, "It must have been Kalona who forged my ring. Signal, maybe he wants to capture a few Blue Lanterns for study. No, maybe his target is you, Saint Walker. He wants to control the Blue Lantern Corps through the leader."

At this point Ganser said seriously: "You must leave here quickly."

"Are you asking us to abandon you, Master Ganser?" Blue Lantern Sheen said, "We will never"

"You must."

While they maintained their high-speed flight, Gunther snapped.

"Carona's puppets have been set to give priority to searching for guardians. The energy in my body cannot avoid their search. Carona's puppets will chase me like moths to a flame.

I'm not asking you to escape, I'm asking you to move reinforcements. The distress signal given to you before was a fake bait, and all communication methods in this place have long been blocked.

So I'm telling you to find someone who can actually solve the problem. Hal Jordan, or whoever you call the Blue Lantern Supreme."

"Impossible, Master Ganser, we can't let you face them all here." Saint Walker said, "You founded the Blue Lantern Corps, you are more important than us."

"I have never been more important than you, Saint Walker." Gunther said softly, "I founded the Blue Lantern Corps because you are the hope of this universe, and you still are.

Go ahead and I'll hold them off. "

As he spoke, Ganse stopped suddenly, waved his right hand, and a green light burst out. The guardian's powerful power pushed several blue lanterns away without any explanation, and he himself turned around and accelerated, rushing towards the locust-like army of green lanterns behind him.

"Master!" Lan Lan couldn't help but reach out, subconsciously wanting to turn around and chase after him.

But the Holy Walker stopped him.


"But we can't give up, Master!" The blue lamp said hurriedly.

"Yes, but he is right. Even if we catch up now, there is nothing we can do." Saint Walker took a deep breath, "We have to fight our way out of here."

He clenched his fists, the light ring shining.

".We are going to inform the Supreme."

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