I become light in American comics

Chapter 440 Welcome to Green Light

Home of Oa's central battery.

There was a shattering roar, as the ground thousands of meters deep was penetrated by huge energy. The green light was blasted out from the cracked hole like an erupting volcano, and the small green figure wrapped in it looked like a fallen leaf blown away by the storm.

Hal Jordan fell so hard that his body nearly sank the ground. Cracks like spider webs spread rapidly, and fragments of Oa alloy flew into the air as if they were breaking away from gravity.

Afterimages of green light chased out from it, and the little blue people wrapped in the stretching green flames lined up one after another, spreading out and surrounding Hal in the middle.

"Why are you resisting, Hal Jordan?" the guardian who led the team said coldly, "We recruited you, gave you a ring, and gave you the opportunity to join this great blueprint. We are the ones who make you extraordinary."

"Save your fart for Carona!"

Hal raised his hand and blasted out the light ring. The jet fighter built with green light ignited and started crashing towards the group of guardians with two roaring tail flames.

Although the green lantern elephant can be shaped into any weapon and form, in actual combat there is not so much time left for the lantern's imagination. Therefore, generally speaking, the weapons released by the Green Lanterns are the most familiar tools imprinted in their respective DNA.

For Hal, it was the jet fighter that he had been thinking about all his life since his father crashed.

"You're just a Green Lantern and we're the Guardians!"

The guardian shouted, and at the same time several guardians exerted their strength. The green light inspired by several people immediately blew away Hal's image. The wing of the fighter jet was cut off in half, and the damaged turbine at the tail also emitted green smoke and fell crookedly to the side.

"Guardians are immortal." The guardian continued.

"It's ridiculous," Hal said coldly, "you're just very old."

He said with a finger. I saw that the fighter jet that had been blown away actually started to spin in the air, turning over in a very unscientific way. The missiles on the pylon were discharged one after another, attacking a group of guardians from behind.

After a burst of green light exploded, the formation of the little blue people was immediately dispersed. Hal took advantage of the situation and gave chase. He fired a green light hammer and hit one of the guardians with a black nose and face. In the other hand, he grabbed a Gatling gun and swiped at the two guardians.

But then a green light tentacle wrapped around his leg. Hal clenched his fist with his right hand and immediately transformed scissors out of thin air to cut it off. But the tentacle grew faster than he could cut it. He quickly put aside the broken part and continued to climb forward.

At the same time, when the guardians at the rear saw this opportunity, they all attacked, and python-like creatures squirmed and wrapped around his body. Hal gritted his teeth and groaned. The green light kept attacking from the inside, but more and more tentacles and pythons were coming until he was restrained and unable to move.

"You should fight for the Guardians," the leader of the Guardians yelled, "that's what you all swore allegiance to when you joined the Green Lantern Corps!"

"I only fight for what is right." Hal tried his best to fight against the constraints on his body and gritted his teeth. "It has never been for you. I only care about the ideals of the Legion and the possibilities of the Legion."

The guardian narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, you never obeyed, not even after we gave you the title of legend. That's why you were a mistake, Hal Jordan. And now, we're going to right that wrong."

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from behind and jumped nimbly onto the leading guardian who was restraining Hal.

"He would die for the Legion!"

The man rode on the guardian's back and tried his best to strangle his neck.

"And so do I!"

Hal's eyes widened when he saw the man's face clearly, feeling incredible.

Is that Sinestro?

Did he read that correctly?

Sinestro, the one who was kicked out of the legion and who should hate him the most, was actually trying to save himself regardless of his own safety?

Hal couldn't help but wonder if the little blue men were tied so tightly that he was hallucinating.

But Sinestro had just escaped from the prison at this time and did not have a light ring in his hand. Although it surprised the guardian, there was no actual threat.

"You? You are a traitor who was sentenced to death." The guardian's body flashed with green light, and without looking back, he transformed into a rope and tied Sinestro to the ground.

"Since you ask so, then it doesn't hurt to die earlier."

However, at this moment, the accident occurred again. I saw a beam of green light streaking through the air, locking in this direction, heading straight for Sinestro.

It was a green light ring.

"Tal Sinestro from Koruga, you have the ability to overcome great fear, and you have been chosen."

The light ring was put on Sinestro's finger, and the green light that burst out instantly helped him break free. Sinestro was floating in the air wrapped in green light, his face still full of disbelief.


After experiencing all this, after he was kicked out of the team by the recruits he brought up, after he was branded as a traitor from the greatest altar, after he joined the Yellow Lantern and took revenge on the Green Lantern again and again.

Is it still possible to get recognition from Lantern Ring like this?

But the gentle sound of the green light ring reminded him that these were not illusions.

".Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."


At this moment, Carona's resistance to pressure is almost coming to an end.

All means have been neutralized, and all lines of defense are on the verge of collapse. It’s true that he also has some tricks up his sleeve, but all his moves are based on emotional spectrum technology.

But facing the enemy in front of him at this moment, this being who had harnessed the white lamp of life and accomplished a theoretically impossible feat, all of that was useless.

How do you fight an opponent who is completely restrained from the bottom up?


When Shen You hit the ray of light, Carona's figure seemed to break apart. But what they saw were countless ice crystals that shattered, which originally reflected Carona's image like a huge mirror, acting as a substitute to attract firepower.

That's the crystal of star sapphire. He used the crystal to create a mirror image as a substitute, gaining this moment of time.

But this moment was not for counterattack. Now Carona has completely given up this idea. Although he didn't know exactly what was going on, he was already convinced that Shen You today was no longer on the same level as yesterday.

Originally, he thought that mastering an extra cyan light spectrum in just one day was outrageous enough, but he didn't expect that it was not enough, so he just pulled out all the white lights.

It's like saying, I like to do everything in one step. Anyway, it’s already open, why not fill it up directly?

Defying the heavens, pure and pure defying the heavens.

The moment that the mirror image gained was his last chance of survival!

The green vortex spun, and Carona sprinted at full speed desperately, stretching out his hand in the direction of the vortex with all his strength.

Just a little bit different

However, in this time and space where everything is almost stationary and time is almost stagnant, he can only see his only escape channel, the other end of the blue vortex.

Those oval eyes and crystal-like core are dotted in a holy body painted in white, like a pure white devil slowly emerging from the opposite side.

Carona stopped for an instant, frozen in place as if he was electrocuted.

The demon who came out from the other end of the teleportation met with each other.


The demon spoke, even taunting.

“But the place is full.”

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