I become light in American comics

Chapter 507 Why are you shaking?

Almeric's galaxy, on a certain planet.

Huge battleships are suspended in the starry sky like giant dragons, facing each other in the orbit of the planet. Exquisite and complex designs, but sophisticated interstellar weapons, have structures derived from completely different craft systems.

One side is from Almeric, and the other side is the Apocalypse Battleship.

Today is the time for negotiation.

The core area of ​​the planet has long been cleared. At this time, the leaders of both sides are leading their teams to the front of the formation. Complex instruments and information screens full of data are surrounding them. Almeric's warriors lined up behind Queen Maxima, and leading the group was the new god Volex.

"Her Majesty the Queen."

Volex deadpanned.

"We finally meet."

"I'm not looking forward to it at all." Maxima said calmly, "But since it's here, let's get to the point right away and get it over with."

"I think so too."

Volex put his hands behind his back, nodded, and said lightly: "I want to congratulate you, Almeric, for making a wise decision. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. Apokolips has remained unchanged for countless centuries. rules.

And once you go against Tianqi, what will happen to you? I don’t think I need to remind you. "

"Maybe except for a place called Earth." Maxima showed a half-smile expression.

Volex frowned slightly and snorted: "A group of low-level insects are just lucky. But it is only a matter of time before Apocalypse takes it."


Maxima smiled, but with a hint of sarcasm.

You even look a little proud?

Volex felt a little angry.

What are you proud of? Does the earth have anything to do with you?

"Hmph, I think we have contacted each other beforehand about today's matter. Her Majesty the Queen must be willing to agree to our conditions."

But Maxima didn't reply, she just looked around, as if looking for something.

"Her Majesty the Queen?"

"Oh." Maximarch said, "What about Dak, you guys? Didn't you say that he is coming in person?"

Volex need not be irritated by mentioning the name of the Lord of Apocalypse so disdainfully. But signing the contract was still his top priority, and he thought it would not be too late to slowly repair Almeric after he took control of her.

So he snorted and said: "The great Lord of Apocalypse is in charge of everything. It is your honor to be here in person today. Don't blink and watch."

He waved his hand and shouted: "For the great Darkseid!"

At the same time, all the subordinates around him shouted in unison, and even the speechless demonoids raised their paws one by one, shouting something excitedly, "babble, babble, yaa, yaa, yaa, yaa, yaa, yaa". The voice should probably sound something like "For Darkseid".

Immediately afterwards, the whirlpool slowly opened.

A storm suddenly arose, and strong winds stirred up yellow sand and dust. A golden energy vortex opened out of thin air, and a tall silhouette emerged from it. I don’t know if it has something to do with the scene where all the demons and soldiers knelt down to greet him, but the figure had already brought an astonishing pressure even before he appeared, and the air pressure in the entire field seemed to have dropped suddenly.

The jet-black body, the rock-like face, the scarlet eyes burning with flames, the tall and majestic body as majestic as a mountain.

Lord of Apocalypse, Darkseid.

Of course, it was actually Belial who dressed it up.

Forging false personas is what demons are good at, not to mention that this job is quite simple. Belial only needed to change his face and stand there, put his hands behind his back according to the movements instructed by Volex, and pretend to be cold, and others would take care of the rest.

All he needs to do is look fierce and irritable, and he doesn't even need to speak a single line. This kind of life is really not easy.

"And it sounds like it could be useful as a base for the Earth invasion." Belial was also very active after hearing the mission description.

He would definitely not go to Earth directly if he was told to do so now, but it would not be a bad idea if he could indirectly help promote his father's goal and take credit. Now this sounds like a good opportunity, and it sounds like Apokolips is also interested in Earth.

In this case, as long as he assists Apocalypse in taking the lead, and waits until Apocalypse finds a way to take over the earth, and he only asks the other party to exchange his father's daughter as payment, it should not be difficult.

After all, Apocalypse's goal is to conquer the planet, and a third-gong heir must be of little use to them.

This is why Belial agreed to help so neatly.

Volex pretended to be respectful and stepped back, with a proud sneer on his face and peeked in the direction of Almerik.

The legendary Lord of the Apocalypse came in person, and these country bumpkins must have been too scared to move. Huh?

He blinked.

Why do you feel like you see the other party's not very smart Her Majesty the Queen smiling?

This is the famous Lord of Apocalypse, the god of destruction known throughout the universe. You can still laugh in front of him. Are you a fool?

Volex instinctively smelled something bad. In order to prevent long nights and long dreams, he quickly said: "Now that both parties are here, let's start signing. The terms are as mentioned before."

"Wait a moment."

Maxima reached out and interrupted him.

"We have no objection to the previous terms, but someone on my side has a slight objection."

"Huh?" Volex frowned, "Who is it?"

Darkseid dares to provoke even when he is here in person, who is so tired of living?

Even "Darkseid" next to him straightened his back and straightened his chest. His face seemed to have become a bit colder, and his scarlet eyes were filled with a hint of displeasure and murderous intent.

He has the temperament of a king who is not angry but is proud of himself.

Then he saw Maxima take two steps back to let someone come.

Shen You walked forward with a half-smile, and looked meaningfully at "Darkseid" in front of him: "Hey, Xiaoda, it's been a long time no see. Do you still remember me?"


Belial narrowed his eyes and looked him over.

A second later, Belial's scarlet pupils were seen shrinking, surprise appeared on the rock-like face, which soon turned into panic, and the whole person was frozen in place as hard as a rock.

Volex had never seen this person before. The ordinary-looking human race had no idea what was special about him. He immediately shouted angrily: "How dare you be so disrespectful to the great Lord of Apocalypse. Want to be killed by Omi?" Is Ga's power punishing?

If you are not a great Lord, why are you shaking? "

He looked blankly at "Darkseid" who suddenly started to tremble next to him.

"I, I, I, I suddenly felt a little cold," Belial cried.

"Then what are you kneeling for?"

"My legs are a little numb after standing for a long time."

Volex pondered for two seconds.

"Then what do you mean by holding my waist?"

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