"This wasn't your doing, was it, Flash?"

The police officers cleaning up the scene looked at the pile of charred corpses and withered bones, and looked at the Flash with some confusion.

"I don't know either." Flash said.

"It's okay, he is a vicious criminal, and you are here to save us." An old police officer said, "I will speak for you, old man."

"Thanks, but I think we still need to find out the truth first."

As Flash was talking, he suddenly felt the vibration of his cell phone in his uniform. He picked it up and took a look and found that it was a message from Shen You.

"Come quickly."

Two concise words, followed by a line of address positioning.

Fallen Leaf Town, Iowa.

Barry immediately thought that if anyone could answer his questions about the Speed ​​Force, it would be Shen You.

Barry was very sure that it wasn't because he used too much force or anything else. The problem was definitely with his Speed ​​Force. There have been some abnormalities in his abilities since he was last sucked into the Speed ​​Force. If he couldn't control it, the people around him would only continue to be injured.

"I'm sorry, officers, but I have to find out the truth of the matter." He turned to the officers at the scene and said, "But once I find out that it was really me who did it, I will come back and surrender."

"Don't worry, Red Man." The old police officer waved his hand, "We all believe in you."


The Flash said, turned around and started running. In an instant, he had left Midtown and was running into the distance on lightning.

Two seconds later, he received a text message from Iris.

"Are you there, Barry? I hope you remembered tonight's dinner."

Barry suddenly felt a little heartbroken after seeing this message.

He thinks that Iris is the greatest luck in his life. He still clearly remembers the first day they met.

At that time, Barry was completing the innocence defense for an innocent criminal who was wrongly convicted. When he walked out of the court, he met Iris, who was still a reporter.

"Can I interview you?" Iris asked enthusiastically.

"I've said all I can in court. The case is closed, Miss West," Barry said.

"It's not about this case, it's about your mother." Iris said, "I did a little research and found that you have never given up investigating that case. You still believe that your father is innocent, right? Maybe I can write an article Report.”

"This is personal privacy." Barry said displeasedly, "I'm sorry, Miss West, but I don't want to mention this case to anyone."

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to offend."

"It's okay." Barry waved his hand.

"How about I buy you a cup of coffee as an apology?"

"I don't drink coffee."

"This is Midtown, everyone drinks coffee. Otherwise, how about dinner? I'll treat you, just the two of us, tomorrow night?"

She suddenly flashed in front of Barry and straightened his crooked tie.

This was the first time in Barry's life that he had faced a girl so close, and such a beautiful girl. Barry was a little confused for a moment: "I uh... I have to work."

"You won't run away even if you work all night." Iris said with a smile.

Barry pondered for a moment.

"How about coffee?"

"Then dinner, it's settled. Italian restaurant on Fifth Avenue, nine o'clock." Iris smiled, waved his hand, and retreated into the crowd.

Looking back now, Iris looked like she had a gorgeous filter on her body that day.

But he ultimately didn't go to the appointment.

Work made him lose track of time. When the hands of the clock turned to nine o'clock, he was still in the laboratory, and he was shocked to realize that he had completely forgotten about this appointment.

It was that night that lightning struck that laboratory, changing his life forever and rewriting the future and past of the multiverse.

"Sorry, I might not be able to go. Another day."

After quickly replying to Iris' message, Barry took a deep breath and found that he had arrived at the farm.

It was always like this, Iris was always waiting for him. It's been the same since the first day they met, and nothing has changed to this day.

Shen You was already here.

The sky over the farm was dipped in a strange deep red, like the chaotic intertwining of dusk and dawn, or the fierce collision of flames and blood. Golden lightning pierces the sky from time to time, and every time it appears, it is accompanied by roaring thunder, shocking every living thing.

Just like a storm is coming, the sky turns into a huge stage, and lightning and thunder are the most shocking performances. Every flash of lightning tore through the sky, and every time it fell it was heart-stopping.

The Flash stopped next to Shen You and immediately saw the huge charred pothole and the black smoking wreckage.

"This is..." The Flash was surprised, "Black Lightning?"


"The one we defeated?"

"I doubt it." Shen You leaned over to observe, "But even if it's not the same one, it should indeed be the dark nature of the Speed ​​Force."

"You mean there's more than one Black Lightning?"

"That's probably the case. Or maybe I have a different theory." Shen You said, "There may be more than one Black Lightning, but there may only be one at a time.

When the last one dies, the Speed ​​Force will give birth to the next one to complete the work it needs to complete. "

"Okay, then if we kill the last one, then whose handiwork is this one?" The Flash said, "And if there is another Black Lightning, will it come to us?

Or, could this be related to my loss of control of the Speed ​​Force? Something happened to me in Midtown just now, and my speed force felt strong when I came into contact with the tar pits."

As Barry spoke, a double image seemed to appear in front of his eyes. His head felt dizzy for a while, and he shook his head to get rid of the dizziness, but he only felt a dizzy feeling, which seemed to get worse.

"Barry?" Shen You noticed something was wrong with him, "Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know, but I definitely don't feel right. Ahhh!"

Barry put his head in his hands and stumbled back. In an instant, purple-black lightning burst out from his body in all directions!

That was by no means an ordinary lightning bolt of divine speed, but an electric current with a violent and destructive aura. Strange trajectories were drawn by the electric light in the blood-red sky, and the air was torn apart, making a sharp sound. The crops in the fields were instantly burned into flames, and the trees further away were all charred black, and even the wreckage was turned into ashes in a matter of seconds.

Incredible destructive power erupted with him as the center, and the area within a radius of 100 meters was instantly electrified beyond recognition. The golden lightning in the sky seemed to be dyed purple-black, as if echoing the shocking changes in Barry's body.

The white light barrier blocked all the electric light around Shen You. He stood between the overflowing electricity, frowning slightly as he looked at Barry.

"Is it possible, Barry, that you are the next Black Lightning of the Speed ​​Force?"

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