I become light in American comics

Chapter 525 At great speed

Barry felt like he had never moved so fast in his life.

Extreme speed, now he feels that he can easily surpass the previous limit. He left the farm and the country almost as quickly as he took a step, rushing into a new time zone in a few steps.

The neon lights of the city flicker behind you, like a long river of stars flowing across the night sky. The outlines of high-rise buildings recede rapidly in the field of vision, and the windows are like static squares, reflecting the lights of thousands of houses. He galloped through the blood of the city, feeling its pulse and breathing.

After leaving the city, there are continuous mountains and rivers, and the outline of the mountains is looming in the hazy night. The hardness of the rocks, the raw power of nature, the whistling wind in the mountains, the freshness of the vegetation and the smell of moist soil.

Within 0.01 seconds, the afterimage of the Flash sped out of the mountains. He walked forward on the sea water, and the electric light drew a golden track in the endless blue waves. The churning waves seemed to be telling the legend of Atlantis, and he could feel the saltiness of the sea breeze and the temperature of the sea water up close. They are like a poem, telling the vastness and depth of the world.

He is obsessed with this feeling, the ultimate speed in the world, the feeling that his whole body seems to be integrated into the whirlwind and become a part of something greater. At this moment, he is a dancer of time and a traveler of space.

Ordinary people simply can't imagine what it feels like to master such powerful power.

But if having these means something bad will happen to others, someone will get hurt, then he will throw them away without hesitation.

Because that's who he is, Barry Allen, that's who he is. He was born to think about others and would never accept someone being harmed because of him.

It was as if the entire earth's scenery receded from his field of vision almost in an instant. He ran from day to night in a second, ran through the rainstorm into the scorching sun, and flew across the snow-capped mountains and the polar regions at lightning speed.

Until all the scenes disappeared from the eyes, the blurred light and shadow stretched infinitely around him, until it seemed to turn into pure light and shadow.

It was like he ran into an infinite kaleidoscope, stepping from solid ground into void. He ran at full speed, violent lightning rushing in his blood. The muscles of the thighs tensed up tightly, hot electric current surged through the spine, the flesh and blood were transformed into electrons, and even the body was transformed into pure light and electricity.

Yes, that's what it feels like.

Become speed itself, rush into the Speed ​​Force, and become part of the cornerstone of time and space in the multidimensional world.

When he finally wakes up, when he gets the answer to the unanswerable question, when the universe in his eyes turns into an ant farm, he understands that losing his identity is the price of the answer. He ultimately needs to lose his existence.

He disrupted the vibrational frequencies that sustained the universe, and time fractured around him. He begins to see the reversal of his life and his past

Some things he has experienced before, and some things he has never experienced before.

He sees possibilities. In some timelines, he married Iris. In some timelines, his best friend Hal became a villain due to the destruction of Beach City. In other timelines, the entire league was destroyed by Batman. In other timelines, even the Man of Steel, who was supposed to be the best among them, was corrupted.

And all of these horrific timelines, versions in which the terrible things that never happened to them, have one thing in common with the time that Barry knows now.

There was no Ultraman during those times.

what does that mean? Is Ultraman a special being to this universe?

Did his arrival prevent those nightmares that might have come?

"No, focus on Barry." He gritted his teeth and forced himself to continue to speed up, saying to himself at the same time, "You have to focus, you have to uh."

His muscles were beginning to reach their limits. He didn't know what speed he had reached, but he was sure that he had never been this fast before. It was so fast that even time was left behind, so fast that even the memories of the past seemed to be unable to catch up with him and were lost in the endless flow of time.

At this moment, images began to appear in front of his eyes. That red, beautiful bow tie.

Then there was Iris who gave away the bow tie. Her smiling face seemed to have a delicate filter and she was smiling softly at her.

Barry felt lighter, the load on his muscles lessened, and each step he took became lighter.

Thinking of Iris made him feel better.

He continued to try to remember, recalling their acquaintance, recalling their kiss, and the first time in his life that he took the initiative to tell a girl about the Flash - the biggest secret in his life.

Just think of Iris.

Just think of it

No wait, what's her name?

Barry started to feel a little panicked. He began to resist, and began to resist the speed force space and time that had almost assimilated him.

"No, wait, take me away, but don't take away my memory."

He shook his head desperately, but his body could no longer stop running. His steps moved forward mechanically, and his body repeated the running movements in a stylized manner, as if bound by the electric light on his body.

"No, I don't want to forget, I don't want to"

His body seemed to be stretched, and Barry felt as if he was about to disintegrate. The tie disappeared from his memory, the face gradually blurred, and his body and existence disappeared with it.

"Her name is Iris West."

An ethereal voice sounded in his ears.

"And your name is Barry Allen. But you have to say it yourself."

Barry woke up with a start.

"Yes, I am Barry Barry Allen"

".I am The Flash!"

In an instant, the devouring process was lifted. Barry woke up, as if the consciousness that disappeared in the Speed ​​Force returned to his body.

He took over his body again and regained consciousness. He thought about what he had just experienced and the familiar voice just now, and couldn't help but look around in surprise.

"Mr. Shen?"

But no response.

Barry was sure it wasn't an auditory hallucination, and he was sure he heard it right. That was Shen You's voice, somewhere here, pulling him in by some unknown means just before he disappeared.

But looking around, there was only endless dark red void, violent electric current filled the entire space, and there was not a single person in sight.


He charged into the Speed ​​Force and reached speeds never seen before or since. Although Mr. Shen is very strong, in terms of speed, even he is far from being that fast, and it is impossible for him to appear here.

In fact, it shouldn't be possible for anyone to show up here. No one can keep up with this speed

Wait, that's not right.

Barry's pupils shrank, and he was shocked to see a golden shadow flashing in the red void.

The strange afterimage rushed towards him at an astonishing speed!

When he realized it, the other party was already too close to him, and although it was a bit strange to say this, even Barry didn't react for a while and received a solid punch in the face.

Blood spurted out from his mouth, he staggered back, and turned around in shock, only to see the afterimage passing by his side and behind him.

But how is this possible?

He has reached a speed that cannot be described by physics, and has rushed into a speed realm that ordinary creatures cannot enter. How could something get in here, even fast enough to launch a surprise attack on him?

"Too slow, Barry."

When he turned around, he saw a golden human figure standing behind him. The figure was blurred due to high-speed vibration, and the whole body was wrapped with dark red electric light.

The man seemed to have a cruel smile.

"Just because you've been so slow, you've never been able to save anyone."

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