The location of the universe and star field is unknown.

On a certain planet.

The already desolate planet exudes a strange aura. The surface of the planet is covered with various strange minerals, and its color and texture are particularly charming under the starlight, as if it has been given life, silently telling some ancient legends.

On a planet without life and without any signs of activity, invisible forces began to gather. A huge beam of light rose into the sky, gradually condensing into a shape that resembled a giant. Countless colorful stars surround it, and at the top is a radiant halo that looks like a crown.

Raven, the daughter of the Three Houses, is one of the most powerful magicians in the multiverse. When she came back to her senses, she found that she was already here, facing the giant shadow formed by the starlight.

For some reason, nouns came to her mind.


The next moment, the girl suddenly sat up on her bed, and was shocked to realize that her pajamas had been soaked with cold sweat at some point.

She panted violently for a moment, and gently stroked her purple hair that was wet and stuck to her forehead with her fingers, trying to recall the meaning of that dream.

Ordinary people might just think that it was an ordinary nightmare and quickly start a new day and forget about it, but she couldn't.

She is the daughter of the devil and was born to be a top mage. None of her dreams were meaningless.

After thinking for a moment, the girl jumped out of bed and quickly took off her clothes. When she walked out of the bedroom, she was already wearing a simple white T-shirt and black tights. The neckline is slightly open, showing off the slender neck and delicate collarbones. Thigh-fitting trousers outline slender legs.

When she came to the entrance, a pair of white sneakers had automatically flown to her from the shoe rack, and she untied the shoelaces on her own initiative.

She has to go to the coffee shop.

Go to the only person she knew she could communicate this to.


"So, you said you dreamed of a giant?"

Shen You tapped his knuckles on the table and confirmed again.

"Yes, in the universe, on a planet I can't recognize." Raven said firmly.

"Okay, just in case, but I wanted to make sure. Is it possible that it was just a normal dream? I mean like a normal nightmare?"

"I hope so too."

Raven shook her head.

"But my dreams always have meaning. Sometimes it may be that my soul wanders out of my body unconsciously, and sometimes it may be that I glimpse fragments of images from other parallel dimensions. And sometimes."

She paused, as if trying to formulate some words.

".It could be precognition, or it could be seeing what's happening elsewhere."

"Like a vision?"

"It's a bit like spiritual vision." Raven nodded and said seriously, "And for some reason, I can feel that this prediction is of great significance. What kind of crisis might it foreshadow? I don't know the specifics."

"Then tell me what you saw, and be more specific. What kind of giant? Environmental context? Any physical characteristics? Any details will do."

Shen You's memory is fully activated, and he is ready to conduct a comprehensive search of all the American comic memories in his past life through the enhancement of light quantum brain.

"Well, it looks like it has a lot of colorful lights on it, and it's big. It's some kind of giant, on a planet with no signs of life, no atmosphere, and you can see the stars directly. The giant's body is like... metal."

giant metal man

Okay, it's still a bit too broad.

Shen You thought of several possibilities in an instant, but these clues were not enough for him to judge.

"Thanks for the reminder, I will pay attention." Shen You said.

At the same time, I thought for a while that I might be able to send these clues to Hal. No one in the universe has more manpower and knowledge than the Green Lantern Corps, and maybe one of the Green Lanterns will find something while patrolling.

Raven immediately went to find her master, the old wizard. However, although the two seemed to be magic masters and apprentices in name, they seemed to have stopped talking about magic at some point.

Nowadays, if you go to the kitchen at any time and take a look, most of the nouns you hear will be topics like how much seasoning to put in, how good the heat is, and the quality of the pot, rather than runes and spells.

It had been a long time since they had discussed magic seriously.

After lunch, Shen You came to the Zhenglian Special Cafe. It's time for the alliance's regular meeting again, and Shen You will come to listen from time to time. On the one hand, it is the adjustment of scientific research intervals. On the other hand, it can also continue to follow the real-time happenings on this earth every week. Occasionally, you may be able to smell the smell of big events in advance.

As soon as I entered the house, I heard Bat Chao having a daily quarrel.

But everyone in the alliance is already used to it. Shen You didn't think there was anything surprising, so he pulled out a chair and sat next to Kara, and asked, "What happened this time?"

"Oh, Flash asked me curiously about you. He said that he helped you go to another universe before, and asked me if you ever mentioned what the situation was like there." Kara said.


Shen You felt strange. So what's the fuss about between Batman and Superman.

"Then I told them, you said that there is a place called 'Marvel'. Everyone was surprised to know that fictional film and television works really exist in another parallel world.

So out of curiosity about that place, the weekend team-building activity became watching Marvel movies together.”

Shen You: "."

It feels quite strange to have all the members of the Justice League watching Marvel movies on the watchtower. But although it felt weird, it still didn't explain what they were arguing about.

"We just watched "Captain America" ​​before." Kara continued to explain, "Superman liked this movie very much and was moved to a complete mess.

But Batman said that if this really happened in a parallel reality, it would be unreasonable. "

Shen You: "."

The Batman-super debate is even going on at this point.

"There is no doubt that Steve Rogers is a hero and deserves admiration. He sacrificed himself without hesitation and flew the enemy's plane into the sea." Superman said, "If there is such a person, I must make friends with him. friend."

"Yeah, hero, just not very smart." Batman nodded.

"How could you say that?"

"Then when he finally crashed, was the aircraft's driving system broken?"

"Well he looked like he was still in control of the plane at the end, I don't think so," Superman said.

"So there's a time bomb on the plane?"

"Well I think the bombs are all taken care of, it looks fine."

"So he chose to fly the plane into the sea instead of turning around and driving it back. He didn't seem to even try to find a parachute." Batman said expressionlessly, "Also, if I understand correctly, the Red Skull should be from Germany. people.

But he was very considerate enough to write the name of the city in English on the plane, as if he thought Captain America wouldn't be able to understand it otherwise. "

"Well, these details are not important." Superman scratched his head, "Don't you think he is a great hero? It feels like you are flying a bat plane and slinging a nuclear bomb away from Gotham."

"No, he doesn't even remotely resemble me."

Batman said decisively, thought for a moment, and then added.

"Besides, I'm not a hero. I'm a criminal, just a principled criminal."

"Ah! You're starting again."

Superman raised his hands to show that he didn't want to argue with him.

"Okay I know you don't like that universe"

"I don't dislike that universe." Batman denied.

"Really? But I heard that you used 'Iron Man is weak' as the password to open the Batcave."

Batman narrowed his eyes and looked at Superman with an indifferent expression.

Only those closest to you can read this expression, which means "Where did you hear such a ridiculous statement?"

"Uh, what Robin said?" Superman made an innocent face.

Batman: "."

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