I become light in American comics

Chapter 575 Recognize a father

Planet Oa.

"High-energy blast reaction detected a sector away!"

Green Lantern reported in the central headquarters, and his tone became a little unbelievable.

"This energy reaction. Oh my God, I have never seen it so powerful. Is this a star exploding?"

The newcomer Green Lantern looked up in shock, and soon felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up, he saw that it was Sarak, the green light secretary.

"Calm down, it's a small scene." Sarak said calmly, "If you knew more of Leader Jordan's magical friends, you wouldn't be so rare and strange."

Green light newcomer: "?"

Is this still a small scene?

"I still don't think we should really just wait here."

Guy Gardner, who was also a new recruit, couldn't sit still at all. It seemed that he started to feel uncomfortable within a few minutes of being in the headquarters.

"So our glowing buddy can really handle a big guy like that on his own? I mean, you've all seen what that metal giant can do, right?

And Jordan, he told us to stay put and then ran away. We really just listened to him and didn't move? "

"Lantern Jordan is our leader, and it is the duty of every Green Lantern to obey orders." Salak said expressionlessly, "Until he comes for further instructions, yes. We will stand still."

"Ah! At least we should go find the metal giant to settle the score! You should have seen it before, so many Green Lanterns combined can't even hit it. I bet it hasn't even scratched a bit of paint."

"Hmm. Hahahahaha."

Gai's words stopped abruptly. Everyone looked in the direction of the laugh. It was Captain Tezi who had been tied up and imprisoned in the green light prison.

"Is there anything funny about what I said?" Guy frowned.

"I'm not sorry, it's not because what you said is funny, it's quite the opposite." Tez chuckled, "The reason why I laughed was because the only smart person in the room was you, the seemingly brainless Green Lantern."

Gai was stunned for a moment.

"Wow, thank you. No one has ever said I'm smart before. What do you mean I look brainless!?" The hair on the head with a slightly longer reflex arc suddenly exploded.

Tez ignored him and sneered: "Because you said the right thing, you Green Lanterns have no chance in front of the Doomsday God of War, and neither does that warrior of light.

I don't know how he can withstand the battleship's Omega main gun, but the output of the God of War and our battleship are not of the same order of magnitude. The God of War must have crushed him to pieces in the explosion just now."

But he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Crush what to pieces?"

The light appeared out of thin air, and when he saw Shen You flying lightly to the ground from the aperture with gorgeous lightning effects all over his body, Captain Tezi's eyes widened.

How could he escape from the pursuit of their invincible doom metal god of war so quickly and come back?

Where is their god of war?

Unable to bear it anymore, Captain Tezi couldn't help but asked in shock: "Why are you the God of War??"

"What God of War?"

Shen You was startled, but he understood immediately.

"Oh, you're talking about that N metal iron lump? It's dead, I'm fooling you." Shen You said casually.


Captain Tez jumped up and down in the prison.

"Impossible! You're lying!" the captain yelled, "No one can stop the power of the God of War, which even the real gods cannot resist."

But when he said this, his tongue had already started to tremble, and his mouth was repeating the word "resistance" mechanically, while his eyes were staring straight at the thing that appeared out of thin air and floated above Shen You.

Although the fluorescence on the flat, dim metal object has been extinguished, the original texture can still be vaguely discerned.

That was the head of their "Invincible God of War".

It was blown to pieces with only a small half of his head left.

Captain Tez, and the entire crew of their ship in the prison, were all stunned. This scene is a violent bombardment of their beliefs and three views, and it is simply an apocalyptic disaster for them.

The unparalleled God of War of N metal lost to a man of light with eyes like light bulbs?

Why do we collectively have such strange dreams?

"By the way, the other parts of the body are also stored in my subspace. I collected them all piece by piece, because it is not every day that you can hit the ultra-rare ninth in the universe piled up like a hill. Metal.

Besides, I have to put it together and study it after I go back. This kind of craftsmanship and technology should have been lost after Yuga Khan put up the wall hundreds of millions of years ago, right? It's a pity, maybe I can carry it forward through research.

Hey, why are you fainted? "

Captain Tetz rolled his eyes and lay straight on the ground. Only his body twitched from time to time to prove that he was still alive.

It looks like the hit was pretty serious.

Of course, Shen You still had questions to ask, so he waved his hand. The blue light fell, and Captain Tetz was quickly pulled back from his coma, and he stood up again with a sit-up.

He looked at Shen You with a bit of resentment and a bit of fear on his face, which was completely different from the way he looked before.

There was even a little more awe.

"Okay, now let's talk about your purpose? What exactly do you want to do for a master who was banned hundreds of millions of years ago?"

Tezi's dark face showed pain, as if he was in a tangle.

At this time, the guy next to him who seemed to be the adjutant of the battleship hesitated for a moment, came to the captain's side, and whispered.

"That captain, there is something I don't know whether to say or not."

"What?" Tezi looked at him.

"You see, we used to be desperadoes with nowhere to go. We all received the Lord's oracle and gathered here in order to have the supreme power to rely on. In fact, it sounds ugly, but we just hugged each other. That’s all.

But actually, none of us have ever seen what the Lord looks like.”

"Tell me the important point." Tezi glared.

"Okay." The adjutant said bluntly, "That is to say, the brothers gathered together just to recognize their father, but now we look at the father we recognized and still don't know where he is. But in fact, if we think about it carefully, we don't You have to recognize a specific father, and I think the man in front of me has an extraordinary and dazzling bearing, so he is actually quite suitable."

Everyone: "."

To be able to say such things so shamelessly in front of a large audience is quite a feat.

But what I didn't expect was that Captain Tezi thought for a moment after hearing his words, and nodded slightly: "It makes sense."

Everyone: "."

At this moment, the contact from the green light channel came.

"It's the leader of the lantern group!"

Salak immediately connected. It was a communication from Hal Jordan.


Only then did Shen You notice that Hal was missing from the headquarters.

"Where have you been?"

"I just found some signals. I came over to check the situation. To make a long story short, I found something!"

Hal shouted.

"It's Heavenly Father! The Heavenly Father of New Creation Star Zizi looks like he's in trouble!"

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