I become light in American comics

Chapter 580 Just get used to it

"Target New God, New Creation Izaya."

"Designate the new god status and survive."

"Execute the order and obliterate"

The astonishing energy storm blew away the light that was rapidly surrounding the giant, causing it to spin and fly out. Hal shouted and summoned a series of missile array bombardments, but a series of green light fireworks failed to even leave a scratch on the red puppet.

The red puppet's left palm was extended through the air, and the impact of annihilation energy blasted the structures around Hal to pieces. The latter also groaned and flew away far away.

Seeing that he was about to spin and hit the origin wall, Hal tried his best to adjust his balance and stabilize his body at the critical moment, and quickly materialized two rows of four green light thrusters in the opposite direction. The thruster sprayed tail flames with all its strength in the opposite direction, and at the same time three ropes extended to tie Hal's body.

The green light flame was at full power, finally bringing Hal to a halt only a few meters away from the origin wall. He could even see a ferocious demon statue on the wall staring at him face to face, with fierce eyes and horns on top of its head. Its eyes that had been petrified hundreds of millions of years ago seemed to be filled with resentment.

"Be careful." Heavenly Father shouted, "Once you encounter the wall of origin, everyone will suffer the same fate as the creatures on the wall. If you don't want to become an eternal sculpture, stay away from that wall."

"Thanks for the reminder." Hal flew forward again and muttered vaguely, "It sounded like I hit it on purpose."

"I feel like this thing didn't even feel our attack at all!"

The light circled around the side of the puppet, but the beam attack he released was only bounced off by the strong N metal shell, unable to scratch even a trace of damage.

The N metal puppet even ignored him, paying no attention to the scraping-like light bombardment. Its eyes are fixed squarely on the Father.

"Target New God Izaya, status, alive"

"Izaya? What does that mean?"

Hal was carrying a green light rocket launcher, and the rocket launcher fired like a machine gun, and he took the time to ask.

"That was my past name." Heavenly Father said solemnly, "It was my identity before becoming Heavenly Father."

"Ha, it's nice that your late father still remembers your name." Hal said.

The puppet raised its arms, and the lines on its body had lit up with a dark red fatal light, and energy was slowly filling its arms.

The radiance of Omega.

"It's recharging Omega!" Hal shouted, "I can't take Omega rays around in the universe again, at least not at this distance.

I'm not the Flash and Omega will catch me before I can accelerate fast enough."


Heavenly Father flew forward, the golden light of the scepter in his hand bloomed, as if he was completely wrapped in it.

He actually rushed forward to face the Omega's light, as if he was trying to block the muzzle of the gun with his body.

"What are you going to do!?" Hal was surprised.

"I've had enough of hiding. Those puppets came to free my father, but they couldn't do it without the power of the Origin.

I finally figured out what my father was planning. "

The golden light formed a platform under his feet, like an energy skateboard. Heavenly Father stepped forward quickly on his skateboard, and surging energy surged in his scepter.

"It is hiding the location of its energy core, but I have managed to scan it in the battle just now." Heavenly Father said, "Maybe I can open a crack in the shell.

Maybe it's just a small gap, it can only open for a moment, but it's enough to create an opportunity.

I'm here, you robotic monster! "

The Heavenly Father shouted loudly, and the scepter emitted a dazzling golden light, dividing the universe like a sharp golden blade.

He is the Heavenly Father at the pinnacle of the New Gods, possessing a powerful power that is extremely rare in countless universes.

That energy hit.

The puppet's shell received an extremely powerful impact, and its huge body, dozens of meters tall, stepped back involuntarily. Black smoke billowed on N's metal body, and the aftermath of the golden light spread out in waves.

"Scans indicate that the enemy's body integrity has been compromised."

At the same time as the green light ring reported, a small green dot was marked in Hal's field of vision.

With the help of the magnifying mark of the green light ring, Hal saw that just as Heavenly Father said, a small gap had been blasted out of the shell where the puppet's energy core was located.

At this moment, the gap is closing rapidly, and it seems that it may return to its original state at any time.

"Now, Green Lantern!" Heavenly Father shouted.

Hal was certainly prepared.

Green Light built two cannons out of his imagination, and the aiming crosshairs were suspended in front of Hal.

"There is no wind, no weather, no Coriolis effect in the universe."

He pulled the trigger.

".Sniping at him."

A series of green light lasers hit that tiny gap accurately. Hal's willpower penetrated the N metal shell and went straight to Huanglong, penetrated deep inside, and hit the energy core inside.

"Error.zizi cannot repair damage, code.zizi code meltdown"

The instant explosion hit the space itself like an invisible hammer. The explosion's fire was as dazzling as the sun, illuminating the surrounding star field. The metal puppet's body was torn apart by its own internal energy, the red N metal shattered into pieces, and the countless fragments exploded like meteors across the starry sky.


Hal removed the green light cannons around him and let out a sigh of relief.

"Bet you know how powerful you are now."

"We killed it!"

The light is also incredibly exciting.

"Yuga Khan's doomsday weapon! We really succeeded in killing it"

"Don't take it lightly."

The Heavenly Father also raised the corner of his mouth to acknowledge everyone's victory. But he still maintained his calm.

"This is just one, there are more

Um? "

Turning his head, Heavenly Father was stunned for a moment.

There seemed to be a big "?" on his head.

Where's the puppet?

Weren’t there four more people coming just now?

But looking back now, I see that all the original puppets have disappeared. Instead, there are N-metal debris floating in the universe, as well as massive amounts of terrifying energy remnants.

And Shen You was floating calmly on the side with his arms folded.

Only then did the two new gods realize this somewhat terrifying fact.

They had just worked so hard and risked their lives to defeat this N metal puppet.

The remaining four have already been brushed by this guy?

How? ?

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to be around."

Shen You waved his hand and explained.

"It's just that I just saw how much atmosphere you have created. If I just so casually snatched away the last remaining head, I feel like it would ruin the atmosphere a bit."

Father/Ray: "."

However, Hal was not surprised at all. He only had an "I knew it a long time ago" expression floating next to him and said, "This is how it is to team up with him. Just get used to it."

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