I become light in American comics

Chapter 585 Dream Technology

Tony Stark's eyes widened, looking at the scene of disaster in front of him, the scene of doomsday.

A complete disaster.

The buildings and bustling streets that once existed have been reduced to ruins, and their former glory has completely disappeared from the wreckage. Among the ruins, the wind carries dust and broken memories floating in the air, like Sokovia's last gasp in the sky 10,000 meters high.

And above this chaos, among the stirring dust, the mountains and plains are filled with machines that bring doomsday, the mass-produced mechanical body of the being named "Ultron".

Tony quickly realized something.

This is Iron Man's worst nightmare come true, his worst fear coming true. The world is about to be destroyed, and what's even more ironic is that the culprit is himself - the purpose is to prevent similar things from happening.

He single-handedly contributed to the disaster that he tried so hard to avoid.

"No, it's not like this. It shouldn't be like this."

Unconsciously, armor appeared on his body. The desperate nano-armor seeped out of his body and covered his whole body.

Iron Man jumped into the air riding on the flames, stretched out his palms, and used light cannons to blast apart the body of Ultron's machine in mid-air.

The magazine on his shoulder opened, and a series of micro-missiles were scattered out with intelligent assistance. The Ultron machine exploded like fireworks, shattering in flames.

But in the face of such a huge number of opponents, it is simply a drop in the bucket. His behavior is literally one person facing the entire army.

"Stop, stop!"

he shouted as he fired.

"That's not what I want, that's not your mission. Stop. Uh-huh!"

He was hit.

Iron Man flipped and fell, like a bird with broken wings. The red gold armor bounced several times on the ground, exploding into the sky with dust.

"No, this is the mission, you taught me it, don't you remember?"

An Ultron that was different from the mass-produced machine flew down and looked at him condescendingly.

"You want world peace, and I gave you world peace." it said coldly, "but this peace does not require human participation. And you are powerless to prevent this from happening.

Maybe this is what you want deep down, maybe this is what it was from the beginning.”

Ultron didn't finish his words. Because a beam of light penetrated from its mechanical chest, opening a big hole in its heart.

Of course, Ultron feels no pain. It just paused slightly and looked down at the hole in its chest.

"Oh, hell," it said to itself.

The next moment, Ultron exploded.

Tony raised his head in surprise, and soon saw the figure who was no longer unfamiliar to him——

——The red and silver battle armor, trailing a line of light blue plasma energy flames behind it. He seemed to fly from outside the boundary of the world, paused briefly in front of Tony, then without stopping, turned around and accelerated towards the Ultron army.

Immediately, what was left on Tony's visual sensor was a series of afterimages.

It was an afterimage of ultra-high-speed movement, dragged on the trajectory of the red and silver armor moving at ultra-high speed. It moved between the Ultron army like a ghost, making all kinds of weird turns and maneuvers that were absolutely impossible under conventional aerodynamics that Tony knew.

What's even more bizarre is that for some reason, Tony seems to realize instinctively that these weird movements and extraordinary speeds are not from some superpower that he doesn't understand.

But pure technology.

Some kind of cutting-edge technology that was completely different from the system he knew, perhaps from another world.

Of course, Tony doesn't know that this technology is called "Meteor Technology" in another universe.

From the TV work "Membius", the super black technology used by the Defense Force Guys. It only takes one minute to use, but within that minute, the body can gain extremely incredible speed and maneuverability, coupled with super energy output, photon barrier, powerful storm, summon virtual monsters and even virtual Ultraman, etc. Heaven means.

It is precisely because of this ultimate black technology that Guys can give Mebius the top output and auxiliary performance in the entire Ultraman series on TV, and it is not impossible to even defeat some monsters alone.

This technology is also recorded in the Science and Technology Bureau's database. Shen You had already unlocked it a long time ago, but because at the time of unlocking, his personal abilities were already basically invincible in the current universe, so he didn't really need it.

But this is not the real world, but in Stark's dream. The use of this technology was purely for Stark's sake.

The phantom flight of meteor technology maintains ultra-high-speed maneuvers, leaving afterimages all over the sky. At the same time, the Bollinger Storm of meteor technology rolled up a tornado that reached the sky. It was a super powerful tornado that was enough to roll up a monster weighing 100,000 tons thousands of meters into the air. In an instant, a large number of Ultron machines were involved. , the wind pressure is like thousands of sharp blades, crushing them all into slag in mid-air.

The Specium warhead exploded into a sea of ​​​​fire, and the super doubled plasma cannon annihilated a large area in front of it.

Soon all the Ultrons were gone.

Tony raised his head, facing the figure suspended in front of him, and was silent for a moment.

".These are all fake, right?" he asked.

"You think so. But you are a smart man, Tony." Shen You said calmly, "Just imagine what might happen if you insist on this Ultron idea.

Maybe it's just a dream, but maybe it's the future. "

"I can improve Ultron's algorithm, I can add more restrictions and more requirements to its bottom layer. I can"

"Of course you can." Shen You interrupted before he could finish, "Ultron is a good idea, I think so too. Of course I believe you can correct the mistakes and design better.

But you may not understand that what really caused the problem was not a design error or a flaw somewhere. The problem is with you. "

"Me?" Tony frowned.

"You are the smartest person in the world, and everyone agrees so. But that doesn't mean you have to shoulder everything." Shen You said calmly, "If you want to put on armor for this world, it's like putting everything on your shoulders." Put them all into the giant crib you made."

He paused and smiled softly.

"You know what? You remind me of another friend of mine. He is very strong, let's just say that. When he is at his best, he can fly faster than the speed of light, and his push hands can push planets. He wears a red cloak and flies around all day long. Go and want to save every unfortunate person in the world.

He once said something similar to you. He said that on a sunny day, he could do almost anything. So he feels like every disaster on earth and every misfortune that happens to everyone is his fault. "

Tony pondered for a moment and said in a low voice: "It is a fact that the earth is encountering new threats. Those aliens, cosmic creatures, and superpowers that we don't understand.

What do you want from us? What else can we do?

Do you want to tell me that I can trust you with everything?

With all due respect, man, I'm grateful for your action in New York...or in another dimension. I'd love to believe you're on our side, really.

But the truth is, I don’t even know what you are, we don’t know you at all. "


Shen You shrugged and did not answer his question, but instead said.

"What you just saw is called 'Meteor Technology'."

Tony was stunned for a moment.

"Sorry, what?"

"This is technology designed by people in a certain world in response to us. It is proof of their efforts and progress."

Shen You smiled and said softly.

"Ultraman has never wanted you to hand over everything to us. Our long-cherished wish is that one day, all peace-loving people, regardless of planet or race, can become friends and one day be able to stand side by side with us.

But until they can do that, we volunteer to be their protective umbrella and look forward to the day when we can all move forward together.

And this 'meteor technology' is the proof that people in a certain world we know respond to our feelings and work together for that day to come. "

Tony: "."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to believe me. I'm just trying to let you understand that you don't have to push yourself too hard, or even make some decisions that you and thousands of people will regret."

Shen You said as his body began to glow. The entire surrounding background also began to become illusory and transparent, gradually disappearing.

"You are the smartest person in the world. You can customize the future of mankind, but millions of people may die because of a mistake. But I think you already understand."


"Sir? Sir?"

Jarvis's voice jolted Tony awake. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was sitting at the table in the laboratory and fell asleep on the table at some point.

After realizing this, Tony took a deep breath and rubbed his temples.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Half an hour, sir."

"It's only half an hour."

Tony took a deep breath and glanced at the floating screen in front of him.

It has the words "Project Ultron" written on it.

The project is still in the new construction stage.

"Is it a dream? Or" Tony muttered.

The scenes and words in the dream were quickly replayed in his mind.

Meteor technology?

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