I become light in American comics

Chapter 592 Special Negotiation Skills

Zebel, a relatively warlike clan among the Seven Undersea Kingdoms. Mera, Queen of the Sea, is from this country.

Atlantis retreated in the previous battle, and now, under the leadership of Aquaman, it has joined the United Nations on the surface and formed an alliance with the land. Although Zebel also agreed to the treaty with the King of Atlantis, after all, he had never come to land in person to suffer losses, and most people were still dissatisfied with Neptune's decision.

In the perception of many undersea people, land people are barbaric and backward. As early as the era when people on land were still slashing each other with swords, people under the sea had developed a considerable degree of civilization, and their technology had always been far ahead of the land world.

In modern times, the pollution of the seabed by surface countries has become more and more serious, and the dissatisfaction of the seabed countries with the surface is also increasing day by day. Although Neptune is now vigorously promoting the policy of peaceful coexistence, there are still many hidden militants. Now that some people from land have taken the initiative to break into their territory, it is impossible for these people from the sea to let them go easily.

"You are damaging our city."

A guy next to him who looked like an upright shark said, sticking out his tongue and licking his lower lip.

"When you come here, you should be mentally prepared that you won't be able to go back."


Kara looked around blankly.

This place doesn't even have any small fish or shrimps, so what kind of city does it come from?

"There used to be cities, you stupid surface people!" the shark man yelled, "There used to be many cities under the sea, and this is the ruins of Cybertiago. Now they are all gone, because of the endless damage to the world above. .

But now we will not tolerate it any longer. The sea cannot be trampled by anyone. "

Kara looked around carefully and found that it was exactly what the other party said. Although there are no signs of living things around, there are things similar to urban ruins not far away. Beautifully carved stone pillars and arches, walls inlaid with colorful gems and shells. The temple-like ruins bear the mark of a trident.

"Okay. Sorry, we don't want trouble." Kara said, "We just want kryptonite, that big green glowing stone. Take that and we'll leave immediately."

"That's not okay."

The tone of the leader was beyond question.

"This is the history of some people, and it was once the home of some people. No one can take it away with reckless abandon, especially you primitive people from the surface."

As he spoke, he showed his weapon. The soldiers at the back also showed off their weapons, as if they were ready for war.

Kara took a few steps back and looked at Shen You: "What should I do?"

"Your cousin is determined to get rid of the kryptonite. He will come again next time we go back this time. There is no way to avoid conflicts." Shen You said.

"Then we want to fight?"

"Of course we won't fight, and we are not here to start a war." Shen You said seriously, "If there is a problem, solve it. We can always reason with each other."

"Is it okay to be reasonable?"

Kara looked at the group of people in front of her with some suspicion and whispered.

"I always feel like they don't really want to talk."


Strong light bloomed from Shen You's body, and he had completed his giant transformation in the light in just a moment. Followed by a wave of pure white light, it had transformed into a life form when it completed its enlargement.

This scene shocked all the people in the sea, but they did not back down. The man leading the team shouted: "Get ready to fight!"

Everyone drew their weapons and faced Shen You with a look of death.

The Zebels are a warrior race, they are not afraid of war or death. No matter how strong the opponent is, he will not back down.

But Shen You had no intention of fighting them.

Of course he can take the Kryptonite away by force. Even if all Zebel comes out, no one can stop it. But this is tantamount to a declaration of war and may lead to a war between the two worlds. He was just helping a friend, but he had no intention of starting a war.

So like he said, he just wanted to talk.

What happened in the next moment shattered the views of these undersea people almost instantly, and made these fearless warriors realize what real fear was for the first time.

Because they saw the sea disappear.

Literally, it is a scene that is hard to imagine even if you see it with your own eyes. It was like millions of tons of seawater evaporated in an instant, and the entire underwater world disappeared like a dream. The deep and dark world suddenly became as bright as day, as if the sun shone directly into the heart of the earth.

The sea was divided.

It was as if a crack appeared in the middle of the sea, like a huge knife slashing from the surface of the sea, straight to the deepest part of the sea. The sea water was divided, forming a wide trench, as if opening the door to the ocean.

Like the Red Sea that parted before Moses.

Another example is the appearance of the famous King of Forces.

The underwater people who were still in the water a second ago were suddenly exposed to direct sunlight. The huge instantaneous pressure change brought a huge load. They were like fish out of water. They were suffocating and struggled to look at the giant in front of them with shocked expressions of shock.

Does such a terrifying thing already exist on land now?

Is this already a miracle?

No. This is even more exaggerated and outrageous than some of the miracles in ancient records!

Suddenly they seemed to understand why the King of Atlantis, who was said to have grown up on land, spared no effort to promote peace between the two sides, even using his own strength to fight against the entire underwater parliament to prevent war with the land.

Originally, people at the bottom of the sea thought that this was because Neptune grew up on land and had feelings for that place, so he turned his elbows outward. Even if many people don't say it, they are secretly dissatisfied.

But at this moment when they experienced such a miracle, they all seemed to suddenly understand the painstaking efforts of Neptune.

Where is the protection of land people? He is clearly protecting these blind and arrogant frogs in the well!

There are gods on land!

Kara was also shocked by Shen You's actions. It wasn't the first time she knew that Shen You could actually do such a thing. This was the first time she had seen this scene, but it was Shen You after all. No matter what he did, she would not be surprised.

She asked hesitantly: "This won't hurt. I mean, aquatic animals and plants on the bottom of the sea?"

"It's okay, no." Shen You waved his hand, "With the white light, as long as I don't allow it, not even a single water plant will die. It will only suffocate a little."

After speaking, he snapped his fingers, and the divided sea closed again. Everything returned to the same state as before, as if nothing had happened.

But in less than half a minute, the team of undersea soldiers had already formed a group to wander around the gate of hell. Now when I returned to the water, I felt that sea water had never been so precious in my life. They staggered to their knees, gasping for air as if they were dead.

"Just like I said."

Shen You has now returned to his human appearance, with a gentle smile on his face.

"We have no intention of causing conflict, we are just here to take away something that must be taken away. It was originally a piece of debris from this woman's hometown, and that's fine if it is just that, but at the same time it is also a dangerous weapon."

"No need to say more."

The underwater man who led the team was the first to regain his composure and waved his hand.

"The King of Atlantis has long said that we belong to the same family on land and under the sea. No matter how polite a family is, your business is our business. It's just a piece of broken stone. I can make the decision. You don't have to be polite to take it away."

While saying this, he suddenly thought of something else.

"Oh, by the way, it must be difficult to move such a big stone, right? Otherwise, I can arrange for a team of people to deliver it to your door."

"No need to bother." Shen You smiled, "We can just move it ourselves."

"How can that be done? You two are guests from afar, how can you trouble your guests to do it yourself?"

Carla saw this quietly from behind, and couldn't help showing admiration again.

As expected of Mr. Shen, it went as smoothly as he said.

That seems to be the case so far. As long as he takes action, whoever is on the other side will become easy to talk to in the end.

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