Rogue Town, Naval Yard!

Looking at Dasiqi, who was practicing with a group of naval soldiers, Xia Yu, who was standing on the edge of the school field, yawned a little boredly!

Although Dusty was full of energy during the exercise, and even swept away the stupidity when he just met him, showing his heroic posture, the strength of those naval soldiers is really difficult to see.

Ten minutes later, all the soldiers practicing in this school field were knocked to the ground by Dusty.

After knocking the last naval soldier to the ground, Dusty immediately looked up at Xia Yu and said with a serious expression: “Xia Yu, let’s practice?” ”

“Don’t come.”

Xia Yu waved his hand and said, “You’re too dish!” I’m afraid I’ll hurt you! ”


I never expected that Xia Yu was so direct, Dusty immediately widened her eyes, can become a navy, and is one of the few female navies in the naval team, Dusty relies on the momentum of not admitting defeat. Now suddenly heard Xia Yu say that he was too dish, and Dusty almost exploded on the spot.

Of course, what really made her unguarded was Xia Yu’s sudden personality change! You know, when I first saw Xia Yu, Xia Yu gave her a great feeling, polite, not arrogant and impatient. But now, Xia Yu actually …

After secretly taking a deep breath, Dusty grabbed a wooden knife at his feet and threw it at Xia Yu, then held the knife in both hands and said with a serious face: “Come!” ”

“What a motivated woman!”

Xia Yu, who grabbed the wooden knife, jumped in front of Dasiqi, his gentle smile was still the same, and he said lightly: “If I don’t accept it, won’t I be able to leave this school today?!” ”

The naval soldiers who had been defeated by Dusty before were now standing neatly outside the school grounds. When they saw Dusty throwing the wooden knife to Xia Yu, and made a serious expression that they had never had before, they all looked at each other with a confused expression.

“Who is this person?”

“I don’t know. But it seems that he has a good relationship with Dusty! ”

“Is it a recruit egg who is preparing to join the Navy?”

“Is there such a crazy recruit egg? I actually directly said that Dusty is very dish! ”

“Haha, this kid is miserable! Although Dusty is a woman, her swordsmanship is one of the best swordsmanship masters in our Rog Town Navy! ”

“After all, the knife idiot!”

Just as a group of naval soldiers whispered, curious about Xia Yu’s identity, they were waiting to watch a good show. Xia Yu did not grind, holding the handle of the wooden knife with one hand, standing proudly in front of Dasiqi.

“Once the swords are facing each other, there is no distinction between men and women! Come on, Dusty! ”

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yu bowed down sharply, and then the wooden knife in his hand shot out as fast as lightning!


Dusty, who has always been on guard, also gripped the wooden knife and greeted him head-on without dodging!


A muffled sound quietly came out the moment the two rushed towards each other.

Immediately afterwards, Dusty and Xia Yu passed by!

Without waiting for the naval soldiers outside the field to react, Xia Yu and Dusty turned around almost at the same time, and then rushed towards each other again with lightning speed.

Bang bang bang!!!

A series of sounds of wooden knives colliding continued to sound as the two brazenly faced each other again, resounding over the entire school grounds.

“What a speed!”

“Where did this kid come from? What kind of recruit egg is this, such a strong sword technique, could it be sent by the headquarters? ”

“It looks a bit like, hasn’t a new Luffy gang emerged in the East China Sea recently? That pirate named Luffy was offered a reward of 30 million Bailey for the first time, and it is said that he is almost in our Rogue Town! ”

“Yes, yes, I read the report about Luffy and his gang, it seems that one of them is the former pirate hunter of the East China Sea, Three-Bladed Ronoa Solon!”


Suddenly, an exceptionally loud collision sound interrupted the voices of the naval soldiers outside the field! Immediately afterwards, Dusty, who was still fighting with Xia Yu a moment ago, withdrew uncontrollably, and the wooden knife in her hand came out of her hand, and fell to the ground one step ahead of her!

Without waiting for the naval soldiers outside the field to react, Xia Yu followed Dusty like a shadow, and the sword pointed directly at Dusty’s throat!

“Dusty… Defeated? ”

“So fast! So strong! ”

Seeing that the victory and defeat were divided so quickly on the school field, and Dusty, who usually abused them into dogs, was defeated by Xia Yu’s understatement, the naval soldiers were completely dumbfounded, and they firmly believed in their hearts that Xia Yu was a swordsmanship powerhouse sent by the headquarters!

“I lost!”

Looking at the wooden knife pointed directly at his throat, Dusty not only did not have a trace of frustration, but said with a happy face: “Xia Yu, join the navy!” With your current swordsmanship, you will soon be able to rise to the top. At that time, we will go to sea together to catch the pirates, and then collect all the famous knives taken by those pirates! ”


Hearing Dusty’s cold words, the naval soldiers outside the field widened their eyes one after another, saying what about the swordsmanship powerhouse sent by the headquarters?

“Join the Navy?!”

Xia Yu withdrew the wooden knife, his eyes gradually narrowed, and said lightly: “You can consider it!” ”

“What else to consider! I’ll take you to Lord Smogg now!” ”

“No hurry!”

Xia Yu smiled slightly and said, “I came to Rogue Town today, I haven’t eaten yet!” ”


Dusty returned to her stupid appearance, blinked blankly, and then smiled and said, “This is simple.” Go, I’ll take you to the Navy canteen to eat! ”

Saying that, Dusty pulled Xia Yu and ran again!

“I’ll go, this woman doesn’t seem to be such a persona!” Seeing that Dasiqi pulled himself and ran again, Xia Yu suddenly felt his head bigger, is this really the rhythm of something going to happen?

Touching his conscience, the reason why Xia Yu was a little moved by Dusty’s invitation was not because of Dusty’s sister, let alone thinking of having something to do with her. Instead, I think that I have been broadcasting live with the ship is a bit boring, and I want to have fun with some fun!

According to the plot of the original book, Smog should have met Luffy at this time. Then, Smog began to hunt Luffy, and he would pursue Luffy after they left the East China Sea and entered the Great Voyage.

In this way, if Xia Yu can mix with Smogg’s warship, it must be very fun and exciting, right?

But looking at Dusty’s reaction, it seems to have such a bit of an interesting rhythm for him?!

Could it be that this girl fell in love with herself at first sight? If that’s the case, the plot is too bloody. Feed!


Let’s start today’s second round!

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