I Broke Into The Track In A Taxi And Was Broadcast Live Nationwide!

Chapter 102 He... Is More Terrifying Than A Killer! ! (Seek Full Order)

Su Chen.

Hold the steering wheel tightly and open your mouth slightly!!

"Pursuing...you have to pay a price!!"

at the same time...

Turn on [driver temperature perception vision!!]

on site!!

Countless soot!!

Visibility, zero!!

However, in Su Chen's eyes...

everything around!!

You can use temperature instead!!

The hood of the car, the position of the tires, because of the high temperature, are red!!

In the distance, there are two beautiful country killers, the temperature is not too high, they are orange!!

The surrounding rocks, trees, and stones are blue!!


You can see everything clearly...!!

Even, it is clearer than seeing the normal outside world with your own eyes!!


Two killers, sniping Su Chen!!


The identities start to change!!

Su Chen turned into a hunter!!

And the killers of those two beautiful countries are the prey!!

The rear seat, Ye Qingxue.

Also looking at Su Chen....

In the beautiful eyes, there is a touch of surprise.

this man...

an eye for an eye!!

No mercy!!

Originally, Ye Qingxue thought that Su Chen was planning to rely on the surrounding smoke to delay time.

did not think of....

Su Chen wants revenge!!


After determining the location of the two killers inside the Ferrari.

Su Chen...

Santana Steering, 5 o'clock

Get closer to the Ferrari!!


On the side of the road, a Ferrari is parked.

Inside the car, the driver Riel and Linda in the co-pilot position.

The two killers are concentrating on it!!

look around!!


At this moment, the surrounding area is full of smoke and dust!!

Visibility is almost zero!!

Can't see anything!

at this time!!

Riel, suddenly heard the roar of an engine in the distance!!

Getting closer!!

Linda, the beauty killer, frowned for a moment.

As a killer, her intuition told her that there was danger!!

Linda: "That Longguo car is approaching us!!"

Riel, the driver, seemed very relaxed.

"There is smoke and dust all around, and it is white. In this situation, even professional instruments cannot accurately locate it!

"Don't worry, it's just a coincidence!"

1 second...

3 seconds...


Just five seconds later, this time.

Riel's expression became a little embarrassed!!

Su Chen's car sound....

It's getting closer!!

this time!!

Even they, who are professional killers, have become vigilant! 827!

To know...

There is a cloud of smoke and dust all around!!

Visibility is zero!!

In this case, even if they have more killing experience!!

Even with advanced weapons!!

will fall into great limitations!!


Beauty killer, Linda.

The voice said in a low voice: "This Dragon Country driver is very smart.

"Originally, we held weapons and had countless killing experiences. But he brought both of us to the same level with just a puff of white smoke.

"Our advantages are gone."

"He is very dangerous!!"

very dangerous!!

Linda as the Killer Queen of Pretty Country.

group leader.

This is the first time....

Give such a review!!


Riel, also aware of the seriousness of the problem, tightly shook the silenced Sand Eagle in his hand!!




Three shots in a row!!


At this time, Riel suddenly found out!

Su Chen Santana's voice, gone!!


Riel ecstatic!!

I thought Su Chen had already been dealt with by him...

In the next second..

Su Chen Santana's voice, again!!

Getting closer!!

"Where the hell??"

Riel has never experienced this before!!

The sound-absorbing sand eagle in the hand is shooting crazily around!!

one shot!!

three shots!!

five shots!!


Still the same as before!!

Su Chen's Santana voice, intermittent!!

But it keeps getting closer!!


The driver Ruier, at this moment.

Seems a little crazy already!!

His forehead was covered with cold sweat!!

That sense of unknown made him suffocate!!

"Calm down!"

On the side, the beautiful killer Linda said coldly: "Let him keep approaching."

"My sense of hearing allows me to accurately find the source of the sound within a hundred meters.

Linda, holding a sound-absorbing Sandhawk.

He said lightly: "As long as that Longguo driver is within 100 meters of us."

"I can find him directly!!"

Hear Linda...

Riel, the driver on the side, finally calmed down.

No more talking.

Now he has completely lost his composure.

In this case...

He can only choose to be silent!

Santana by Su Chen.

In the smoke and dust.

Keep getting closer!!




Inside the Ferrari.

Linda: "Getting closer...his location. It should be to the east..."



Just then, something weird happened!!

Originally, Su Chen's Santana, located on the east side.

In the next second!!

It turned out to be turning and ran to the south!!

And then the west side!!



Linda, I was a little dumbfounded for a moment!!

She is very sure now!!

Su Chen....

able to see them!!

and was able to find them!!

Very sure about their location!!

Linda, with an unbelievable tone: "This Dragon Kingdom army... is circling us!

"In other words, he has completely determined our location!!"

"How can this be??"

Linda was completely dumbfounded.


The shock brought by Su Chen is really too great!!

To know.

Can judge Su Chen's location, spoon Su Chen's driving, and have a voice.

And Linda and Riel are two beautiful country killers.

The car has been parked!!

In this situation..

How did Su Chen find their exact location??



Amidst the smoke and dust, the roar of Su Chen's engine is getting closer!!

Getting closer!!

Linda, can even hear her own heartbeat...


Linda is sweating profusely!!

"This Dragon Kingdom driver...is too scary!!"


Linda, killing countless people.

Rely on your beauty, marksmanship, and deadly knife skills!!

I don't know how many people died in her hands.

She would have been a rose with thorns!!



It was the first time she felt fear!!

Feeling a deep sense of powerlessness!



Drop by drop of sweat, dripping.

Linda's strings have collapsed to the extreme!!


Linda yells!!

As a killer, now.

They are going to escape!!

Linda suddenly realized!!

Since just now, Su Chen dodged her bullet!!

She shouldn't be chasing after!!

This is an opponent she can't challenge at all!!

Su Chen...

Scarier than any killer!!

Riel on the side.

At this moment, I was also panicked: "Oh...Okay..."

"But, there is smoke and dust all around, and there are cliffs in the distance, I can't see the way!!"

Linda: "Drive!"


Riel didn't say anything more, and stepped on the gas pedal.


Have no idea which direction to go!!

car bumps!!

Can't see the way!!


And this time, far away.

The sound of Su Chen's engine is getting closer!!

Getting closer!!

Riel, with a face full of horror: "He's coming!!"

"The car of the Dragon Country driver is getting closer and closer!!"

"Where the hell is he??"

until this moment!!

They still don't know where Su Chen is!!

The greatest terror comes from the unknown!!

Linda: "Damn!!"

In the next second!!

Linda, who seemed to be in danger, opened the car door directly and hugged her head.

Jump straight into the car!!

And Riel, seeing this scene, obviously didn't react: "Linda, you are going..."


In the next second!!

Su Chen's (babb) modified Santana directly accelerated.

from the side!!

Crashed into Riel's Ferrari!!

side slip!!

side slip!!

Riel's Ferrari was contradicted by Su Chen all the way!!

at this time...

The surrounding smoke has gradually disappeared.

Reel turn around!!


His car was actually hit by Su Chen!!

Little by little, move towards the cliff ahead!!


Riel is stupid!!

Take out the silencer Sandhawk in your pocket, before you can shoot!!


Ferrari, directly with the car.

Off the cliff!!


It's a deep valley tens of meters!

"My Karma's!!"


Riel in the car wailed for a while.

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds!!


Under the ravine, Ferrari fell directly and fell to pieces, making Riel's life and death uncertain.

A few seconds later, the Ferrari exploded, and the monstrous flames shot into the sky!

It turned into billowing thick smoke and flew straight to the top of the cliff!!

Su Chen, sitting inside Santana.

Just looking down the cliff.

Expression, indifference!!

Shaking his head: "Now, you can't catch me anymore...!"

Riel, either dead or maimed!!

But there was no sympathy in Su Chen's tone!

Even in reality, encountering


Let's all do it mercilessly!!

Do what is right!!


It is a beautiful country, the killer who came to hurt domestic scientists!!


Ye Qingxue, on the other hand, sat blankly on the seat.

In just a few days.

so much happened...

She needs to slow down~

at the same time.

Beauty killer Linda, after jumping off the car.

Protect your head, although you have saved your life, you are already seriously injured!!


"What is the background of this Dragon Kingdom driver?"

Linda limped and ran away desperately towards the outside.

fear inside!!

Afraid that Su Chen will catch up with him!!

"No...I need to contact my superiors!!"

"Riel, he is not injured or disabled. In this case, there is no need to rescue him...Let's say he is dead..!!"

"This useless person, if he catches up with that Longguo driver earlier, how can there be so many things behind?"

Because of the previous car jump, Linda's walkie-talkie has been completely broken.

She is going to hide now!!

Then find an opportunity to go to the phone booth, contact the official personnel of the beautiful country, and come to rescue her!!


Limp out of this corner.

Just came to the intersection outside.

what she saw...

It was a dozen police cars.

And hundreds of police officers!!

all of them...

People from the Dragon National Police Force!!!

Linda was dumbfounded.

Just stand there dumbfounded!!

One of the Longguo police officers said directly in Mandarin: "You are suspected of hunting down our Longguo scientists!!"

The policeman didn't care whether Linda could understand or not.

He waved his hand directly: "Cuff her to me and take her back to the police area!!"

Other police officers: "Yes!!"


Linda, in handcuffs!!

Sent in a police car.

5 minutes later!!

Only then did Su Chen's Santana slowly walk out of the mountain road.

Come to the road!!

At the scene, countless police officers met Su Chen!!



I originally planned to salute, but found that something seemed wrong!

"Huh huh~~"


All applause!!

At the same time, a police officer was also very excited and took out the walkie-talkie: "Is it the headquarters of the Dragon Country?"

"Driver Su Chen, has taken academician Ye Qingxue safely. Meet with us!!"

"Now, all the Dragon National Police Team present will escort them back to the country!!"

After a few hours.

Su Chen, return to Yancheng.

At this moment, it is already night.

The city's bustling, colorful, and countless neon lights describe those high-rise buildings as a frame.

Illusion is not true.

Yancheng, the headquarters of the police force.

Inside the compound.

Brightly lit!!

Captain Zhao Fuhai, and captains Jin Kai, Ningxue and others from Bincheng.

Be here early!!

"came back!!"

After a few minutes, everyone saw it.

Su Chen's taxi.

Be the first to arrive!!

Then came the accompanying police cars!!

Su Chen stopped the car.

open the door!

Captain Zhao Fuhai was the first to rush over and patted Su Chen on the shoulder very excitedly!!

The tone is emotional: "Su Chen...you have completed a difficult task!!"

so excited!!

for a while.

Zhao Fuhai turned out to be a little speechless!!

And Ye Qingxue, who just got out of the car, also looked at the people around apologetically.

Ye Qingxue lowered her head, a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry everyone. Originally, I went to the Black Corner District. It was just a willful move. I didn't expect to cause so much trouble for everyone.

Zhao Fuhai: "Academician Ye Qingxue. Your return safely is the greatest reward to us!!"

"Of course, all of this is thanks to Su Chen. The rescue plan this time was all customized by Su Chen.


Ye Qingxue's former college also sent a special car!!

The dean came over to greet me in person!!

After some pleasantries.

Ready to leave, before leaving.

Ye Qingxue deliberately came to Su Chen, took out her mobile phone: "Su Chen, add a WeChat account?"

"If I have time, I would like to chat with you~"

"I'm older than you, will you call me sister from now on?"

Su Chen took out his mobile phone, and the two added friends.

far away.

The beautiful policewoman Yu Ningxue saw this scene.

Resentment +1

Resentment +1

Resentment +1

On the other side, the police car responsible for escorting the prisoners.

Linda the Beauty Killer. He was taken out of the car by several police officers.

at this time...

Linda started struggling like crazy!!

Police officer: "Be more honest!!"

Linda said in broken Mandarin at this time: "I want to see that driver!

"I want to meet that driver!!"

As the top killer in the beautiful country.

Mastering multiple languages ​​in this world is their basic homework!!.

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