One month, soon to be over.

The so-called taxi driver's racing competition naturally started.

There is no challenging jungle track, but the opponents are obviously not taxi drivers.

Su Chen roughly glanced at it, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Inside, there was absolutely not a single taxi driver.

"Brother Chen, they are all Santana. They must be taxi drivers." Wang Chenhao asked.

"There is no taxi driver here except me." Su Chen replied lightly.

"How did you find out?" Wang Chenhao wondered.

"First of all, taxi drivers have to support their families and have no time. Secondly, today is the weekend. Even if there are, they should come with their children. Finally, they have navigators everywhere, and taxi drivers can't invite them. The navigators. They have no money." Su Chen analyzed one by one.

"As expected of Brother Chen, what you said really makes sense." Wang Chenhao clapped his hands in praise and said~.

"Okay! Now, all our drivers are in place! Then I announce! The race is officially started!" said the commentator.

Su Chen glanced at the commentary booth not far away, and thought to himself: "I'd like to ask for a commentary, the play is really well done. 27

"Ah Choo!"

The head of the city hall coughed.

In fact, the mayor really wanted to hold a racing competition with only taxi drivers. But no one signed up, but the words have been spoken, so I had to ask someone to call on my behalf.

As for why no taxi driver signed up, it should be that the bonus is too small.

The standard-bearer waved the flag, and the Guotana cars came out.

The mountain track is the least challenging track. Not to mention the track.

Perfect passed one car after another, and in the end, only Su Chen and Wang Chenhao were left.

"No way, there is still such a strong one?" The people behind were surprised.

"If Santana can drive a sports car, these two will not be the car gods who conquered the white devil."

Wang Chenhao's biggest wish is to surpass Su Chen, but even if Su Chen uses the most common Santana, Wang Chenhao still cannot surpass. But it's only a little bit away from the market.

"We can see that No. 13 and No. 14 have already taken the lead. Get rid of the people behind, almost 600 meters away! You know, it's just Santana!" the commentator said loudly.

The two people who have been in the dust together have gathered all the focus of this game.

"They turned Santana into a sports car! They controlled Santana perfectly and made everything perfect!" said the commentator.

"The finish line is 600 meters away! No. 14 is closely following No. 13! But it still can't surpass!" The commentator said: "If nothing happens! The champion of this race will be No. 13

"400 meters! 300 meters!... 100 meters! Crossed the line!" The commentator said excitedly: "Let us congratulate No. 13, he won the championship of this competition!"

Su Chen stabilized the car with a beautiful drift, but Wang Chenhao was miserable, braking for about 200 meters.

Even with the modified Santana, the engine still caught fire.

Luckily there were fire extinguishers, otherwise it would have been another forest fire.

Su Chen is not interested in participating in the award presentation. It is still early, and Su Chen can still run outside for a while.

But I have to bring Wang Chenhao.

"Brother Chen, can't you let me win once?" Wang Chenhao was aggrieved. He must have noticed that Su Chen didn't use his Santana's strength. But Wang Chenhao's Santana has been modified anyway, so it's not good to save face.

0 for flowers...

"Let you? Impossible!" Su Chen said coldly.

Letting a person down is the greatest insult to that person. Although there will be people who enjoy the insult.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't intend to go home, Wang Chenhao said: "Brother Chen [won't you go home?"

"It's still early, you can still run outside for a while." Su Chen said lightly.

"Then can you send me back first?" Wang Chenhao blinked and asked.

"Yes, but you have to pay!" Su Chen said without conscience.

"Give money? Brother Chen, we are relatives, right? You still take money, where is your conscience?" Wang Chenhao said aggrievedly.

"Give me the money, or just sit down!" Su Chen said without paying attention.

"Okay! I'll pay." Wang Chenhao took out his mobile phone and paid.

"Okay sir, your destination is the residential area of ​​the Imperial City Bay, please fasten your seat belts, we will be there soon." Su Chen joked.

After sending Wang Chenhao to the imperial capital, Su Chen slipped away.

Su Chen didn't come home until eight o'clock in the evening.

Wang Chenhao naturally told the two sisters about it.

Seeing Su Chen came back, the younger sister said: "Brother-in-law, you are not kind."

"I'm not being kind." Su Chen washed his hands and went to help Chen Churan cook.

"You actually held his money." Chen Chuyan said.

"Brothers still know how to settle accounts. Besides, we are not considered brothers." Su Chen said.

After joking around, we went for a walk after dinner. After about half an hour, take a shower and go to bed.

In the evening, Su Chen checked the system again, and it was still being upgraded.

"It's been three days since the upgrade, and I don't know how long it will take." Su Chen thought to himself.

Thinking back to the past, Su Chen somewhat missed the system. .

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