I Broke Into The Track In A Taxi And Was Broadcast Live Nationwide!

Chapter 63 At This Moment, The Whole Network Frantically Pours Into The Che Shen Live Broadcast Room

Rock City Mine.

Outside the iron net, dense crowds gathered.

These people are all relatives of the trapped miners.


As night falls, dust is flying in the mine.

The dim light, refracted in the smoke and dust, opened up the desolation.

Now time: 21:30!

One after another, family members, the media, and others arrived one after another.

Gathering outside the mine's barbed wire!

Most of these miners' families are from TV and radio. And I learned from the Internet that the Yancheng Mine has collapsed!!

And the mine where the accident happened!

It turned out that the gate was closed tightly, no outsiders were allowed to enter, and the entire mine was completely blocked!

As time goes by bit by bit.

The family members of the miners gathered outside the mine are getting more and more anxious!!

Especially the closed and concealed attitude of the mine makes them even more worried about the family members below the mine!!


Countless family members, some out of control!!

Start slapping the barbed wire frantically!!

Families of miners: "Let's go in!!"

"There's a cave-in under the mine, why didn't you tell us about it?"

"My husband is still trapped down there!!"

Inside the mine.

One after another, security guards, holding iron bars, blocked the door.

Stop every family member from entering!

The boss, Zhao Dajin, is sitting on the boss chair in the office.

Start thinking about countermeasures!!

Now, the worst has happened!!

For him, he must block the news first, and then contact those family members to issue pensions!

If things go wrong!

Arouse the attention of the above, and by then, his mine will be lost!

Not only that, as a boss.

There are so many potential safety hazards in the square, he should also be held legally responsible!

In the office, Zhao Dajin's nephew, Zhao Feng, carefully opened the curtains, exposing a gap, and observed the outside.

You can see the door outside, and more and more family members gather.

Zhao Feng, looking out the window, was also a little worried at the moment: "Old man, there are more and more families of miners outside..."

"Isn't it bad if we continue to block the news like this?"

Zhao Dajin said helplessly, "Are you stubborn?"

"The mine collapsed. They are 1000 meters underground, what is the concept of 1000 meters?"

"In these years, I have been tossing and crawling in the circle of Yancheng. There have been more than a dozen large and small landslides, but for those below 500 meters, the number of rescued people is zero!"

Zhao Dajin took a sip of his cigar, and he already had a countermeasure in his heart: "At that time, please call the rescue team. We are a private enterprise, and all kinds of rescue equipment will cost tens of millions in the end!"

"Now that the matter is not serious, we will contact the family members and give them pensions. The matter will be suppressed like this, otherwise, our whole place will be over!"

"However. It's not a problem to continue to make trouble like this."

Hearing that more and more family members were making trouble at the gate of the mine outside, Zhao Dajin said directly: "Send more security guards over there to drive away those family members and the media. Let's say there was a small landslide below, and the mine is organizing a rescue .”

"Let them not disturb the order, otherwise if something goes wrong, they will be responsible for it!"

Supervisor Zhao Feng nodded upon hearing this.

out the door!

He brought a dozen more security guards directly to the door.


A group of relatives at the door saw the overseer Zhao Feng leading the security guards out, and it was obvious that he was a leader.

at the moment!

The atmosphere of the scene became noisy in an instant!

"The leader of the mine has come out!!"

"Someone came out!!"

Right now, a woman is holding onto the barbed wire fence tightly, and her voice is extremely urgent: "Leader, how is my husband?"

"My husband has had his first few hours! Any news?"

Numerous relatives, anxious!!

Those trapped, maybe their sons, husbands, fathers!!

Everyone is the pillar of the family!!

Each one is their blood relatives!!

Zhao Feng looked at those relatives.

Countless relatives have red eye circles.

There are even old people... silently wiping tears.

I feel deeply.

Every trapped miner represents a family!


Zhao Feng planned to ask the security guards to drive these people away.

But at this moment.

After all, I still can't bear it!

Conscience told him, at this time, he can no longer hide it!

The news is blocked!!

Zhao Feng: "Under the mine, a landslide occurred."

"It should be around 1000 meters."

Zhao Feng shook his head: "I can only say that the current situation is not very good, but there is still hope for rescue.


one thousand meters!!

Hearing Zhao Feng's words, the scene.

Countless relatives!!

Totally stupid!!


Some old people even collapsed on the ground because they couldn't bear the stimulation!!

one time!!

Howling countless!!

one thousand meters.

What does it represent??

Represents the underground, which has been hollowed out for a thousand meters!

Like a ants hole, riddled with holes!

In this case, the deeper!

The collapse will get worse!!

Generally, for a mine, five or six hundred meters is already the limit!!

And this mine, in order to make money all the time. Ignored too many security issues!!

It can be said...

The success rate of rescue is extremely low!!


At this time, at the door, a family member.

is an old lady.

Just kneeled down!!


His old body was trembling a little at this moment: "Leader...I beg you to save my son!!"

"I beg you!!"

"My son went to the mine. It's all because of my illness..."

Not just that old lady!!

Countless family members, at this moment, all knelt down one after another.


Most of the culture is not high, and they don't know how to use the power of the law to protect themselves.

With the crisis approaching, they can only use this most primitive method!


"Leaders...I beg you, don't give up the rescue!!"


"We're going to see the boss!!"

"We want to see the mine owner!"

Quite a few relatives, pleading frantically.

They are going to meet the mine boss!!

Even if there is the slightest chance, they have to ask the boss not to give up the rescue!!

The mine supervisor, Zhao Feng, saw this scene.

In the end, he also said to several security guards on the side: "Open the door.

Door, open!

Countless family members forced in!!


at this time!!

far away!

The original dark road!!

It turned out to be a light suddenly!

Then, see you!

On the road of fellow mines. A rescue truck one by one!!

Already coming!!



There are five rescue trucks, and each truck is carrying rescue tools!

Drilling machine!!

Rescue pod!!

In addition to the rescue convoy, there are also cargo vehicles responsible for carrying food, drinking water, and the most basic survival needs.

And the medical team!!

The entire rescue force is mighty and fully prepared!!

There are more than a dozen cars, drive quickly!!

In mid-air, there are even helicopters, supporting them!!

Accompanying them are all major domestic media!!

This is a battle that brings together the strength of the whole province.

Mine Disaster Rescue!!



Do your best!!

"The rescue team is here!!"

At this moment, countless family members in the mine saw this scene!!



Many family members even hugged each other and shed tears!!

It turns out... country.

Never give up on them!

Everything... there is hope!!

And in the boss's office.

The owner of the mine, Zhao Dajin.

Hearing voices from outside, he opened the curtains.

All of a sudden...stupid!!

A mighty rescue force has arrived at the mine.

Not only that!

Accompanying them, there is also a mining brigade!!

People from the police station!!

In particular, Zhao Dajin saw so many people and so many media coming.


His complexion changed, and he slumped down on the chair directly!!

This also means that this time the mine disaster has caused a big mess!!

How could it be??

It took so long, who spread the news?

Why did so many people gather here?

Attracting such a large-scale rescue?

"It's over..."

"I am doomed..."

Zhao Dajin's face was pale, and the cigar in his hand seemed to weigh a thousand catties.

straight to the ground...

he knows.

The rest of my life should be spent in prison.

Now he is numb.

Just waiting for the court summons and the handcuffs from the police station...

on site!

The captain of the Provincial Rescue Team, Chen Hai (an old acquaintance), arrived first!

0 looking for flowers......

A temporary small tent was erected.

Serve as the command center for rescue.

Inside the rescue command tent, Chen Hai quickly issued instructions: "Immediately, call the supervisor of the mine, the miner who is familiar with the mine route."


"Now. The most important thing is to determine the survival of the people below."

"First open a hole and distribute the survival supplies!!"

Time, fast passing.

One hour!!

five hours!!

ten hours!!

The next day, it was already early morning.

Twelve hours have passed since the collapse.

At the rescue site, the ground drilling machine has been built!

The provincial rescue team leader, Chen Hai, hadn't closed his eyes all night.

Eyes, wandering and silk.

"Okay, let's start with this position. Do the first drilling!"

Chen Hai, after confirming a location!

First Drill, Go!!


Below the mine, the temperature is hot.

The air is filled with bacteria.

"No, the emergency escape route. The ladder is only half built, so I'm not afraid to go up.

A miner who went to check the survival channel before couldn't help shaking his head at this moment!!

Expression, anger: "This survival channel. It's basically a mine to cope with the inspection.



The situation below the mine is very bad.

Some of the wounded, the wounds, have already been infected!!

"The driver of the van, Zhao Dazhuang, suffered a broken leg and is now in a coma.

"The situation is not good."

In the area where everyone is resting, the husband of the passenger woman is named Liu Jun.

Reported the situation to Su Chen.

Currently, under the mine.

Because Su Chen saved everyone before.

At this moment, a kind of miners are following Su Chen's arrangement.

Su Chen frowned slightly: "We can't let him fall asleep."

"At this time, he fell asleep and couldn't wake up."

Liu Jun, as well as his wife, all had sad expressions.

They naturally know this.


This is the current situation..

The van driver, I'm afraid it's doomed.

at this time!

Su Chen suddenly remembered something.

"Wait for me a moment."


Su Chen quickly ran into his taxi.

Open the mouth: "System, how many times have I accumulated lottery draws before?"

Before, Su Chen completed countless passengers, but because some customers were too ordinary, the system evaluation was F] or [D]

The rewards of this kind of rating are generally rubbish, so Su Chen didn't open them at all.

But in this case....

It works!!

The sound of the system came.

[Answer the host, currently you have left: 1 F-level treasure chest opening 3 D-level treasure chest openings. 】

Su Chen: "Open all at once!!"

【Open F-Class Treasure Chest】

【Coca-Cola X3】

【Button X3】

【Nail Clippers X2】

Class F treasure chest, as always so rubbish. Except for three bottles of Coke, nothing useful.

Then, there is the D-rank treasure chest!

[Medical gauze X5 (during driving, accidents may occur)]

[Disinfectant Potion X5 (during driving, accidents may occur)]

[Penetrating signal antenna X1 (put it directly on the mobile phone with a buckle, it can penetrate any obstructed receiving signal port within 1000 meters)

"Finally, there are some useful rewards."

Su Chen didn't even look at these rewards before.

but now....

Truly a treasure!

"Collect them all!!"

Su Chen chose to receive all of them, one of which was an antenna the size of a palm.

Got Su Chen's attention!

Su Chen took the antenna, and directly used the buckle to buckle it on his mobile phone!

his phone....

In an instant, the signal is full (the novel looks at the city~don't take it seriously~)!!

ten minutes later.

Fighting Shark TV, a broadcast reminder.

In an instant, it attracted thousands of people!

【Veteran taxi driver Su Chen starts broadcasting!!】

Su Chen?


It's on???

Everyone knows that in order to save those miners, Su Chen encountered a collapse after driving into the mine.

Then, the phone lost signal!!

Car God is on the air!!

see this scene!!

In an instant, the whole network!!

Countless people frantically poured into Su Chen's live broadcast room! Seven!.

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