I Broke Into The Track In A Taxi And Was Broadcast Live Nationwide!

Chapter 66: The Familiar Engine Roar Ignites Thousands Of Bloods! !

boom boom!!


The entire mine, rescue teams, medical teams, and experts from all sides.

All the crowds gathered at the mine!!

A loud bang was heard very clearly!!

That bang. It is from under their feet!!

Record 1,000 meters underground!!


Chen Hai, the captain of the command center and provincial rescue team, changed his face instantly!!

Gritting his teeth, because of anger, he couldn't help but slapped the table hard!!

What he was most worried about actually happened!!

A few days ago!!

Just a few days ago, rescue experts and geological experts have detected the underground mine through instruments, and there will be a huge mountain movement!!

Therefore, these days, the rescue force is working day and night!!

Crazy Drilling!!

Just to open up a survival channel as soon as possible, even!

Due to long hours of work, several drilling rigs were scrapped!!

In this reckless and desperate rescue, the drilling finally succeeded!

if only!!

Give them another minute, Su Chen can be rescued!!

"Just a minute away!!"


In the tent of the rescue command center, there are countless experts and rescue team members.

They all have ugly faces!!

Everyone's eyes focused on Su Chen's live broadcast room on the table. Through the screen of the live broadcast room, one could see out of the window.

It's already sand and stones flying everywhere!!

Collapsing everywhere!!

That huge mountain rock collapsed with a bang!!

It only takes ten seconds to completely fill the mining area of ​​the entire mine!!


"what to do?"

A member of the rescue team, at the moment, is a little silly.

He opened his mouth blankly.

The audience is silent!!

No one can answer!!

They have clearly tried their best!!

The first time I tried drilling, I successfully opened the rescue channel!!


Obviously, it takes only one minute, Su Chen can drive away from the mining area and reach a safe area!!

Just a minute!!

It's the difference between life and death!!


The family members outside don't know all this, they only know that the rescue was successful and the passage was opened.

Still cheering!

Only in the rescue command center, the atmosphere was extremely silent and desolate.

at the same time...


There is also a deep sense of powerlessness.

As a rescue team, everything they can do has been done.

They were on the ground a thousand meters away.

I can only do my best and listen to the sky..

The Provincial Rescue Captain is also an acquaintance of Su Chen.

At this moment, his tone was also extremely frustrated and sad: "We, I'm sorry Su Chen..."

"If Su Chen really didn't escape. I will blame myself for the rest of my life."

"He left first for the sake of those wounded. That's why he put himself in danger..."

Countless people, silently.


Just looking at the picture of Su Chen driving a taxi in the live broadcast room.


Everyone can only look forward to it!

Su Chen is doing miracles again!!


A thousand meters deep.

Inside the mine!!

That one hundred meters long, huge mountain rock finally began to collapse completely!!

"Su Chen!!"

"Brother Driver!!!"


In the distance, a group of miners in the safe area have reached the twenty-ninth floor passage.

Totally dumbfounded!!


Su Chen's Santana, still in the bottom mining area!!

Count some curves, go uphill, and dodge obstacles at the same time!!

There is at least three or four kilometers away from the safe area where they are!!

All miners!!


Those miners who have successfully reached the safe area and are about to ascend, all gritted their teeth.

These people are all wounded.

They are very clear!!

Su Chen, and those healthy miners, gave them the best escape time!!


At this time, with the opening of the rescue channel.

An escape cabin that can accommodate one person also slowly descended into the mine!!

The rescue team, passing through the rescue capsule, lowered a walkie-talkie with an antenna.

The rescue team, through the walkie-talkie, contacted all the trapped miners below: "For all the trapped miners, you decide the priority by yourself, board the escape pod one by one/

"Don't waste time. Every second you waste! You are insulting the precious rescue time that is given to you!!"

The voice of the rescue team came.

A mine friend said to Zhao Dazhuang, the driver who suffered a broken leg, "Go up first."

"Your leg injury is only treated temporarily, and you need to be hospitalized, otherwise your pig leg may not be able to survive.

Currently, below the mine.

Zhao Dazhuang suffered the most injuries.

At this moment, all the people in the passage are in order.

Even in the face of a crisis, no one rushed to enter the escape pod in order to survive.


Zhao Dazhuang nodded with a solemn expression.

The first to enter the escape pod.

The escape pod rises slowly.

Zhao Dazhuang's gaze was always fixed on Su Chen's Santana.

Pray from the heart!!

Su Chen is safe and sound!!

at the same time!!

Inside Santana!!

Su Chen, step on the gas pedal, in a split second!!

Increased speed to the extreme!!


Taxi tires, in constant friction.


As the rocks move, more and more sand falls!!

As a result, the tires of the car fell into a small pit.

stuck in!!

"It's over, it fell into the pit."

In Su Chen's car, a miner saw this scene through the rear window.

A little discouraged: "It seems that we are hopeless."

"This is the destiny. Obviously the survival channel has been opened, but at this time, the rocks fell down."

In the car, except for Su Chen.

There was also the couple of miners, and two other miners who were not injured.


These people in the car.

above expression. On the contrary, there is no longer any fear.

In this case, it is basically impossible for them to live.

These days, has been trapped under the mine.

On the contrary, it made him think a lot!

Well prepared!

Another miner smiled wryly: "It gave you hope, but it also made you despair. This feeling is really uncomfortable..."

"I hope that the pension can be given more. There are old people in my family waiting for me to retire!"

He also sees it very openly, they are in the miner's business, which is very dangerous.

When you go to the mine, you are giving your life to God...


Drive them in this line, and at the same time believe in fate.

Accept fate.

Su Chen's live broadcast room is still open.

And the number of people has reached the peak!!

thirty million!!

Thousands of people, before the live broadcast!

Watching the live broadcast very nervously!!

this time.

On the contrary, no one is posting barrage anymore, everyone is watching!!

All the audience are paying attention!!

They hoped and prayed in their hearts that Su Chen could escape.

Don't even dare to blink an eye!

Can't even breathe loudly!!

For fear of missing any details in the live broadcast screen!

Su Chen, on the other hand, kept his expression calm.

In a few seconds, complete the operation quickly!

- Enable mountain tires!

-Extreme tire burn

- Accelerates on nitrogen. The explosive power brought by it may have a chance to rush out of this collapsed pit!

at this time...

The mining area is already surrounded by gravel and sand, which are constantly piled up.

It is a huge obstacle for vehicles to drive!


Su Chen's Santana, modified mountain tires, in this urgent moment!!

Santana's tires, extremely fast rotation!!

The speed has reached the limit!!

Tires, in the collapsed pit, are rubbing out bursts of white smoke!!

next moment!!

Nitrogen Acceleration!!

boom boom!!

The whole two Santanas rushed out of the collapsed hole amidst a violent shock!!

Su Chen: "Hurry up."

"We still have a chance to survive!!"


It's not time to give up yet!!

Originally, those miners on the car had given up and were ready to face death.

See this scene!

It turned out that hope was rekindled in my heart!!


at the same time!!

Outside, the command tent was inside.

Chen Hai, the provincial captain, clasped his hands tightly and watched the live broadcast carefully.

When he saw Su Chen's Santana rushing out of the collapsed pit, he couldn't help roaring!!


Looking forward to it!!

At the very least, this means that Su Chen, and those trapped miners, still have a chance to survive!!

at the same time!!

In the live broadcast room, it is also boiling!!

Ignite hope in the hearts of thousands of people!!

"Cheer God, come on!!!

"Car god, come on!!"

In the entire live broadcast room, thousands of viewers typed these four words!!

And now!

The pictures of Su Chen's live broadcast room were broadcast to major TV stations in China at the same time!


【evening News!!】


Thousands of viewers also raised their hearts to their throats!

Pray online!!

Praying for Su Chen, and other miners!

Able to escape successfully!!


In the mining area of ​​the mine, drive like crazy!!

Life and death speed!

This time, it is Su Chen's second time, near death!

Approach your limit!!

Last time!

In the previous life, he drove a taxi. Jump off the track!!


That boulder, leaning on the mountain, is slowly sliding down!!

The distance has dropped completely!!

10 seconds!!

9 seconds!!

Su Chen, 9 seconds left!!

Gas pedal full!!

The speed is soaring!!


extremely fast!!




In a short period of time, relying on nitrogen to accelerate, Su Chen's Santana has soared to 250KM!!

This is already under such road conditions,

The ultimate achievable!


It's a bend in a mining area!!

"As long as...be able to pass that curve before the rocks fall!!"

"As long as you can pass that bend, you can live!!"

Su Chen's breath gradually became faster!!

Another bend!!

The previous life, the last game.

He is the last corner, pursuing extreme speed, and finally rushed out...

Two corners.

Live and die twice!!

There are still 8 seconds left before the curve!!

7 seconds!!

6 seconds!!

boom boom!!

this moment!!

Su Chen is driving a taxi, I don't know why!!

In his ears, the roar of racing cars actually sounded.

In front of him is not a mine.

But the track!!

It was his previous life, the turn when he rushed out of the guardrail!!

And his ears. Nor is it the sound of gravel and moving mountains.

But the cheers of the racetrack!!


It's like going back to the old game!!

` Su Chen, the car ahead. 6 seconds left!!"

"Su Chen made a turn without slowing down at all!!"

In Su Chen's ear....

It echoed the last game of that year, the words that had already been imprinted deep in his mind!!

Taxi, extremely travel in the mining area!!

The curve ahead is getting closer and closer!!

【Rider compound eye vision!!】

【Ultrasonic Hearing of Drivers!!】

Through compound eye vision, Su Chen has analyzed the best drifting place!!

The best place to speed up!!

Every operation is approaching the limit!

Through ultrasonic hearing, it can help Su Chen directly judge the location where the surrounding gravel falls, and choose the best route!!

From the curve...




Just at that moment!

Su Chen, hold the steering wheel!!



Taxi, in the underground mining area, a perfect drift, Rider, almost close to the stone wall.

Only 0.01CM distance!!

Just at the moment of drifting!!

Su Chen seemed to have seen the corner he rushed out of the track in his previous life.


The same corner, but a different ending!!

this time!!

His drift is perfect!!

After successfully drifting, the taxi is getting closer to the passage in front!!

Only one second left!!


Just at this very moment.

That huge rock finally fell...

Although Su Chen took out the crushing area of ​​the mountain rock earlier, but the mountain rock brought countless gravels, and the sand fell!!

Bury Su Chen's taxi directly!!

(to Li Zhao)


The screen of Su Chen's live broadcast room became extremely dark in an instant!!

Outside, inside the rescue command tent!!

Countless live viewers!!

And all the viewers in front of the TV, on the news, watching it all.



Just when everyone is desperate!!

boom boom!!

In the live broadcast room, amidst the pitch-black screen, there was a burst of noise!!


That voice, countless audiences, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard it!!


The roar of the engine!!

This moment, silence!

Incomparably quiet, whether it is in the mine, or outside, or in front of every computer, TV, and mobile phone.

Everyone, looking at the pitch-black screen in the live broadcast room...

Everyone watching the live broadcast seems to be able to hear their own heartbeat!!

boom boom!!


The sound of the engine is getting clearer and clearer!

next second!!

Su Chen's Santana burst out with a burst of rapidity!!

The screen in the live broadcast room went from a moment of darkness to finally recovering again!!

The screen appeared!!

Su Chen in the picture.

Hold the steering wheel!!

The facial expression is still calm!!


It is the rule of survival for drivers!!

Su Chen's Santana!!

It actually broke out of the ground directly from countless sandstones!!

This scene!!

Ignite the blood of thousands of netizens!!


successfully escaped!!

Live room, in front of TV.

Thousands of people, with tears in their eyes!!

They knew that Su Chen entered the mine this time as a taxi driver. Help rescue the strife.

They also know that because of Su Chen, there is no chaos down the mine!!

Know better!

This time Su Chen wanted to let the wounded go first. You put yourself in danger!!

Precisely because they know.

So they pray like crazy!!

Pray for a miracle to happen!

Pray for heroes to live on!!.

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