one word!!

In the live broadcast room, countless people are completely boiling!!

No matter how difficult it is!

Su Chen, go too!!

It doesn't matter whether it's a sea of ​​fire or hell in front of you.


All go for a break!

"Car God... this sentence, for some reason, makes my eyes fill with tears!!"

"Before, I learned that those five firefighters who were so young disappeared into the fire. My heart was touched, but... I am just a civilian, and I can't do anything. I can only make no more trouble ..."

"Five firefighters, a little girl. A young man whose oldest is a teenager!!"

"A big fire, a grand retrograde!!"

"These five firefighters kept saving people, evacuated the crowd until the last second, gave up the escape route to others, and faced the sea of ​​fire alone!!"

All viewers in the live broadcast room can see Su Chen's expression.


Even after experiencing so many speeds of life and death, whether it is on the field or in the hurricane approaching extreme speed.

Or in the face of disaster, race against time.

Su Chen, never lost her cool!!

In the live broadcast room, bullet screens were also posted one after another.

"We are all old viewers in the live broadcast room, and we know the character of the car god!!"

"Since the car god intends to break into the sea of ​​fire. Look for the five fire fighters."

"At times like this, apart from Rider. We really... have no hope!!"

"We... respect Riders!!"


Provincial Rescue Bureau, dark room.

Chief Chen Hai!!

For the sake of the five young fire fighters who lost contact, I was burning with anxiety!!

He, as the rescue chief.

I have participated in countless rescues and faced countless natural and man-made disasters!

How can there be any quiet time[It’s just that someone is carrying the weight for you to move forward!!10

This sentence.

Can describe all the unsung heroes!!

In these years, Chen Hai has also experienced countless sad partings!

I also understand that when there is disaster, there must be sacrifice!!

Now that you have become a rescue team member, you should have this awareness.


Those five firefighters are really too young!!

The oldest was only nineteen years old.

Still at the best age of youth!!

At this age, he is equivalent to a reserve player!!

In such a dangerous fire situation, under normal circumstances, they would never be allowed to rush to the fire scene.


The crisis is coming!!

Every rescue fighter did not flinch in the slightest.

Resolutely rushed to the scene of fire!!

And at this moment.

A phone call directly made it to the command room of the Provincial Rescue Bureau!!

It was the pilot who flew the firefighting plane on the spot!!

Pilot: "Report to the Director General!"

"At present, the wildfire has been brought under control and blocked in the mountain area behind the flour mill."

"A taxi driver rushed into the back mountain despite dissuasion!!"

"That driver, named Su Chen!!"

Su Chen!!

Su Chen again!!

For this name, how can Director Chen Hai be unfamiliar?


All the commanders, at this moment, their expressions became extremely dignified!!

He looked at the big screen beside him.

On the big screen is the video of the wildfire scene taken by the drone!!

The fire is monstrous!!

Black smoke billowing!!

Even, in those places that have been burned, there are still bursts of thick smoke, spreading for dozens of miles!!

The yellow smoke there is even full of poison gas!

Once stepped in.

You will lose your vision in an instant, and the surroundings will be dim.

Like hell on earth!!

The high temperature of up to 1000 degrees around will make any protective equipment become like a toy!!


It is an absolute forbidden zone!!

There is a wildfire, the place where the fire is the biggest!!

"Too dangerous!!"

In the Provincial Bureau, a commander heard the news, his face was livid!!

Commander: "At this time, let alone a taxi, even a professional fire engine dare not enter the center of the fire!!"

The director, Chen Hai, clenched his hands tightly.

Those five firefighters are true heroes.

And Su Chen...

Also a hero!!


Can't lose any more heroes!!

Chen Hai's tone was very low: "Su Chen, where are you now?"

"You are desperate, listen, you are desperate, desperate!! Even if it is tied, stop him!!"

"Su Chen, is just a taxi driver. He has no reason to go to die!!"


The helicopter pilot, looking down, Su Chen's taxi, has entered the mountain.

Once entered, it was instantly engulfed by yellow smoke.

Even in mid-air, there were four or five helicopters, but there was no trace of Su Chen Santana.

Driver: "Director.. Su Chen didn't stop!!"

"Go straight to the back mountain where the fire is the most fierce!!"

"He's going too fast...we can't stop him."

The driver paused, and then said: "This driver named Su Chen said that there is no need for any reason to save people...

save people!!

No need for any reason!!

The conversation between the driver and provincial rescue team leader Chen Hai was broadcast live on TV.

Conveyed to every viewer who watched the live broadcast!!

Moved thousands of people!!

Meanwhile, Su Chen drives Santana.

Already directly into the back mountain!!

Already entered, surrounding high temperature, already yellow smoke!!

It made Su Chen's eyes dim and yellow!!

Although the mountain road where Su Chen is currently driving has been burned by fire, only the scorched land remains.

But because it is getting closer and closer to the center of the wildfire.

That heat wave is enough to be on Baidu!!

Thanks to Su Chen's taxi, which has been specially modified to withstand high temperatures, otherwise!!

Any other vehicle, once stepped in, will be scrapped instantly due to high temperature!!

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers saw this scene, and their palms were sweating.


It's a disaster!!

It is a fire that can devour countless lives, even through the live broadcast room, facing the fire from such a distance.

Let all the audience, shocking!

"It's scary...there is yellow smoke all around. Even if there is no fire, this kind of visibility makes it easy to get lost..."

"My God...Under this situation, how desperate will those fire fighters who lost contact be?"

"Yellow smoke, ever-increasing flames!! and extremely high temperatures, all of these have greatly sapped the will of the firefighters!!"

Countless viewers are swiping the barrage!!

And Su Chen!!

Among the yellow smoke.

Step on the gas pedal and accelerate for a while!!

Heading towards the mountain behind the flour mill, move forward at top speed!

For Su Chen, he is very familiar with every mountain road in Guocheng.


He traveled over time and became an ordinary taxi driver, the days when he couldn't play on the field.

every night!!

In this huge city, Su Chen is alone and can only be accompanied by a car.

I ran every mountain road in Bencheng. every corner!!

So even in extremely low visibility!

Su Chen, can still find the exact location, all the way forward!

at the same time...

【God-level intuition of drivers!!】

【Compound Eye Vision!】

【Ultrasonic Hearing!!】

All body senses, all open!!


One of the big problems Su Chen faced was the five young firefighters.


In Su Chen's mind, he was also quickly analyzing the road conditions!

-Currently, the burning area on the mountain behind the entire flour mill has reached 75%, and it is burning at a rate of 1% per minute!! (In this way, after 25 minutes, the entire The mountain behind the flour mill will be completely burned by the fire)

- The remaining unburned area is divided into the eastern slope, mountain top, and halfway up the mountain.

-In the slope position, the wind is too strong and the burning speed is the fastest, so it cannot stay at all.

-And to reach the top of the mountain, you need to cross the Fire Witch!

-If Liu Xiaolong and other firefighters are still alive, the only place they can go is halfway up the mountain!!

next moment!

Su Chen, who has figured everything out, speeds up!!

"I see!!"

"It should be over there!"


The mountain behind the flour mill, a halfway up the mountain to the east!!


It is the only remaining area where wildfire has not yet ignited.


It may only take ten minutes before the flames completely engulf this side.


The firefighting plane is still searching quickly, and the eyes of countless pilots are scarlet!!

Pray to goodness!!


From the yellow smoke and flames in the sky, five people were found.


It's a needle in a haystack!!


In the fire brigade, Liu Xiaolong, the squad leader of the new class, carried the unconscious little girl on his back, watching the surrounding fire.

The fire keeps spreading...

The heat wave blows their hair out and their faces are covered with sweat!!

The temperature is getting hotter!!

Another helicopter rescue attempt, failed, in mid-air.

The driver can't even tell where there is fire and where there is no fire.

It can only be based on the location dictated by Liu Xiaolong and others, and large quantities of water.



All the firefighters who participated in the rescue this time knew it.

These five people...

The hope of survival is already very slim...!

Liu Xiaolong picked up the walkie-talkie, but no one else spoke on the walkie-talkie.

Only Liu Xiaolong's elder brother, Liu Kai, the rescue captain of Xincheng District.

430 Liu Xiaolong: "Captain, the fire has already spread."

"It's too late for the fire station, and now we're going to hide in the fire blanket. Resign yourself to fate, if there is a chance, we will meet."

"Brother, Jiang Junjie's parents. They are getting old. No one will take care of them. If we can't go back..."

Liu Kai yelled loudly with all his strength: "Shut up!!!"

"Who said you can't come back?"

On Liu Kai's side, his eyes were scarlet, he dropped the walkie-talkie, and rushed to the fire area desperately.

"team leader!!!"

Several other firefighters held him tightly.

Fire Blanket....

Faced with this situation, it has no effect at all!!

Even if you hide in the fire blanket, you will not be burned by the fire, but the high temperature is as high as 3000 degrees!!

fire chief liu

Kai fell to the ground, buried his head on the ground, and desperately hammered the ground with his fist!!




Halfway up the mountain, the flames below had already swept up.

In front of the fire.

Liu Xiaolong and the others seemed incomparably small.

Liu Xiaolong turned off the walkie-talkie, opened the backpack, and took out the fire blanket.

Yelling: "Everyone hide in the fire blanket!!"

"Foot on fire!!"

One by one fire blanket. Laid down like a bed.

Liu Xiaolong yelled: "Let the little girl be in the middle!!"

The next moment.

Five people, all got into the fire blanket, shivering.

"My God..."

Jiang Junjie just grabbed the fire blanket: "God bless...!!"

at this time!!



Inside the fire blanket, Jiang Junjie shouted: "Brother Liu!!"

Liu Xiaolong, who was next to him, was also lying on the ground, covered with a fire blanket.

Liu Xiaolong: "We'll be fine!!"

Jiang Junjie shook his head: "No, I heard a voice!!"

Liu Xiaolong: "Is it a rescue plane?? It's useless... There's too much smoke in here, the plane can't find us at all... Pray for God's blessing..."



Heat wave, getting louder, everything sounds.

All were engulfed in flames.

But Jiang Junjie shouted with all his strength: "What I heard was a car horn!!".

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