I Broke Into The Track In A Taxi And Was Broadcast Live Nationwide!

Chapter 89 Car King? ? Is My Car God Awesome? (Seek Full Order)

Outside Yancheng.

The canyon underground car race is crowded with people.

Outside the arena, on a huge flat ground. As a temporary parking lot, countless media, spectators, and major sponsors have hundreds of cars parked here.

And on the other side.

It is the trucks used to transport racing cars from all over the world.

A truck was parked on the side of the road. There are hundreds of them.

The Canyon Underground Car Race, as the largest underground black car race in the world, attracts top drivers from all over the world every time it is held.

Even, there are some well-known active racing drivers to participate. For those racers, underground car racing can get higher commissions, bonuses, and income!!

Underground car racing is essentially a non-governmental competition. There is no official participation and no TV broadcast. It can be said that except for people in the racing circle. Ordinary people will not pay attention to this side at all.

It also greatly reduces the most important income of a game, the audience, and the broadcasting fee.


At the same time, there are also top casinos, rich people, and bosses from all over the world pouring in one after another.


Even Ferrari, Lamborghini, and some supercar companies secretly support the race!

This has also led to the underground car race, which has more capital influx than all the current top international races.

some regal.

Extreme racing lovers.

I just like this kind of race with no rules, driving to the limit, and life and death at a high speed, just like the arena in ancient Rome!!

some riders.

It will even sign agreements with some casinos.

Once he can win the game.

Bonuses, up to nine "347" digits!

This has also led to countless drivers, even regular drivers, changing their names and surnames, and using a false identity to come to the competition one after another!!

at the same time...

Underground car racing, because there are no rules and unlimited modifications, illegal kits can be installed.

To some extent, new technologies that cannot be seen in the top international racing competitions can often show up in the underground arena!!


8 o'clock.

Su Chen, and Chen Churan, arrived at the black field.

As the world's largest underground car race, although there is no official participation, it is driven by the influx of countless capital and huge interests.

This makes this competition no less than those regular top competitions, whether it is the scale of the field or the size of the participants!!

Some racing professional media.

Even a few days in advance, they have already arrived at the underground arena, occupying a favorable position, ensuring that they can release the news of the game first-hand on the day of the game!!

Countless media!

Influx of madness!

Beautiful Country. Global Racing Times reporter. John: "Oh, my dear audience friends. The triennial underground canyon car race in Dragon Country. Today finally started..."

"Unrestricted car racing, because of its strong confrontation. It has been banned by many countries, but... want to see the most direct racing competition!! The most extreme technology, and the most sturdy modification, only Here it is!!"

"On the field, there shouldn't be any restrictions!! And here, you can also see many familiar faces, such as international rally champions and F1 champions!!"

John's tone at the moment is obviously very excited!

This kind of competition, because of the extremely high professionalism. Keeping many ordinary spectators out of the door, it can be said that every spectator who comes to watch the game is a person in the racing circle.

For people in the circle.

If you can win the championship of the Underground Canyon Car Race, it will be more valuable than any professional championship.


The canyon car race has extremely strict requirements for a driver!!

Not only the top-notch car is needed!

The top turning technology, straight-line acceleration, all kinds of dangerous road conditions!!

You have to face other drivers, not paying attention, not injured or disabled!!

Without any rules, every driver can often reach his own limit.

Wandering on the edge of life and death!

a match.

Contains all the driving requirements of rally race, straight line race, circuit race and F1 race!!

For insiders, underground canyon racing. Although there are many dark things, but the competition is all-round driving skills!!

A carnival for all racing fans!

Su Chen drives Santana. Slowly enter the arena.

It can be found...


Countless people have already gathered in the entire underground canyon, and the black crowd looks like a wave!!

Santana moves on.

In the co-pilot position, Chen Churan also said: "There are generally three types of people who come here to compete, one is the drivers who are extremely short of money and want to turn around through this kind of competition.

"You can see so many drivers on the scene, in fact, a large part of them can be found in the professional driver list.

"The most dangerous is this kind of person. He is desperate for money."

Chen Churan looked at the open space in front of him, a beautiful Chinese army.

In the entire convoy, there are three or four modified cars, each with a beautiful national flag on it.

As for the body, it has been painted, especially on the front of the racing car, a huge black skull pattern is sprayed, which seems to represent a certain team.

This kind of unlimited competition is extremely dangerous on the field.

Many contestants were very nervous before the competition. Some foreigners even put their hands together and prayed to their God to bless him.

But these riders from the beautiful country seemed very relaxed at the moment.

Chen Churan's tone was a little serious at the moment: "There is another kind of driver, the most dangerous. They are called "thugs" in the circle."

A word fell.

Even Su Chen at the side was a little curious.

He has always been a regular driver, and he doesn't know much about unlimited car racing.

Chen Churan continued: "Thugs. They are the elite drivers invited by the bosses of the major casinos. These drivers may be F1 champions and rally champions. They are like the invincible BMWs in the betting field, desperate to win."

"The racing arena is the casino. The biggest source of income for the underground car park is the gambling car. The appearance of [thugs] attracts countless rich people and spectators. Buy them and win!"

at this time.

Chen Churan turned his head and looked at the beautiful national motorcade that just passed by.

Chen Churan: "The thugs are as calm as an instrument. They are invincible on the field. The beautiful national team we saw just now is called Black Skull, and the last champion is their team.

"In that race, their team won the top three places. They won hundreds of millions of dollars. At the same time, they crashed more than a dozen cars and killed three and five disabled!"

"Finally, there is another kind of driver, not for money or profit. Just to enjoy unlimited driving, the thrill of wandering between life and death. I am this kind of person."

Chen Churan.

Simple words, unlimited racing. Inside the arena, outside the arena, and on the bright side.


Countless insiders have gathered around one after another.

Even Su Chen was a little surprised!!

did not think of.

In such a match, there are such intricate interests mixed in...


10 minutes later.

Su Chen and Chen Churan entered the canyon racing circuit.

off track.

In a temporary shed, it is responsible for registering contestants.

It can be one person or a pair.

Not everyone can participate in this kind of underground car race.

Because Chen Churan is also one of the behind-the-scenes sponsors of the car race, he got the spot early.

Before the registration window.

Chen Churan and Su Chen signed up.

at this time.

A depot administrator was looking around in the registration hall.

"Ms. Chen!"

After seeing Chen Churan, he hurriedly handed over a key: "Ms. Chen, your racing car is ready. Just park it outside."

"All adjustments, parts. All done according to your arrangement."

After handing over the keys, the factory personnel left.

Afterwards, Chen Churan went to the preparation area.

And Su Chen went to the viewing area on the other side.

Su Chen didn't intend to participate in this competition, but was just Chen Churan's personal trainer.

Su Chen still planned to watch the match before leaving.

Chen Churan.

Put on your helmet and you're all set.

viewing area.

Su Chen came to a seat, and the surroundings were full of spectators.

There are still 5 minutes until the game starts.

- Unlimited matches, as the name suggests. There are no rules, restrictions. Even malicious collision, the most dangerous driving method, is allowed. 0

-Travel through the entire canyon, which includes steep slopes, slopes, and multiple bends. Forty kilometers in total!

five minutes later.

It's game time!

There are 100 cars on the scene. According to batches, they will go to the arena according to the batches to avoid crowding. They will be divided into groups of ten cars, and they will be divided into ten batches in total. They will enter the arena through different road sections.

At this time...

Below the crowd, above the apartment road.

Ten top-notch racing cars that have undergone explosive modification and illegal modification.

Has been dragged to the arena.


A foreign man, dressed in black leather, with blond hair.

From the waiting area, step into the black field.


Instantly caused the audience to boil!!

On his neck, there is still the championship medal of the last canyon car race!!

"Car King Allen!!"

"The captain of the Black Skull team, the last champion!!"

"He used to be the champion of the international rally race. He reached the peak of his career at the age of twenty, and later participated in major unlimited car races for money!!"

Beside Su Chen, there were even many spectators from the Beautiful Country, who came here specially for Car King Alan.

The car king Allen's set is very in line with the expectations of the heroes of the beautiful country, and there are even many fanatical racing fans of the beautiful country, who are only in their teens!!

A boy from the beautiful country, holding the national flag of the beautiful country: "King of cars, knock them all over!!"

"Knocked over!! Our family bought the car king and will definitely win this year!!"

On the side of Su Chen, there was a domestic audience who couldn't help but snorted coldly: "This car king's driving style is extremely aggressive. In the last race, he directly hit a racing car from the Sun Country, causing the driver of the Sun Country to die on the spot. .”

"Later, in the court of the beautiful country, after some operations, the judge was biased. After only being locked up for a week, the car king Allen was fine, and now he appeared on the field in a grand manner.

"Car king??? Is there a car god? It's a pity that the car god is no longer on the field!"


Game start!!

First batch, ten cars!

Be the first to enter the arena.


second batch!!

The third batch!!

In less than ten minutes, on the canyon track, already

There are more than thirty racing cars galloping!!

on site. There are more than a dozen countries, various commentators,

Start the crazy live commentary!!

"We can see that the black skeleton army of the beautiful country has taken the lead!!"

"The one at the front right now is Alan from the Black Skull team. The real underground car king!!"

The beautiful country commentator also discovered at this time that just behind Allen, a 2.6 dragon country racing car was slowly catching up!!

"Oh...a racing car from the Dragon Kingdom actually broke through the defenses and followed up!"

"The car king Allen's speed is not as fast as before. What's going on?"

The explanation of the beautiful country is also a bit confused.

at this time....

On the field, the car king Allen. Through the rearview mirror, he saw the Longguo racing car that was following up.


Also a faint smile.

Driving his own racing car, he stepped on the brakes suddenly.

The car stopped suddenly!!

Behind, Zhao Tao, a domestic driver, saw Ai Lu slowing down. There is no time to brake!!

About to collide!

Just turn the steering wheel!

"not good!!"

"Brake!! Brake!"

Beside Zhao Tao, the navigator couldn't help shouting.

But it's still too late...

Another beautiful national racing car accelerated and hit directly!

Domestic driver Zhao Tao's car lost control and slid down the track, and was directly mounted on the side fence.

far away.

The medical staff stepped forward in an instant.

Open the car door and carry Zhao Tao and the navigator onto the stretcher.


People were only slightly injured.

However, basically missed the game!!


"This is just the beginning, the drivers in the beautiful country are too despicable, right?"

At the scene, many domestic audiences and the media were extremely angry: "Two beautiful Chinese racing cars are aimed at a domestic racing car, it's too obvious!!"

"This is totally aimed at!!".

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