I Broke Through Again

Chapter 258: The female beast is a jade rabbit, the male beast is blackmailing, and the hair is bal

  Chapter 258 The female beast Jade Rabbit, the male beast is blackmailing, the hair is bald

   The ancient five-pin Panasonic, the egg slowly floated up, and a strange sound came from the eggshell.

  It landed on the canopy of the tree, greedily absorbing the heaven and earth energy gathered by the five-needle pine.

   The surrounding Rui Cai rushes into the sky, and there are thousands of rays of light.

   Anyone who sees this weather will feel that the alien beast that is about to be born has an extraordinary origin and is auspicious in the world.

   Zhao Huaizhong was the only one who knew the real image, which made him feel funny.

   These weather are all fake.

  There is such a strange beast in the world, Tiansheng is good at lies and deception, and its abilities are illusion and lying. The more people deceive, the faster its ability improves.

   This kind of beast with a lively mouth can mobilize many visions with its voice and lead to changes in the rules.

Although the    egg is a newborn cub, it has inherited wisdom and began to cheat and drive up its value before it was born.

   This exotic beast has a strange origin and is very rare. The reason Zhao Huaizhong knew about it was because he had obtained many isolated ancient books from the bronze immortal hall left by the Yin and Shang Dynasty, and there were relevant records among them.

  Panasonic with five needles, the elders of the Shennong clan, Mu Yangjing.

   As well as sensing the abnormality, in Xianyang City, the eyes of many saints were paying attention to the hatching of this beast egg.

   "This weather, I'm afraid it is the level of the four holy beasts, at least not weaker than the unicorn."

   "The weather is gorgeous, it must be an ancient beast."

  The elderly sighed with emotion and were full of expectations.

   In the sky, the black bird circled and came to watch.

   On the five-needle pine, the big unicorn, who has been resting on the tree all year round, blinked and watched nervously.

  At the city gate, people from all ethnic groups in the southwest who have newly entered the city are also looking towards the south.

   In that direction, not only was the colorful light rushing into the sky, but even the phantom of the dragon and phoenix appeared in the sky, as if welcoming and waiting for the birth of the alien beast.

  The cub in the eggshell gave himself this package. If he didn't know its origin, he would have to be tricked into pulling it.


   Beside the five-needle pine, the eggshell cracked a gap.

   A pair of big red eyes hid behind the eggshell and secretly looked at the outside world.

   There is no person outside who makes me feel afraid. It is suitable for shelling... It's so good here, such a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth... The cub in the egg thought.

  Many alien beasts have blood inheritance memories, so they are born with wisdom and know many things.

  The cub in the egg easily broke the eggshell and jumped out.

  It shook the long hair on its body and looked around shrewdly and cautiously.

   "What kind of beast is this, it looks like a rabbit?"

   "Impossible, what kind of rabbits have you seen before?"

  The elders of the Shennong clan have hot eyes.

The cub stood on the treetop of the five-needle pine. It really looked like a rabbit. The whole body was snow-white. Although it was a newborn, it was fluffy and very sturdy. It didn't have the ignorance and frailty of most cubs when it was first born. It had red eyes. ,big ear.

   Its ears flap like wings.

The    elders suddenly realized that the wings that were seen on the surface of the eggshell before were probably the creature's ears reflected on the surface of the eggshell.

  Including Zhao Huaizhong, when I first saw it, I thought it was a snake with wings.

When    sees its slender body before hatching, it is naturally good at illusion and camouflage, and the only difference between it and the rabbit is that it has a tail behind it, like a fox tail, which can be long or short.

   Before it came out of its shell, it used an illusion to lengthen its body, and with its tail, it looked like a snake.

   comes out of the shell at this time, and it shows its original appearance after confirming that there is no danger around it.

  There are beasts in the world, called 毹(é) beasts, who are naturally good at blackmail.

  It is a creature in Chinese legend. There is a myth in ancient times. The rabbit of Chang'e is actually a female beast among the beasts. It is called the jade rabbit.

   It also has an ability that can be called a plug-in, that is, because it is good at lying, it can see through all falsehoods and lies, and identify the nature of herbs.

   And its natural fragrance and breath, if it falls on a woman, it will have the miraculous effect of eternal youth, multiplying the beauty of a woman's face.

   According to legend, Chang'e rose from the world, became more and more beautiful, and became one of the most beautiful female fairies in the fairy world, because she raised a false beast.

   At this time, the beast was born, and its ruby-like eyes looked around.

  It can sense that there is no ill will towards it, whether it is human or beast.

   It looked at the unicorn with the highest level, and turned to Mu Yangjing.

   Mu Yangjing's breath is not as strong as that of a unicorn, but from the perspective of the beast, you can see that Mu Yangjing is carrying two treasures.

   The herbal aroma of Shennong Ding was even more attractive to it, and he immediately ran to Mu Yangjing, ready to show his thighs.

   However, a hand suddenly stuck out in mid-air and fixed it in mid-air.

   Zhao Huaizhong broke through the air and walked out.

  The beast kicked its legs desperately in mid-air, its white hair standing on end.

   In the eyes that can see through all falsehoods, Zhao Huaizhong can see two dragon energy protruding from the back of his neck, aggressive, as if he is going to eat it.

   "Are you male or female?" Zhao Huaizhong asked.

   "I am a male beast."

  Beasts can use illusions to transform into women's appearances. They look like rabbits, with graceful demeanor, their aura is scattered in every gesture, and they can speak human words.

   But it is not directly speaking, but like a unicorn, it vibrates the spiritual power, and at the spiritual level, it makes a little girl-like voice.

   Zhao Huaizhong was relieved, the beast never told the truth, said east is west, said it was male, and it was certain that it was a female beast.

   is the same as Chang'e's, it is a medicine rabbit, distinguishing herbs, and can pound medicine.

   is very suitable for Mu Yangjing.

   "Drop blood on its eyebrows and bind a soul-binding spell, so that it can recognize you as the master. This little beast will not tell the truth to any other creature except its owner."

   Zhao Huaizhong threw it to Mu Yangjing.

   Mu Yangjing's eyes were full of light, and he touched the rabbit, feeling extremely comfortable to the touch, and the rabbit had a faint scent.

   She really likes fat rabbits.

  According to what Zhao Huaizhong said, a drop of blood was forced out from the end of the light-white finger, and the soul-binding spell was concluded.

   "My lord's appearance is the most beautiful female fairy I know in the memory of my bloodline inheritance!"

   Rabbit speaks on a spiritual level and begins to show his talent.

   "Lie, you think you look the best."

   concluded the relationship of the imprint, and Mu Yangjing could clearly tell that the rabbit was lying.

   She stretched out her hand and grabbed the eggshell of the hatching rabbit.

  The shell of the alien beast holds the aura of heaven and earth that it absorbed during its gestation, and when it is put away, it can become food for rabbits.

   "What kind of beast is it?"

Mu Yangjing did not know the origin of the    beast.

   "The ancient beast is also called Rabbit Roar, and the female beast is also known as the Jade Rabbit. The innate ability is lies, deception and illusion. The female beast can smash medicines, and can detect the falsehood and distinguish the nature of herbs. It is a natural medicine beast.

   The breath contained in its demon pill can make a woman look ageless and youthful forever. "

   Zhao Huaizhong briefly introduced.

  The Shennong elders all gathered around and looked at it in amazement.

   I never thought that this fat rabbit looks simple and honest, but in fact it is a beast of lies and deceit. It is not a good thing to hear.

   Zhao Huaizhong stayed for a while before returning to Xianyang Palace.

   In the afternoon, he had an induction.

   A few days after leaving, the Dharma body and the female fox have arrived at the Yinshang Secret Palace.

   The secret palace at this time is parked somewhere deep underground, blending with the atmosphere of the earth.

  If it wasn't for the Qixiang cart to lead the way, no one would be able to find the exact location where the secret palace was hidden underground.

   Qixiang chariot galloped through the ground, and after approaching the secret palace, there was a position on the surface of the secret palace, revealing a deep entrance.

   Qixiang chariot galloped into it, the secret palace was closed, and the entrance disappeared.

  In the secret palace, it was so silent.

   From the entrance, it is already the seventh floor of the secret palace.

The   qixiang chariot then went to the death hall on the eighth floor.

  The incantation on the car flickered, and there was no abnormality along the way to enter the death hall on the eighth floor of the secret palace.

  The vixen observes silently.

   She knows her main body and can enter and exit the eighth floor of the secret palace, but she is not as free as Qixiangche.

   She was standing in the car and could see the way to the eighth floor of the secret palace. There were many things along the way that had been taken away.

   Including the burial pit where the dead Yin and Shang troops fought against each other for thousands of years and was extremely dangerous. Some of the things in it were missing and had been taken away.

   Obviously, the Lord of Qin was using the Qixiang Cha to gradually empty the Yinshang Secret Palace.

   "There is a huge secret hidden in this secret palace. Now the Lord of Qin can come and go at will, I am afraid that he will be discovered sooner or later. I need to notify the Lord as soon as possible to stop him, and never let him get the things in the depths of the death palace."

   Qixiang Cha silently entered the main hall on the eighth floor of the Palace of Death.

   When the fox spirit saw the scene in the hall, his eyes suddenly turned black.

   I saw the remains of the originally mighty black bird crouching in the center of the eighth-floor space, its body was a whole circle smaller, and the feathers on its body, including the feathers on its forehead, were almost all bald.

  The fox spirit was furious and said to the Dharma body:

   "You are the lord of Daqin, yet you are so greedy. Xuanniao was powerful during his lifetime, but his blood does not dry up after death. How much blood of Xuanniao did you take away to make it shrink like this?"

   Zhao Huai said: "I discussed it with King Zhou, and he agreed. He is not in a hurry about his family's things, what are you worrying about?

   Besides, that Xuan Niao's blood was not wasted, it was transferred to me, Da Qin Xuan Niao, to absorb it. "

  The fox spirit snorted: "Where's King Zhou?"

   She has tried this all the way, and as long as there is a slight change, the original character collar that Zhao Huaizhong concluded on her neck will come into play, and there is no chance of doing anything.

   She was about to find a breakthrough in King Zhou.


   Zhao Huaizhong clapped his hands, snapped, and then twice.

   "What are you doing?" said Fox Spirit.

   "The secret signal set by King Zhou and I was to clap at a fixed rhythm. Sometimes he would fall asleep in the coffin and would only come out after being awakened."

   Zhao Huaizhong continued to shoot several times, but there was no movement on the eighth floor.

   Fox Spirit: "Why haven't you seen King Zhou coming out?"

   "Xu Shi didn't hear it clearly, so you also took pictures with me."


The fox spirit hesitated for a moment, and suddenly uttered a seductive and seductive song: "Ask the king why he didn't come to the court, just because he has become an immortal in Lutai, and looking at the world from a high place in the Li Palace, the immortal music is floating in the wind, and the song of the neon clothes and feathers is broken... "

The    voice was mellow and ethereal, echoing up and down in the death hall.

  Is this the secret code of the fox spirit and King Zhou?

   However, King Zhou still did not appear in the Palace of Death.

   "This fox spirit still has some talents. After training, put it in the palace to cooperate with Yan Huansha. One sings and one dances, and the Qin Palace is both amazing..." In the Xianyang Palace, Zhao Huaizhong watched through the Fashen.

   Seeing that there was no movement, the fox spirit and Dharma body looked up at the coffin that was parked in the purple air above.

  Ps: Let’s talk about the selection of exotic animals, try to choose uncommon, interesting, powerful and rare ones.

   Another: Some book friends said that the death of the old lady was abrupt. I haven't communicated with you for a long time, and I just want to talk. I explained it briefly in the chapter at the end of the last chapter. If you are interested, you can take a look.

   In fact, there is a foreshadowing. The protagonist can't plan one thing and succeed in a smooth way... Various requests

   (end of this chapter)

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