I Broke Through Again

Chapter 457: God of battle

   Chapter 457 Fighting God's Body

   Immortal world, the north is bitter and cold.

  The demon clan withdrew from the world a few months ago and entered the northern land of the fairyland overnight.

   The terrain of the northern continent of the fairyland is long and narrow, reaching into the North Sea, but at the same time it is connected to the main continent of the fairyland.

   In the area where the northern land and the main continent of Immortal Realm are connected, there is a mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles.

On both sides of the    mountain range is the vast immortal world North Sea, and deep in the mountain range, after the demon clan entered the fairy world, a cave-like space entrance appeared here.

   The entrance is full of demonic energy.

  The demon market that has disappeared for a long time is located in it.

  In the mountains outside this space, there are already many temples at this moment, and there are demon soldiers coming out from the space where the demon ruins are located, all over the mountains and plains.

  There are demon soldiers who are good at flying and hauling all kinds of creatures.

  The demon clan seems to want to build this place into a demon country.

   During the ten-month period, the demon clan not only occupied the northern land, but also began to penetrate their tentacles into the eastern region.

   On this morning, Zhao Huaizhong, Kong Shengren, and Zhuang Zhou all appeared at the same time in the sky above the demon mountain where the demon clan was located.

   The north was howling, and Zhao Huaizhong's black robe fluttered.

   He was looking at the mountain where the demon clan was located.

   The demonic energy within it is in the sky, and on the ground and on the mountain peaks, the demon formations are coiled and densely covered, forming a huge chakra, which is slowly rotating, surrounding the entire mountain range.

   "That chakra is the defensive array of the demon clan."

   "On the first day the demon clan appeared in the fairyland, the waves in the North Sea were surging into the sky. This ancient demon mountain, which stretches for thousands of miles, rose from the bottom of the sea and was connected to the geology of the north."

Zhuang Zhou said: "I used the dream soul technique to enter the consciousness of a sleeping demon **** in the realm of creation, and only then did I learn that this demon mountain is a demon clan who knew that the fortunes of the ancient times were declining, and that it was held by a magical weapon and hidden in the Beihai before the enemy clan. a layout below.

   This demon mountain is connected to the demon market. Once it is connected to the northern land, it will begin to change the environment of the earth veins and transform and release the demonic energy. "

  Zhuang Zhou glanced at Zhao Huaizhong: "This method of releasing demonic energy is like withdrawing from the method of banning the extremes of the earth and the world, and it can draw the power of the stars and change the tide of the vitality of the heavens and the earth.

  The demon clan wants to reshape the world.

  The reason why they withdrew from the human world was that the attack on the human world was fruitless, and they did not want to continue to stand still with you, Emperor Qin.

   Another reason is that the immortal world is vast, and the air of heaven and earth is thicker, which is conducive to layout, so as to wake up more monsters and plan more things.

   After entering the fairyland, the power of the demon clan has been increasing. "

   "The array pattern chakra swirling in the demon mountain below is the defensive formation left by the ancient demon court. Fortunately, the demon power it absorbs has not yet reached its peak state."

   "If we want to attack the demon clan, we must first defeat this side wall?"

   Zhao Huaizhong: "Then try."

   asked: "Several saints investigate and collect all kinds of information about the demon clan. If I don't come, do you also have plans to attack the demon clan?"

  Sage Kong nodded: "The demon clan entered the fairyland, and they are competing with our human race for luck. Although the demon clan only attacked the forces of the heavenly court, but we live in the fairyland and cannot stand by and ignore it."

  Zhuang Zhou said: "Although we are idle people, Lao Tzu has something to do with Chan Jiao.

   This suggestion of the Qin Emperor is exactly in line with what we think. "

   "Then let's get started."

   Zhao Huaizhong took a deep breath: "Who shoots first?"

The sage Kong shrank back: "I can't do such a brute force attack on the mountain, so I will cheer for the two of you here, and when you break through the barriers of the demon clan, other people who explain the teaching will follow suit. Let's all work together!"


  Sage Kong's cheer is to assist with his mouth cannons on the side, which is more powerful than words.

   Zhao Huaizhong said: "Then I will come first."

  Zhuang Zhou also said: "I have practiced for many years, but I have never fully exerted my life and soul, and today I am doing the same with Emperor Qin."

   Zhao Huai nodded slightly, his eyes sharpened, and he suddenly opened his mouth and whistled softly.

  The roar of the dragon began to roar, and it was low and weak at first, but it quickly rose up, like a tidal wave, like a gust of wind passing through, like a masterpiece of Jiao Lei, and it was deafening!

   The whistling sound was higher than wave after wave, and it lasted for a long time.

Below   , the whistling sound began, and on the mountain range where the demon clan was located, the array flickered, and a hemispherical demonic wall was raised to protect the mountain range.

   Everywhere in the mountains, countless monsters looked up at the sky.

   Zhao Huaizhong's stature grew taller, like an ancient giant, standing on the top of the sky.

   His height soon reached a hundred zhang, which is like the sky and the earth.

   At the same time, Zhuang Zhou disappeared.

   He transformed into the void, and merged with all things in the world and with a Dao force, and tried his best to promote the fusion of the dream world and reality.


   In the distance of the North Sea, a huge wave suddenly appeared. The wave rose and fell several times, and it reached a height of hundreds of meters. It formed a waterline with a terrifying momentum and roared towards the mountain range where the demon clan was located.

  In the overwhelming tide, a giant kun, which is thousands of miles away, is pushing the tide and rising endless seawater from the oceans on both sides.

   Above the clouds, a golden-winged Dapeng swayed out, covering the clouds and the sun.

   One dream and two souls, Kunhua Peng, Penghua Kun, the two can be divided into two, or two can be one, mysterious and mysterious.

   This Dapeng flapped its wings, and two storms fell off under the wings.

  Water borrows the wind!

   The power of the water of the North Sea controlled by Kun below rose in rage, and the waves were surging into the sky.

   In the violent storm, the demon clan heard a warning, and when many demon clan were running, the first wave had already slapped on the defensive wall raised by the demon clan.

  Boom! Boom!

   One wave after another, slapping the retaining wall.

  There are monsters coming and going around the mountain, and the monsters who didn't have time to hide in the wall were immediately engulfed and swallowed by the waves.

  The ocean turned over, thousands of miles of ocean hung upside down, hitting the demon mountain.

   What power can compare to this kind of offensive launched with the might of the world and the sea? ! At this moment, the leylines of the entire Northland of the Immortal Realm were shaken. Under the impact of the tide, the earth shook violently and was bumpy and unstable.

   However, the demon clan's protective wall was not broken, only ripples were set off.

Inside the    Demon Ruins, Demon Lord Youying, Ji Meng and other demon gods are watching the changes in the outside world.

   "It is the fortune-telling of the human emperor uniting the human race." Ji Meng said slowly.

  Yuying Demon Lord's expression was calm. Since the demon clan openly appeared in the fairy world, and the human clan's fortune-telling realm, sooner or later, they will start a confrontation.

   Zhao Huai and others attacked, as expected.

  Yuying Demon Lord stretched out his hand, and on the ground of the palace where he was located, the demon power surged, the patterns interlaced, and countless symbols appeared.

  These demon power symbols are intertwined in the void, showing the image of Zhao Huaizhong's location.

   In addition to Zhao Huaizhong, Kong Sheng, and Zhuang Zhou, centered on the mountain range where the demon clan is located, there are also some immortals and demons from Chan, who are either riding strange beasts, or measuring the void with their steps, are approaching, and gather in this world.

  Youying Demon Lord's face was calm: "The protective wall of the demon world passed down by my demon clan in ancient times, even if these human race sages join forces... they will never open it.

   Send the order down, let the tribes of all ethnic groups release their demon power, integrate into the mountain range of the demon, push the demon formation, and prepare to take action. "

   has its own demon clan to send orders.


   Outside Yaoshan, Kun and Peng meet, and the waves are getting more and more turbulent.

The   storm fell from under the wings of Dapeng, collided and rubbed with the protective wall of the demon clan, and burst into lightning-like light.

   High in the sky, Dapeng's eyes, the thunderbolts shot down one after another, smashing the demon clan's wall.

   On the stretch of demon mountain, millions of demon clans have mobilized, each of them sacrificed their demon power, and integrated into the demon clan great formation engraved on the demon mountain, enhancing the power of the defensive array.

  In the sky, the Dapeng with wings flew down, and his claws like a giant pillar grabbed it out.

   On the demon clan wall, countless symbols collapsed instantly.

   But then it regained its stability and was indestructible.

   In the process of Zhuang Zhou's action, Zhao Huaizhong has been accumulating strength, and he still hasn't shot at this moment.

   His height has grown to two hundred feet away, towering like a mountain.

   "Chaos body, Dharma body, all come!"

   Zhao Huaizhong's shoulders and armpits began to derive three heads and six arms, a dharma body and a chaotic body. With the addition of the deity, the supernatural powers of three heads and six arms were superimposed, and a battle **** body with nine heads and eighteen arms appeared!

   At the same moment, a symbol appeared on each of his nine heads between the eyebrows, turning into an eye of mana, radiating radiant light.

   It's like there are nine suns inlaid between Zhao Huai's eyebrows!

   After he achieves good fortune, the techniques of the chaotic body and the undead emperor's body both approach the Great Perfection, and the secret orifices of the whole body change, all of which can be derived into magical powers.

  When the mana resides in the secret aperture between the eyebrows, the eye of mana will emerge, and the process will come naturally.

   At this moment, nine eyes of mana appeared on the foreheads of the nine heads, shining in all directions.

As soon as this mana body in Zhao Huaizhong was formed, it seemed to affect some kind of qi in the dark. The moment the nine eyes opened, endless thunder erupted between the heavens and the earth, coiling around the eighteen lines that blessed him. On the arm, it turned into a thunder pattern.

   "Emperor Qin is empowered by the power of all living beings, he is empowered by the land of the Kyushu on earth, and he is empowered by the luck of humanity!"

  Sage Kong began to brag, filling Zhao Huaizhong's battle value to the full.

   Every time he said a word, a halo of good fortune appeared behind Zhao Huaizhong.

   After Zhao Huai was in the Saint Realm, along the way, the aura of Dao force that he had provoked had increased to five rounds.

   At this moment, Sage Kong said three sentences in a row, three more halos appeared behind Zhao Huai's head, and eight halos appeared at the same time.

   And his roar that shook the heavens and the earth is still rising, and his strength is still rising.

  The demon clan had realized that something was wrong. From the demon mountain below, several attacks were launched, trying to stop and block Zhao Huaizhong's power growth, but all the offensives were blocked by Zhuang Zhou and Kong Shengren.

   They continued to gather momentum while pushing Zhao Huai until they delivered an earth-shattering blow.

   A long distance away, Si Ying, Our Lady of Lishan, Xuan Nv, and many people who intercepted the sect were all staring at the mana image in front of them.

   In that image, Zhao Huaizhong revealed the domineering of the Dharma body and the ferocity of his breath, which stunned the Holy Mother of Lishan and made Xuannv's heart skip a beat. Even Si Ying had never seen it before, and was greatly shocked.

  Compared with the Virgin of Lishan and the Xuannv, Si Ying was more nervous and worried.

   The demon clan has been planning for a long time, Zhao Huaizhong went to attack the root of the demon clan, good and bad luck is unpredictable.

   Similarly, in Jiufang Mountain, Mu Yangjing, Jiang Yan, Fox Spirit, Shennong Clan, Ji Family and more people were watching the battle from the air.

  The central region of the fairy world, the Lord of Heaven, the Golden Armored General Protector of the World, and all the ministers of Heaven are also paying attention to this human-monster battle.

   The Lord of the Heavenly Court smiled lightly. The Human Sovereign and many of the Supreme Beings attacked the demon clan together, and he was the happiest of course.

   Just under the attention of all forces, Zhao Huaizhong's 15-hour whistling stopped abruptly in the mana image.

  The world is silent!

   His aura climbed to the top, exuding the invincible aura of thousands of people and I have gone.


   Zhao Huaizhong took a step forward, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and the void beneath his steps collapsed.

   He instantly appeared beside the wall outside the Demon Mountain.

   The center of his eyebrows and his nine eyes glowed, urging a force to bless his fist.

   Zhao Huaizhong threw a punch, the surrounding world collapsed, everything returned to ruins and turned into chaos.

   His punch was a Sendai Pillar simulated by mana.

   On this Xiantai pillar, the Kyushu mother tripod and the refining demon pot have turned into brand marks and melted into it.

The    column rotates, and in turn, the vast land of Shenzhou, hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and the brand of the Great Qin Town National Seal appear.

   This blow carried all the cultivation of Daqin Guoyun and Zhao Huaizhong, as well as the full blessing of Confucius, and the assist of Zhuang Zhou.

   And… the power of the Sendai Pillar itself!

   Zhao Huaizhong's arm and fist overlapped with the Sendai Pillar, punching through the void and bombarding the demon clan's wall.


  The barrier cracked a gap from where the Sendai Pillar hit, and then began to spread around!

  Ps: Please book a ticket, thank you

   (end of this chapter)

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