I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter five hundred and seventy seventh touching people's hearts

Chapter 576

After finally sending Zhao Huanhuan to Wenchang Road Kindergarten, Zhu Wuyang left in a hurry amid the voices of several young mothers asking for coffee.

Although Zhu Wuyang likes beautiful women, to be honest, he still has a bottom line and won't do things that break up other people's families.

In that case, I was happy for a while, but it left irreparable scars on other people's families.

This little bit of moral blessing is still there.

Without going back immediately, Zhu Wuyang found a place with a good environment, made a song for the live broadcast of the new song tonight, and began to sing a climax to the song.

where did all the time go

Not enjoyed young age good enough before turning old

have children for a lifetime

My head is full of children crying and laughing

where did all the time go

Before you take a good look at your eyes,

Diesel, rice, oil and salt for half a lifetime

All that's left is the wrinkles


Yes, this song is where the time went when it was all the rage on the earth. It touched countless people and caused huge repercussions.

This is the third new song that Zhu Wuyang has come up with. The song has also been adapted to a certain extent, which is more touching than the original version.

With this song of Dingding, even if it is impossible to suppress the current turmoil, at least it can reduce the turmoil a lot, so as not to affect the mood.

Of course, what Zhu Wuyang is worried about is not affecting his mood. After all, he is also a demonic giant who kills nothing, so this little influence will not be on his heart at all.

However, he was worried that this would affect the original owner's parents, sister-in-law and niece, causing his soul fusion with the original owner to slow down, or even fail to integrate.

Anyway, this kind of thing is just a little effort for him, why not do it.

After recording the climax of the song, where did the time go, and after posting it on the Youhua platform, Zhu Wuyang sauntered towards the house.

In the morning, I rewrite the Bible by 100,000 to 200,000 words, and in the afternoon, I continue to make songs to prepare for future outbreaks.

If you take time, you can also learn about entertainment, novels, variety shows, movies, and small movies in this small world... Hey, it seems that something strange is mixed in.

All in all, it is the more interesting things in this small world of Blue Star. I haven't returned to my hometown for many years, and I may not be able to enter this kind of world similar to my hometown in the future, so take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy it.

things that have not been done on earth,

Here, I have to do it well, such as spending a lot of money, such as sports cars, yachts and helicopters, such as student white-collar female stars... You can try these, you can get both fame and fortune, and there is no shortage of wealth and beauty.

When Zhu Wuyi returned home and was busy writing the Bible, the short video just sent out had already started to glow.

"I'm going, Brother Chang'an has released a new short video again. It seems to be a preview of a new song. The lyrics are nice and the music is nice, but it's a bit boring."

"Although it's only a few sentences, it's inexplicably touching. I miss my parents a bit. No, I'm going to give them a call."

"It's so touching in just a few sentences. If it's all released, it will definitely be another very good song. Brother Chang'an's talent is so good, obviously he's not just bragging."

"If you don't have a certain amount of strength, how could Big Brother Chang'an say such things? So I think Big Brother Chang'an should be able to do it, but let's not care about whether those songs are good or not. At least the current ones are good."

"I heard that Lin Xixi, a famous songwriter in our Xia State, has written four or five thousand songs, but it took them half a lifetime. Most of the songs are not very famous. Can brother Chang'an compare with Lin Xixi?"


Although most people are still laughing at Zhu Wuyang for being too self-sufficient, this does not prevent them from liking Zhu Wuyang's short video. After all, the quality of this short video is really good.

Many fans who had just followed Zhu Wuyang flocked, and most of them also liked the short video.

In just one hour, this short video has also been on the short video hot search list of Youhua platform. So far, several short videos released by Zhu Wuyang recently have all been on the hot search list, which is quite spectacular.

Especially when opening the Zhu Wuyang short video homepage, you can see that more than half of the short videos are marked with the hot search symbol, which further promotes Zhu Wuyang's popularity.

So when Zhu Wuyang started broadcasting at night, tens of thousands of people flocked into Zhu Wuyang's live broadcast room in just a few minutes, waiting to listen to his new song.

Some of these people are curious, some are looking forward to it, and of course some are ill-intentioned and want to see Zhu Wuyang's jokes.

If the song Zhu Wuyang is not so good later, these people should have a seizure.

At this moment, Tang Kexin in the small room next to him is also in Zhu Wuyang's live broadcast room, and in the Huayou Entertainment 716 practice room dozens of miles away from here, while taking advantage of the break from dance practice, Tang Kewei also sat in the corner and opened it. Good luck with the live broadcast.

"The new song brought to you tonight has been announced in the morning, that is where the time has gone, let's start now!"

After a few chats, Zhu Wuyang didn't have too much nonsense and was about to start singing a new song. The number of people in the live broadcast room had soared to more than 60,000, all waiting for Zhu Wuyang's new song.

The old tree in front of the door grows new shoots

The dead trees in the yard are blooming again

Half survived a lot of words

Hidden in white hair


With the magnetic voice of Zhu Wuyang, where has the time gone, it was the first time that he fully appeared in the small world of Blue Star.

The originally noisy live broadcast room gradually became quiet as Zhu Wuyang spoke up, and he couldn't even see half of the barrage for a while.

The gentle melody slowly flows into everyone's hearts, and the plain but moving lyrics coupled with Zhu Wuyi's sincere interpretation aroused resonance among many people.

The strong call for family affection instantly penetrated into the heart, and some emotional audiences were infected and shed tears.

Even many people who came here with the thought of finding faults closed their mouths at the moment. Facing such a good song, they really couldn't say anything against their hearts.

A good song is full of vitality. Where has the time gone? The simple and unpretentious lyrics can reach people's hearts, expressing the love of parents shockingly, and the soothing melody slowly flows this love affectionately.

Tang Kexin, who was next door, shed tears unknowingly, and the figures of her parents appeared in her mind. She quickly covered her mouth, for fear that she would cry out and wake up Zhao Huanhuan, who was already asleep.

Tang Kewei, who was dozens of miles away, also slowly turned red. The other six girls who were practicing dance gathered around one by one in surprise. Listening to the gentle and moving melody, these girls also fell silent. His eyes also started to turn red.

Xiaomeng's new diary: Contrary to Chen Zuyuan, Zhang Yingxia began to cry, calling her mother while crying, saying that I didn't want to be shot, I really didn't mean it, please don't put the blame on me.

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