I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter 591 1 stream combination song

Chapter 590 First-class combination songs

"You want to invite me to sing on behalf of the unbeaten youth?"

Looking at Fang Zhenzhen in front of him, a smile crossed Zhu Wuyang's face.

Fang Zhenzhen nodded: "Brother Chang'an is the most popular original singer recently, and even the top composer of Huayou Entertainment is full of admiration, saying that Brother Chang'an is the composer who can best grasp the popular trend during this period."

"If we had known that Brother Chang'an was near our Huayou Entertainment earlier, we would have come to visit. Youth Invincible is a girl group that Huayou Entertainment is going to promote. I hope Brother Chang'an can write a song for them as their debut. track."

Zhu Wuyi smiled: "According to what Ms. Fang said, Youth Invincible is about to debut soon, and all the preparations should be ready. The debut song must have been set a long time ago, so I don't need my song. "

"Nevertheless, we, Huayou Entertainment, are very optimistic about Youth Unbeaten, so if there are better songs, even if it takes some time, we will take them down." The unbeaten group's attention: "Of course, if Brother Chang'an's songs do not meet our standards, we may also postpone the release."

This is quite true, and there is no guarantee that I will choose the song written by Zhu Wuyang.

Zhu Wuyang nodded, indicating that he understood, and began to think about which song to give to Huayou Entertainment and Youth Unbeaten.

Although the original owner had a lot of conflicts with Tang Kewei, to be honest, Tang Kewei was very good to the original owner, but because the original owner had been too much to Tang Kexin in the past year, Tang Kewei would quarrel with him.

If there is no such thing, the former Tang Kewei always likes to be tired with the original owner. It is precisely because of this that Tang Kexin has the idea of ​​matching Tang Kewei and the original owner.

What's more, Tang Kexin and Tang Kewei are sisters. If Tang Kewei made her debut, Tang Kexin would definitely not be happy, and it would naturally affect the soul of Zhu Wuyi's fusion with the original owner.

For this reason, Zhu Wuyang will also help Tang Kewei.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the two, Zhu Wuyang thought about it for a moment, then smiled slightly: "The song has already been thought of, it's one of the songs I've written over the past year, but my song is a bit expensive, you have to do it. Be mentally prepared."

Even if he promises to write a song for Youth Unbeaten, Zhu Wuyi won't be too cheap. He will definitely get the reward he needs, after all, it's not Tang Kewei who paid the money.

What's more, just giving the song destined to success for Youth Unbeaten is already Zhu Wuyi's greatest favor. If Huayou Entertainment and Youth Unbeaten are not satisfied, Zhu Wuyi will not help a white-eyed wolf.

Seeing that Zhu Wuyang had picked a song so quickly, Fang Zhenzhen said in surprise: "That's natural, each of the sixteen songs written by Brother Chang'an is popular, which is enough to prove Brother Chang'an's first-class creative strength.

We will naturally treat it accordingly. "

"That's good, let's listen to the song first." Zhu Wuyang smiled slightly, took out a song, and began to sing in front of the two of them.

When the song was finished, Fang Zhenzhen applauded the first time: "It's a beautiful song, with first-class rhythm, first-class lyrics and music, which delicately conveys girls' longing and expectations for love during the embarrassing period, and half-ripe girls in love. It's so sweet that it can sing into people's hearts."

"Such a song not only describes the psychology of girls, but also catches the ears of boys. It is definitely a first-class combination song."

"This song is so good, thank you Brother Chang An, I really want to sing it." Tang Kewei also widened her bright eyes and looked at Zhu Wuyi with a dazzling brilliance, once again realizing Zhu Wuyi's strength.

Zhu Wuyi smiled and said, "If you want it, let's talk about the contract."

"Okay, thank you Brother Chang'an for such a good song." Fang Zhenzhen smiled sweetly, and talked to Zhu Wuyi about the contract.

Needless to say, the details in the contract are all treated according to the treatment of first-class songwriters, but the core point is the royalty and share.

According to Zhu Wuyang's contract, the royalties of this song belong to Zhu Wuyang, who only authorizes the exclusive singing of Youth Invincible, and extracts 10% of the income, including but not limited to song download income, song ringtone income, song album income... … There is also a certain percentage of commercial performances, but they are all within the scope of normal first-class songwriters.

According to this contract, in the end, Zhu Wuyang can get nearly one-tenth of the total income of this song, which is slightly higher than that of ordinary first-class songwriters, but considering that each of the more than a dozen songs released by Zhu Wuyang was successful, so The price is still within a reasonable range, especially since the song is of extremely high quality.

After reading the contract, Fang Zhenzhen frowned slightly: "Brother Chang'an, I can't make the decision for this contract for the time being. When I go back, I will contact the corresponding department and give you an answer."

"Okay." Zhu Wuyang nodded and sent Fang Zhenzhen and Tang Kewei away.

To be honest, this song seems a bit expensive at first glance, especially the copyright of the song still belongs to Zhu Wuyang and was not sold to Huayou Entertainment.

But you must know that this song achieved great results when it was on Earth, which made a certain girl group directly affirmed by the outside world, and won many awards.

In this world where the crackdown on piracy is extremely strict, this song will surely achieve even more brilliant results, so the price that Zhu Wuyang wants is not high, it can only be said to be a friendship price.

And most of the conditions in the contract are the normal treatment of this world-class songwriter, only slightly higher than that of the first-class songwriter.

If you don't even agree to this, then Zhu Wuyang will not reach out to help.

By the way, in this contract, Zhu Wuyi also specifically explained that Huayou Entertainment must keep it strictly confidential and prevent the outside world from knowing that this song was created by him.

The reason for this is naturally to avoid having too much influence and leveraging too much of the origin of the world, allowing him to leave the Blue Star Small World ahead of schedule.

This condition is not difficult, Fang Zhenzhen can directly agree to it

When Fang Zhenzhen returned to Huayou Entertainment, the well-known dance teacher who came to teach had already left. The six teammates saw Tang Kewei walking in with a smile on their faces, and their faces showed curiosity. What a good thing happened, so happy.

But immediately thinking of Tang Kewei's circle of friends, the six teammates understood what they were, and smiled and surrounded Tang Kewei, ready to fight a dozen local tyrants.

They never imagined that the abominable brother and sister's brother-in-law Tang Kewei referred to would have a day when the salted fish would turn over and be so generous.

Just envy the dead!

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