I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter five hundred and ninety-eight promotion to classic

The number of downloads before the first day of love... 500,000!

The number of downloads on the second day of falling in love... 550,000!


In less than two days of love, it broke one million, and the silver song logo was added to the back of the song!

The number of downloads before the third day of love... 800,000!

The number of downloads before the fourth day of love... 1 million!

The number of downloads before the fifth day of love... 900,000!

The number of downloads before the sixth day of the relationship... exceeded 5 million!

Any song that has more than 5 million downloads on the entire network is eligible to add the golden song logo behind it!

On this day, Sun Li and Zhang Hanyun went to Zhongman Tea Garden in person to express their gratitude to Zhu Wuyang. By the way, this is the second time that Sun Li and Zhang Hanyun have gone to Zhongman Tea Garden to express their gratitude. When it hits a million a day.

With the help of this song, Zhang Hanyun has successfully stabilized her popularity among top female voices, and her popularity and influence have gone further, completely establishing her status as a second-tier singer.

The most important thing is that Zhang Hanyun also has a representative song of her own. In the process of participating in the top female voice before this, Zhang Hanyun sang all other people's songs, and never had a song of her own.

Therefore, the significance of not being in love for Zhang Hanyun can be imagined. When the golden song symbol appeared after not being in love, the little girl couldn't help but burst into tears.

According to the general environment of Xia Guo's entertainment circle, this masterpiece alone is enough for Zhang Hanyun to eat for about ten years, and its importance can be imagined.

And anyone with a discerning eye can see that, with the popularity and impact of unfulfilled love, let alone 5 million downloads, even 10 million downloads are within easy reach.

classic work!

Any song that can get more than 10 million downloads on the entire network is eligible to be called a classic, and a star sign will appear behind it, meaning a one-star classic.

If the number of downloads exceeds 20 million, it is a two-star classic, 30 million downloads is a Samsung classic, 40 million downloads is a four-star classic, and 50 million downloads is a five-star classic.

Counting the entire Xia Guo entertainment circle, there are only a handful of songs that can reach the five-star level, and not many even have more than 10 million downloads.

If the downloads of Zhang Hanyun's unfulfilled love song can exceed 10 million, she will become a quasi-first-line singer. If another similar song is released in the future, she will be able to secure her position as a first-line singer.

Just one song has pushed Zhang Hanyun to this level. It is not an exaggeration to say that a touch of stone becomes gold. How can Zhang Hanyun not be grateful.

Half a month later, the number of downloads on the entire network for those who were not in love successfully exceeded 10 million, and later received the symbol of a one-star classic. Sun Li once again brought Zhang Hanyun to thank him and offered a million big red envelopes.

To put it mildly, this song Ci Nian Entertainment and Zhang Hanyun almost handed over most of the income on the Internet to Zhu Wuyang, which shows his sincerity.

In the face of such sincere and sincere Ci Nian Entertainment and Zhang Hanyun, Zhu Wuyi is not stingy, and once again "tailored" for Zhang Hanyun, it is me.

This song is also the famous work of the star surnamed Zhang on the earth, and it is also its most representative and popular song. Unfortunately, although this song has brought honor, it has also brought many actresses surnamed Zhang who cannot bear it. disaster.

However, in this world, Zhang Hanyun, with the escort of Ci Nian Entertainment and Sun Li, should not have those things that happened to stars surnamed Zhang on earth.

Even if it is really bad luck and it appears again, Zhu Wuyang is sure that he can help him solve it, so it should be regarded as a reward of gratitude.

When Sun Li and Zhang Hanyun came back with the sweet and sour, that is, me and a contract that was very beneficial to Zhu Wuyi, Tang Kewei also came to Zhongman Tea Garden with a few girls who were undefeated in their youth.

After a sincere apology, Tang Kewei carefully expressed her intentions, hoping that Zhu Wuyang could help them write another song, and expressed Hu Zhenhua's apology for this matter.

Seeing that Hu Zhenhua has to apologize even through the mouths of others, Zhu Wuyi sneered, showing no sincerity at all, and still wanted his songs, which was really beautiful.

But seeing the nervous appearance of Tang Kewei and other girls, Zhu Wuyang thought about it for a moment, and took out a contract for Tang Kewei: "It's not difficult for me to write songs for you, for the sake of Director Hu's hospitality, if your new song is Give me proper treatment according to this contract, then I will write this song."

"Contract?" Tang Kewei was stunned, took the contract handed over by Zhu Wuyang, and looked at the young girls who were undefeated.

Soon, a burst of exclamation came.

"Thirty percent of the share, and it includes albums, network downloads, color ringtones, film and television licenses... Even concerts and commercial performances have to be paid."

"This has surpassed the top songwriters in the country, and there is no more expensive songwriter than this. I worry that the company may not agree."

"According to this contract, Brother Chang'an's income has already exceeded the company's to a certain extent. The company has invested a little more in publicity. I'm afraid that it will lose money. It is unlikely that the company will agree."


Looking at the worried girls, Zhu Wuyang smiled and said, "Although this contract is a bit high in terms of albums, online downloads, etc., it is not high in terms of commercial performances, concerts, advertisements, etc., so your company still has some money to make. Yes, at most five or five with me, and it is more likely than me."

"If you can't even show such sincerity and apology, then there is no need to talk about it any more. When you go back, tell Hu Zhenhua that until he apologizes to me in person, this contract will never change in the slightest. If you don't want to If so, there are people in the circle who want my songs."

Since Hu Zhenhua was so insincere even in his apology, Zhu Wuyi would not be used to him, nor would he show any sympathy for him.

If it weren't for Tang Kewei mixed in with this matter, Zhu Wuyang would never cooperate with Huayou Entertainment again in his life, and would still find a way to deal with Huayou Entertainment and Hu Zhenhua ruthlessly.

But even so, Zhu Wuyang would not let Hu Zhenhua go just like that.

Although Hu Zhenhua rejected his songs at the time, the main reason was not because of him, but because of conflicts with Li Jinan and Fang Zhenzhen, but he hurt Zhu Wuyang after all.

If this is the case, then there is no need to talk about other nonsense, just do what you want.

I want Zhu Wuyang to swallow this breath and let go of this matter so lightly, there is no door!

With Zhu Wuyi's current strength and status, he doesn't need to give anyone face!

Besides, Zhu Wuyi is just passing by here in a hurry. Naturally, he can play how he wants to play, and how to be happy. At most, he will only care about the wishes of the original owner, as long as he can earn the origin of the world in other aspects.

Not only that, while writing songs, novels, scripts, etc., Zhu Wuyang is also studying the clock poison to see if it can reproduce the clock poison in this world. When the right opportunity comes, he will give everyone a big surprise. .

For him, Blue Star Small World is a rewarding game that is not too difficult!

When he was in the world of Dongyuan Continent, for the sake of his own life, Zhu Wuyi would act more cautiously, but in this small world that would not threaten his life.

Dude, hold your ass!

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