From Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu's point of view, being able to secretly control about one-third of the territory of Nirvana Building in just a few decades, and scavenging for resources and treasures in such a large territory, the mastermind behind the scenes is definitely an extremely large force.

If it weren't for a huge power, how could it be possible to search for so many treasures and resources in a short period of time, and secretly mastered many high-level officials of these empires.

Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu never thought that the mastermind behind all this was actually just one person, but this person was proficient in the way of formation, the way of witchcraft, the way of poison... and also mastered all kinds of heaven and earth magic and heaven and earth secret art , can be called almighty, and in a short period of time, he has mastered a large number of high-level officials of these empires, so as to use the power of these high-level leaders to search for resources and treasures.

But it can also be said that the search for these resources and treasures is indeed a terrible force, but the members of this force are composed of their own people from Nirvana Building except for Zhu Wuyi.

To be honest, even if Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu were told all this, they both thought that others were joking with them and would never believe it.

But Zhu Wuyi didn't expect that Nirvana Tower would find the clue so quickly, and dispatched Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu to investigate this matter. Obviously, there are still results.

However, if you think about it carefully, being able to hide under the eyelids of the No. 1 Immortal Sect for so long, Zhu Wuyang's luck is already amazing, so even if it is discovered now, it is not surprising.

It's a pity that Zhu Wuyi has not yet broken through to the realm of quasi-immortal Mahayana, otherwise it would be perfect.

While Zhu Wuyi knew nothing, Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu's investigation continued, and little by little they locked onto the Eternal Empire.

As the No. 1 immortal sect in the Eastern Continent, how could Nirvana Building not have supervision departments for these empires? With the help of the supervision departments, Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu only spent about half a month to lock them again, and finally Locked to the Yinqing Imperial Capital.

According to the locked results and speculation, the abnormal resources of the hundreds of empires below the Nirvana Building started from here, and the resources of these hundreds of empires have always been connected with this place, so if there is no accident, the enemy should hide in the silver Qing Dynasty.

After some careful disguise, Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu came to the Yinqing Imperial Capital, ready to investigate the mastermind behind all this.

For the sake of safety, the two of them did not even let the monks from the special department of Nirvana Building come in, but the two of them personally probed to avoid any abnormality, which shows their prudence.

Relying on the unique concealment technique of Nirvana Tower, even Zhu Wuyi didn't realize that Emperor Yinqing had entered the two Tianzhu who were in the later stage of fusion.

Time goes by day by day,

It was another half a month in the blink of an eye, but despite Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu digging three feet into the ground, they didn't find the slightest abnormality.

Not to mention the terrorist force hidden in the dark, even the big bosses who speculated that the Mahayana quasi-immortal and above have not found it. Many clues here are like being cut off by a knife, and no clues have been found.

On this day, Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu came to the square in front of the Tang family's mansion, watching the countless residents from various areas of the Eternal Empire yelling at the souls of the old flower-eater and the landlord of Heisha, with a strange look on their faces.

"I didn't expect such a day for the dignified cultivator of the god-turning stage and the giant of the imaginary stage. This Tang family is really unusual, and there are such masters behind them."

"There's only one giant in the imaginary stage left and right. It can be crushed to death easily. Don't worry about it. It's really a headache that the mastermind behind the scenes can't be found for a long time."


Speaking of which, Zhang Haiyan and Zhu Wu both sighed.

"It shouldn't be, to be able to make such a big noise in the territory of one-third of our Nirvana Building, this force should be extraordinary, and all the clues point here, indicating that this should be the place where those resources and treasures are gathered. , and then centered on this place and sold it in all directions, why is there nothing unusual?" Zhu Wu's face was full of doubts.

Zhang Haiyan nodded: "Don't say it's abnormal, there's no clue at all, many resources and treasures are clearly directed here, but nothing can be investigated, it's like disappearing out of thin air, could it be that this place is just used by the enemy Where we are misled, the enemy's headquarters are in other places."

"This possibility is very high, otherwise, with the power of the other party, we will not be able to find it so easily." Zhu Wu nodded: "Besides, since we dare to search for resources and treasures in the territory of our Nirvana Building, the other party will not be able to find it so easily. It would be stupid to put the place where resources and treasures are gathered in the territory of our Nirvana Building, we were a little preconceived before."

Zhang Haiyan smiled bitterly: "It's true when you think about it this way, the opponent's forces are so huge, they are definitely not ordinary people, how could they be found so easily by us, it seems that we still need to investigate several other places where resources gather, and carefully look for clues, especially the common ones. To the clues of other forces around."

"Being dragged in the Yinqing Imperial Capital for so long, our heads are really flooded." Zhu Wu patted his head: "I should have thought of it before, but now I suddenly realize that we are really stupid."

Zhang Haiyan smiled bitterly: "Who said no, we were frightened by the other party, and we were eager to make contributions, so we made such a low-level mistake. By the way, have you found other abnormalities in the Yinqing Emperor for so long?"

"Anomalous?" Zhu Wu frowned slightly and thought about it for a moment: "Anomaly is similar to other empires in that the flow of resources and treasures here is abnormal. As for other aspects... By the way, this Tang Dynasty has risen in the past 20 or 30 years. The firm's business is also quite unusual, especially the so-called guardian behind it, who has successively displayed the strength of the Golden Core Stage, the Nascent Soul Stage, the Soul Transformation Stage... all the way to the Void Refining Stage, which is quite interesting. no more."

"The strangest thing is that even with my strength, I can't find out where the guardian of the Tang family is hiding. This is not something that ordinary giants in the refining period can do. I'm even guessing that the Tang family. Shouldn't the guardian of 's be not some ancient giant in the refining period, but a combined Tianzhu like us."

"But thinking about it carefully, I think it's a bit exaggerated. Such a small family the size of an ant can be seen by an ancient giant. How could it be seen by a combined Tianzhu."

Zhang Haiyan said in surprise: "So you can't find out where the guardian of the Tang family is. Do you think this person is related to that behind-the-scenes force?"

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