I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter 806 Is it special 1 affectionate?

"Husband, are you a loose cultivator or a cultivator of which Xianzong sect?"

"Husband's literary talent is so good, he must be from a certain literary country, right?"

"Can you tell us the truth about you now, husband?"


After calming down, all kinds of doubts came to mind, and the three Tang sisters finally couldn't help but start asking questions.

Zhu Wuyi said with a smile: "Actually, my true identity is the head of the Wandu Gate of the Southern Wilderness, and I am also the ruler of the Southern Wasteland at this moment. The entire Southern Wasteland has been unified by my Dazhu Immortal Dynasty."

"Ah..." The three sisters of the Tang family opened their mouths together, apparently they had also heard of the Southern Wilderness.

"Husband, what you said is true, the southern wasteland has been unified by you, why hasn't this matter spread to the Central Plains of China?"

"It is said that there are three first-class immortal sects in the Southern Wilderness, all of them have a combined Tianzhu, and they fight each other endlessly. How did the husband do it."

"My God, husband, you are too powerful. Although the resources and treasures of the Southern Wilderness are less, it is still a vast and boundless territory. Have you really unified the Southern Wilderness?"


Looking at the unbelievable three sisters of the Tang family, Zhu Wuyi said with a wry smile: "Don't you all know that the strongest person in the Southern Wilderness is only a combined Tianzhu, my current combat power is comparable to that of the Mahayana Quanxian, could it be that I can't unify the Southern Wilderness? Earth."

"That's true." The three sisters of the Tang family suddenly realized that they were united by fists.

Tang Liuli asked curiously: "Since your husband is already the master of the Southern Wilderness, why did you come to the Central Plains Shenzhou, and why did you offend the Mind Control faction and Nirvana Building, they are all very powerful."

"This matter." After thinking about it, Zhu Wuyang changed his motive and said: "The Southern Wilderness is barren, and there has never been a Mahayana quasi-immortal, so I am often bullied by some immortal sects in the Central Plains of China."

"Decades ago, the Five Poison Sect came to bully the Ten Thousand Poison Sect again. At that time, my strength was already invincible, so I came to the Central Plains China to clean up the Five Poison Sect, and then I thought that the Mind Control Sect also often bullied the Ten Thousand Poison Sect. I also went to the Mind Control faction and took care of the Mind Control faction."

"In the end, I didn't expect that I was caught in the calculations of the Mind Control faction. I was banned for a lot of strength. Later, I used a random teleportation array to escape, and I was rescued by Ye Lan. Later, I came to the Changqing Imperial Capital with the Tang family's caravan. regain strength."

"It turns out to be like this." Tang Yelan suddenly said, "That's why my husband has taken care of the Tang family so much over the years.

Is it because of this? "

Zhu Wuyi nodded with a smile: "The Tang family is kind to me, and I naturally want to repay it. It was true at the beginning, but then it was not because of the Tang family, but because of the three of you."

The pretty faces of the three sisters of the Tang family were all red, like flowers in full bloom, they were really beautiful.

"That's why I have developed a deep hatred with the Mind Control faction." Zhu Wuyang said, this is not a lie. After all, in the past tens of thousands of years, the Mind Control faction has indeed bullied the Wandu Sect and occupied the Wandu Sect. Some are cheap.

Needless to say, Nirvana Tower, Nirvana Tower has always been the main force in reducing the number of places in the Southern Wilderness to enter the three hundred worlds.

Therefore, Zhu Wuyi pushed the fault to the Nirvana Building without any psychological pressure: "As for the enmity with the Nirvana Building, the Nirvana Building has been trying every means to deduct some important places in the Southern Wilderness over the years, which has greatly affected the Southern Wilderness. The development of the Immortal Cultivation World, so I have done a lot of things in the Eternal Empire over the years, scavenging the resources and treasures of many surrounding empires to restore strength and heal injuries."

"So Nirvana Tower also has a deep hatred with me, but it's a little worse than the Mind Control faction."

Only then did the three sisters of the Tang family know the cause and effect of the incident, which finally relieved a lot of doubts in their hearts.

Zhu Wuyi looked at Tang Yelan who was worried and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about the Tang family. Although the Mind Control faction and Nirvana Building have a deep hatred with me, the Tang family is the only three of you who have a close relationship with me. The relationship is normal, the Mind Control faction and Nirvana Tower know that they cannot threaten me."

"Anyway, I also have the combat power of the Mahayana Zhunxian. They will not use the Tang family to coerce me. On the contrary, they will ensure the safety of the Tang family's children because they are afraid of my revenge, lest I really take revenge and go back."

The third sisters of the Tang family nodded, and then they let go of their worries. If you think about it carefully, the same is true. Although it will frighten the people of the Tang family, but thinking about the things that the children of the Tang family have gained from Zhu Wuyang over the years, this kind of grievance counts. what.

And once this calamity can be overcome, the Tang family with the background of the Lord of the Southern Wilderness and the Mahayana quasi-immortal Zhu Wuyi will be able to develop to what extent, it makes people feel extremely looking forward to thinking about it.

"Husband, where are we going now?" The three sisters of the Tang family, who were no longer worried, asked curiously.

Zhu Wuyi smiled and said, "Go back to the Southern Wilderness first. After my cultivation realm is promoted to the Mahayana quasi-immortal, I will come to the Central Plains Shenzhou to see the situation."

"Are you going home?" The three sisters of the Tang family were all blushing. After so many years together, they seemed to have never met Zhu Wuyang's parents. They didn't expect to finally see their mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Zhu Wuyang said, "My parents are already dead, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Uh..." The three sisters of the Tang family were all stunned, but thinking that Zhu Wuyi is already a quasi-immortal of Mahayana, but his relatives and friends are not.

Tang Liuli couldn't help but ask, "Then husband, do you have a Taoist companion? How many?"

"One." Zhu Wuyang said: "I have a Taoist companion in the Southern Wilderness, and there is no other."


The three sisters of the Tang family were all shocked. Is the husband so single-minded? As the ruler of the dignified southern wasteland, there is only one Taoist companion. If so, wouldn't they be one of the husband's only four Taoist companions? This is incredible.

"Husband, you are too specific. After so many years, there is only one Taoist companion. Don't the people from Wandu Sect urge you to find another Taoist companion?"

"I didn't expect my husband to be as single-minded as when he was in the Changqing Imperial Capital. It's a bit too incredible. If you let other people know about it, you won't believe it."

"Then husband, if you only have one Taoist companion, wouldn't it be difficult to have children. Do you have children in the Southern Wilderness?"


Looking at the dumbfounded three sisters of the Tang family, Zhu Wuyi thought about it and decided to tell the truth, so as not to be blamed by the three sisters of the Tang family again: "Hehe, I'm actually not that dedicated and affectionate. Although I only have one Taoist partner, I am becoming a Before the head of Wandu, I was the emperor of a secular dynasty, and when I was still a secular emperor, it was inevitable that there would be seventy-two concubines in three palaces and six courtyards."

"And at that time, the strength was weak, and it was easy to give birth to children. Therefore, these concubines and concubines have given birth to me, there are probably more than 3,000 children."

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