The Great Zhu Xian Dynasty of Zhu Wuyang gave all ordinary people a chance to leap over the dragon gate. As long as you have spiritual roots, you can leap up.

Even if you don't have spiritual roots, as long as you have made enough contributions to the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty, you can still get the opportunity to enter the Dao with martial arts.

Looking at the southern wasteland, the number of ordinary people is the largest, and ordinary people are also the most yearning for the path of immortality.

Since there is such an opportunity in front of us, many ordinary people who dream of the road to the immortal path are desperately trying to seize it, doing their best to do things for the Dazhu immortal dynasty, earning contribution degrees, and only hoping to get the people who enter the Dao by martial arts. Chance.

Wuxian Zhenjing is the supreme treasure book that Zhu Wuyi has prepared for all ordinary people. It is also an intermediate-level heaven and earth fairy martial arts created by Zhu Wuyi's synthesis of various martial arts and martial arts, which can be practiced all the way to the perfect state of integration.

In the follow-up, Zhu Wuyi will continue to improve and improve it, until it becomes a top-level immortal martial art, and can cultivate to the realm of transcending robbers, and even a higher realm.

Of course, the most powerful thing about the Martial Immortal Mantra is that it is not too difficult to practice, it is much easier than the traditional way of entering the Dao with martial arts.

Zhu Wuyi divides the Martial Immortal Sutra into about 100 layers, each layer is not too difficult to break through, and it can support practitioners to break through step by step.

Even looking at the huge Dongyuan Continent, the Martial Immortal Mantra is one of the top-ranked methods of practicing martial arts, especially for ordinary people.

With the help of the Martial Immortal Mantra, many ordinary people have embarked on the path of immortality over the years, and even many monks with weak spiritual roots have chosen this path to enter the Dao by martial arts. One can imagine the Martial Immortal Mantra. terrific.

The various laws and treatment of Dazhu Immortal Dynasty treat all monks equally, which not only gives opportunities to ordinary people, but also allows all loose cultivators, neutral forces, family cultivators, sect cultivators... to stand on the same starting point.

As long as you contribute to the Great Zhuxian Dynasty, you can get the corresponding contribution points, and then exchange all kinds of cultivation resources you want from the Dazhuxian Dynasty.

With Zhu Wuyi as the background, plus the six Shangshu books are all wise, and there are corresponding systems to escort, the development of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty can be described as prosperous.

More and more cultivators realized the benefits of joining the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty. The Dazhu Immortal Dynasty also acted as a huge platform to a certain extent, allowing the resources of the entire southern wasteland to begin to flow, so as to reach the hands of those who need it the most.

There are opportunities everywhere, opportunities everywhere, and you can learn what you want everywhere... Dazhu Xianchao doesn't hide anything, as long as you do things for me, I can give you enough benefits.

And the great wishes of the immortal dynasty are all beginning,

There are countless opportunities and channels for improvement. As long as you work hard and show your abilities, Dazhu Xianchao will have a place for you.

As a result, more and more monks joined, and the development of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty naturally became faster and faster, far exceeding the imagination of ordinary people.

Many individuals and forces who originally held malice towards Zhu Wuyi and Dazhu Immortal Dynasty just feel really fragrant at this moment, and can't wait to join Dazhu Immortal Dynasty and become a part of Dazhu Immortal Dynasty.

Perhaps the only dissatisfaction is the high-level executives of many major immortal sects, because the various policies and systems of the Dazhu immortal dynasty have undoubtedly greatly reduced the authority of the immortal sect and family power, and have taken too many outstanding children from them.

The most important thing is that these outstanding children, after seeing the fearful power of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty, slowly began to pay attention to the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty, rather than these immortal sects, family forces and the like.

There were even some dissatisfied voices inside the Wandu Sect. They felt that the appearance of the Great Zhuxian Dynasty made them unable to do whatever they wanted as before.

Instead of going to a secular mortal city to slaughter well, or using a large number of mortal lives to refine evil instruments, or doing something arbitrary, like before.

The laws of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty not only govern the secular mortals, but also constrain the cultivators of the Immortal Dao. No one can jump out unless you leave the Southern Wilderness.

Even if it is a combined Tianzhu, now it cannot be unscrupulous to kill and set fire.

This is undoubtedly torture for many monks who are used to doing whatever they want. They began to be dissatisfied with the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty. They felt that the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty had too many laws, which restricted their behavior and began to make some small moves.

In addition, Zhu Wuyi has not shown up for decades, and some people have started to do more and more excessive things, which has also caused a lot of chaos in Dazhuxian Dynasty.

Or those middle and low-level monks will be suppressed, but some high-level monks with amazing strength, or monks with amazing background, many can escape punishment, making Dazhu Xianchao somewhat helpless.

After all, among these people, there are many ancient giants in the refining stage, or relatives and friends of the ancient giants, and some are still disciples of the state religion Wandu Sect, and even the six ministers are difficult to punish.

However, these are small things, and they will not affect the rapid development of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty, and as time goes on, as the various systems and laws of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty become more and more popular among the people, these chaos will gradually disappear.

Of course, if someone intervenes to deal with it in advance, such chaos will disappear faster.

The general trend is irreversible. At this moment, the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty is the general trend in the southern wasteland. It has been supported by more than 90% of monks and ordinary people. Those who make trouble are only a small number of monks and ordinary people. It's on.

What's more, Dazhu Xianchao also has Zhu Wuyi, the sea-fixing needle. In this world where the strong are respected, as long as Zhu Wuyi raises his fist, then he is the general trend.

The general trend and the general trend are superimposed, and who else can resist.

In just a few short decades, the system of the Great Zhuxian Dynasty has also shown its clearly visible superiority, allowing the entire southern wasteland to come alive, not only the middle and low-level monks and ordinary people, but even the high-level ones. The monk can also clearly feel it.

The prototype of the immortal kingdom on the ground has already appeared, and as long as the prototype is maintained and grows slowly, it will surely bear bright and moving fruits.

At this moment, the legions of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty have basically spread all over the counties, counties, villages and towns of the Southern Wilderness, maintaining the basic security and supervising many Xianzong sects, so that they dare not go too far in their daily actions and management. .

The 36th Heavenly Gang Legion and the 72nd Earth Demon Legion have already been initially formed. Those who are qualified to enter the legion are all monks above the Jindan stage, and they have been able to suppress the entire Southern Wilderness.

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