I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Eight hundred and sixteenth chapter half-step immortal scripture

With Zhu Wuyi's current strength, it is very easy to break through the three bans of Kaifeng Immortals, the gods ban and the Yuan ban. Nirvana Ying Yuan and Nirvana Spiritual Sense have surpassed the Wan Po Ying Yuan He after seven nirvanas. Eighteen hell consciousness.

According to the previously calculated method of breaking the ban, Zhu Wuyi ran the Nirvana Spiritual Sense and the Nirvana Infant Yuan, and began to break the ban on the gods and the ban.


With the faint sound, Fengshenjing and Fengyuanjian opened a small hole successively, and the Myriad Poison Infant Essence and the Eighteen Hell Spiritual Senses gurgled out, and began to communicate with Nirvana Spiritual Sense and Nirvana Infant Essence. mix together.

Because Myriad Poison Infant Yuan and Eighteen Hell Spiritual Senses were also bred on Zhu Wujie's body, and they fit in with Zhu Wujie's body, so the fusion went smoothly, as if the two powers merged smoothly.

Immediately, all kinds of insights jumped into his heart, reverberating in his mind endlessly. Combined with many previous insights, he began to deduce a brand-new spiritual consciousness method and a brand-new qigong method.

Before that, Zhu Wuyi had deduced the fusion method of the two supreme inheritances many times, and had a preliminary idea. At this moment, with the fusion of several forces, more ideas and insights flocked, just like the stars in the sky , surging in Zhu Wuyang's mind.

Zhu Wuyi was immersed in it, not knowing where he was, all his mind was immersed in this feeling.

It was an epiphany!

Zhu Wuyi's perception was already powerful beyond imagination, but at this moment he fell into such an epiphany, coupled with the previous understanding and accumulation of the two supreme inheritances, at this moment, he is now in an unimaginable way. Speed ​​deduces a new immortal art collection.

And in the process of the fusion of several powers, more ideas and insights emerged, and a more powerful immortal art collection was gradually formed.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Zhu Wuyang's mind merged into two immortal art collections, and they were both immortal art collections that transcended the top heaven and earth immortal art. At the same time, two names were born naturally.

Prison plate fairy scriptures!

The immortal art collection above the top heaven and earth immortal art is also the unparalleled collection of spiritual consciousness. The eighteen hell scriptures and the Nirvana scriptures are combined to form a peerless collection. It has both power and realm, and can cultivate the world's strongest prison consciousness. .

How strong is the power of the prison consciousness? Whether its purity or strength, it is more than nine times that of a monk of the same rank. Taken together, it means that the power of Zhu Wuji's prison consciousness is of the same rank. Ninety-nine-eighty-one times that of a monk.

The fusion and sublimation of the Eighteen Hells and Nirvana Sutras have created a magical collection beyond imagination.

You must know that even the eighteen hell scriptures and the Nirvana scriptures, the spiritual consciousness that is cultivated is only several times stronger and purer than the monks of the same level, and the power is about twenty or thirty times, but now it has reached eighty-one in one fell swoop. times, it is several times as much as before.

Moreover, the consciousness of the prison plate also has super resilience, amazing healing ability, and even formed a terrifying hell field.

The Hell Domain is a collection of the various effects of the Eighteen Hell Books, which finally formed this domain. All monks who are shrouded in the Hell Domain will be greatly suppressed by their spiritual consciousness, which will greatly affect the exertion of their strength and weaken their abilities. The combat power, the effect is far better than the previous eighteen effects.

The strength and purity are so strong, and there are three kinds of terrifying effects. The power of the prison consciousness is far superior to the consciousness of the monks of the same level, and it can even be compared with the quasi-immortals of the middle stage of Mahayana. Tian Yuan contested one or two.

Not only the Prison Book of Immortals, but also the Wandu True Art and Nirvana Art were successfully integrated, forming a new immortal art collection.

Wan Nie's work!

It is also the supreme treasure book that surpasses the top heaven and earth immortal arts, and it seems to have surpassed the prohibition placed by the Nirvana Building in the lower part of the Nirvana Grand Ceremony, and that prohibition is called a half-step immortal prohibition in Zhu Wuyi's view, which means that Wan Nie's true work is comparable to the half-step immortal scriptures, and so is the prison plate immortal scriptures.

Wan Nie Ying Yuan, which has been cultivated through Wan Nie's true art, is equally powerful and refined as a monk of the same rank, and its comprehensive power is eighty-one times that of a cultivator of the same rank.

This can't help but make Zhu Wuyi a little curious, shouldn't eighty-one times be a limit, nine is the number, so his Infant Yuan and Divine Consciousness are at the highest level that is nine times higher than that of ordinary monks of the same level, otherwise The fusion of Wandu Zhen Gong and Nirvana Gong should be more than the fusion of the Eighteen Hells Canon and the Nirvana Sutra.

However, after the fusion of Nirvana Gong and Wanpozhengong, Wannie Yingyuan is better than the restorative power and healing ability of the prison consciousness in terms of resilience and healing ability. Wannierzhengong also has the effect of integrating various poisons. , far surpassing the previous ten thousand poisons.

It has the effect of combining various kinds of poisons with Wannie's true power. Zhu Wuyang will be easier to integrate various kinds of poisons in the future, and it can also be combined with more powerful poisons.

After the transformation, the Prison Plate Immortal Sutra and Wan Nier True Art have both reached a certain extreme in the human world, and even Zhu Wuyi never thought that the two immortal art collections after the fusion could reach this level.

But think about it carefully, in the process of epiphany and fusion, Zhu Wuyi also added the essence of various other immortal art collections, effectively making up for the gaps in these two immortal art collections, and can form such a tyrannical and terrifying immortal art. Books are also normal.

With the formation of the two immortal art collections, Zhu Wuyang did not dare to delay at all, and immediately struck while the iron was hot to start the next breakthrough and promotion.

Generally speaking, the promotion of qi cultivation is based on divine awareness, and this time was no exception.

With the integration and promotion of the Eighteen Hell Books and the Nirvana Sutra, the Prison Consciousness was successfully crystallized and transformed into a purer and more powerful Prison Consciousness, and then began to condense fog into clouds and gather clouds at a very fast speed. The rain, the rain falling into the river, the rivers and the sea... Finally, it was condensed into the Prison God Crystal again.

After this series of transformation and sublimation, the Prison Disk Divine Crystal has reached an extreme, and then it only needs to break through this extreme, and then it will be able to break through to an unprecedented realm.

The difference from the previous promotions was that the previous promotions were generally just fog and clouds, or rain falling on the river, or even forming crystals.

But this time, it went through an extremely difficult process of elevating crystals into gas, and then went through the process of changing from atomized to liquid, and then from liquid to solid, and finally rising to gas again.

After passing through these layers of levels, it is possible to successfully achieve a great transformation and advance to an unprecedented situation, one can imagine the difficulty.

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