I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter eight hundred and twenty seventh outbreak

A bad news turned into good news in a blink of an eye, and the three sisters of the Tang family were also ecstatic, and of course Zhu Wuyi was even more so.

After so many years of hard work, no children were born. I didn't expect that there would be two children this time. They were all perfect children who had not used the fine-tuning technique. After they were born, they would definitely have outstanding talents and aptitudes, even above Zhu Jingxin.

After all, after the trip to the three hundred worlds, Zhu Wuyang's talent and aptitude have soared, and he has broken through the pinnacle of the human world.

During the investigation, Zhu Wuyi found that one of the two children was a girl and the other was a boy, and Tang Yelan was pregnant with a boy, which also meant that there would be a successor to the future Great Zhuxian Dynasty.

Tang Yelan's Jiuyin Profound Body is already powerful, and together with Zhu Wuyang's Immortal Root Immortal Seed, it is very likely that the children born are also Immortal Root Immortal Seed, and at least it's around the second rank.

Under this circumstance, it is impossible for this child to practice fast even if he wants to, and he will be a good seedling to inherit the great lineage in the future.

As for whether there will be other perfect heirs, even Zhu Wuyi is not sure. With his current talent and aptitude, it is really too difficult to have a perfect heir.

Unless you are using sperm adjustment, but even if you use sperm adjustment, if you want to have children with better talent, it is not easy, unless you don't care about the talent of the children, then you can give birth in batches.

It's just that this is obviously not what Zhu Wuyang wants. Since he wants to have children, he naturally wants to make their talents and aptitudes better as much as possible.

Zhu Wuyi didn't want to always send black-haired people to white-haired people in the future. Obviously, he still has a limitless lifespan, but a group of children have passed away one after another.

Therefore, Zhu Wuyi will not be as confused as when Jiu Zhaoguo was in the future. He married so many concubines and concubines when he was young and frivolous. Now that he bears a heavy burden is nothing. What makes Zhu Wuyi sad the most is the old age, Children fall.

At present, due to the short time, only a small number of beauties have passed away, but as time goes by, when more and more beauties and their children are not able to improve their strengths due to their lack of talent and aptitude, their lifespan is limited and they grow old. It's time to really feel sad.

Therefore, in the future, we should try to avoid disasters to some beauties as much as possible, so that they will suffer in the future, Zhu Wuyi will also suffer, and the children they give birth will also suffer.

In the future, every concubine Zhu Wuyang will be carefully selected, and try to marry those with outstanding talent and aptitude, or those with long enough strength and lifespan, so that they can accompany him all the way.

Many happy events are coming, and Zhu Wuyang's mood is quite good, but this good mood did not last for a few days, and was destroyed by many high-level officials of Wandu Sect.

Among the towering palaces,

Hundreds of high-ranking officials from the Wanpomen Sect were crawling at Zhu Wuyi's feet and protested to Zhu Wujie excitedly.

"Master Sect Master, people who are not of our race will have different hearts. The other immortal sects and clan forces in Dazhu Xianchao are outsiders. Only the disciples of our Wandu Sect are our own people. You can't treat them so kindly, otherwise sooner or later they will be Raising tigers is a problem."

"Yes, these Xianzong sects and family forces were basically defeated by our Dazhu Immortal Dynasty. They hold grudges against our Dazhu Immortal Dynasty. They must be restricted to prevent them from growing up, otherwise our Wandu Clan will be in danger in the future."

"Whether it's the five inheritances of the Five Poison Sect or the inheritance of the Earth Spirit Sect, they are all first-class inheritances in the world. How can these outsiders be exchanged for cultivation at will? Such good things should be circulated within our Ten Thousand Poison Sect. , instead of letting other Xianzong sects practice."

"Sect Master, you are a member of our Wandu Sect, not a member of these Xianzong sects. You can't do this kind of elbow-turning thing, otherwise Wandu Sect will end sooner or later."


When these Wandu Sect executives tried their best to persuade Zhu Wuyang, the two great ancestors of Wandu Sect, Cui Zhicheng and Wang Jin, were also invited out by them, and they sat on the side and watched helplessly. their cry.

Although I feel that these people are exaggerating, they also have certain concerns in their hearts, otherwise they would not be sitting here.

It's just that they see the interests of the Wandu Sect, but Zhu Wuyi sees the interests of the entire Dazhu Immortal Dynasty. The Dazhu Immortal Dynasty is the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty of Zhu Wuyi, not the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty of the Wandu Sect.

With the development of the Great Zhu Immortal Dynasty over the years, Zhu Wuyi also deliberately or unintentionally made some measures to curb the development of the Wanpomen. To be precise, it is not called containment, but to let the loose cultivators and other Xianzong sects enjoy the same relationship with the Wanpomen monks. Just the same rights.

It is spring when all the flowers bloom. If only the Wandumen family is the dominant one, how could the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty develop.

Moreover, in the future, Zhu Wuyang will attack more territory forces, and these territories and forces will definitely surpass the Wandu Sect, such as the current mind control faction.

Could it be that under such circumstances, it is necessary to forcibly suppress the promotion and expansion of other forces and wait for the development of Wandu Sect? .

But some high-level officials of Wandu Sect obviously don't think so. They regard Wandu Sect and Dazhu Xianchao as their own territory, and regard other forces that do not join them, or their former opponents as enemies, just thinking about it. It monopolizes all the resources and treasures of the Southern Wilderness, and does not care about the development of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty.

There are even some high-level executives who still have the previous idea of ​​killing the residents of the prefecture at will, and they don't care about the laws of the Great Zhuxian Dynasty.

However, Zhu Wuyi has basically been outside these years and has not noticed this. After returning this time, he found that the high-level officials of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect had acted so excessively, and some of them could be called full of evil. Check them out.

But what Zhu Wuyi didn't expect was that before he started, the high-level officials of the Wandu Sect would complain first and come to trouble him.

In other words, some of the top officials of the Wanpomen have accumulated a belly of anger over the years, and they hated the laws of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty, but they did not attack because of Zhu Wuyang's strength.

However, as Zhu Wuyang put the six top inheritances into the contribution library, so that other Xianzong sects can also exchange their contribution points, this became the last straw that crushed many high-level officials of Wandu Sect, and they finally couldn't help but start Erupted.

In the eyes of this part of the Wandu Sect senior management, such a precious and powerful inheritance should be enjoyed exclusively by their Wandu Sect and must not be handed over to outsiders.

Since Zhu Wuyi is the head of Wandu Sect, he should think about Wandu Sect.

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