I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Eight hundred and fiftieth eight chapters to the money to earn money

Chapter 856

Breaking the ban on the body, the cultivation of the thorns and glazed jade body and the cultivation of the Zhoutian Xingchen Dian smoothly merged, allowing Zhu Wuyang's body-refining cultivation to break the bottleneck and shackles, and has already stepped into the ranks of the perfect body cultivation. .

Although it has not yet broken through the ranks of the Mahayana body-refining cultivators, the bottleneck shackles leading to the Mahayana body-refining cultivators have been broken. Next, it is only necessary to accumulate breakthrough stones step by step, and then directly upgrade them. There is no difficulty.

In other words, Zhu Wuyi's half foot has already stepped into the ranks of the Mahayana body refining cultivators. What is lacking now is only the resources. With the resources in place, Zhu Wuyi's body training practice can be improved.

And although he is still a body-refining cultivator in the fit-in stage, Zhu Wuyang's physical strength and flexibility are not inferior to those of a mid-Mahayana or higher body-refining cultivator, and he is comparable to a body-refining cultivator in the late Mahayana period.

The combat power of the body-refining cultivator is far superior to that of the qi-refining cultivator of the same rank. With Zhu Wuyang's body-refining cultivation at the moment, he can swept the Mahayana period and once again created the miracle of fighting the enemy across the rank.

Qi-refining cultivation and body-refining cultivation go hand in hand, and they can completely swept the Mahayana period.

Looking at the entire Dongyuan Continent, there is no Mahayana quasi-immortal who is Zhu Wuyi's opponent. At this moment, Zhu Wuyi is truly invincible in the Mahayana period.

Even in the face of the siege of a group of Mahayana quasi-immortals, Zhu Wuyang can easily fight back.

The number of transcendental immortals in the entire Dongyuan Continent does not exceed two digits, in other words, with Zhu Wuyang's strength at this moment, it is completely enough to rank in the top ten of the Dongyuan Continent.

After a hundred years of ascetic cultivation, during which I do not know how many winds, frosts, rains and snows, Zhu Wuyang's strength has finally reached this stage.

To put it mildly, when Zhu Wuyang gets used to the skyrocketing strength, even if he is facing a human immortal in the tribulation period, he may be able to make a few moves.

The strength has been improved to this point, and it has reached a limit for the time being. The breakthrough stone has been consumed brightly and smoothly, and the power of belief has been used to build the kingdom of God.

Then Zhu Wuyang can concentrate on studying every day, and then give the Holy Poison Sect a big surprise after studying, and earn a lot of breakthrough stones by the way.

If possible, Zhu Wuyi still hopes to successfully improve his body training to the Mahayana quasi-immortal realm before the opening of the Three Thousand Great World.

At that time, even if it is really against the robbery immortal, maybe Zhu Wuyang will have some confidence in contending.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wuyi smiled slightly, immersed in his studies, and spent his extra-curricular time exploring the treasure house, the residence of the high-level monks, and all the good places that might bring him a lot of breakthrough stones.

By the way, Zhu Wuyi also quietly enslaved a large number of integrated Tianzhu, the number has exceeded 100, and even Zhu Wuyi is already thinking about enslaving the Mahayana Zhunxian of the Holy Poison Sect.

After all, if the follow-up plan is assisted by the Mahayana quasi-immortal, the chance of success is higher, and Zhu Wuyi can also earn more breakthrough stones.

However, this is the headquarters of the Holy Poison Sect after all. With Zhu Wuyi's current strength, there is basically no danger in enslaving the Heavenly Pillar through the Dream Bubble, but there is a certain risk in enslaving the Mahayana Zhunxian, and it needs to be carefully planned.

For the sake of safety, the matter of enslaving the Mahayana quasi-immortal still needs to wait for the right opportunity, and it is still mainly learning at present.

At least you have to write down all the classics of this memory, and then take the risk to enslave the Mahayana quasi-immortal. Even if you fail, it is still easy to escape.

Zhu Wuyang was still able to distinguish the priority of the matter, so he was immersed in his studies, unaware of the passage of time, and wandered into the ocean of knowledge.

Thanks to the greed of the Holy Poison Sect, in the libraries of the Holy Poison Sect, in addition to the many books and exercises owned by the Holy Poison Sect, there are also many other books on the exercises of the Xianzong sect. In terms of even far more than the Nirvana Building.

Among these classics and exercises, there are many good grades, and many of them have a good effect on Zhu Wuyang's practice, which can bring him great inspiration.

For this, Zhu Wuyi had to thank the greed of the Holy Poison Sect, otherwise he would not have so many good things to memorize and learn.

During the study period of Zhu Wuyang, the Holy Poison Sect also received a lot of exercises and books by selling elixir, healing and saving people, etc. After all, some monks are really a little hurt when faced with the expensive medical expenses and the cost of the Holy Poison Sect. I can't afford it, but in desperation, I can only use my own exercises as a reward in exchange for these treatments and the corresponding panacea.

In the Holy Poison Sect, Zhu Wuyi once again experienced the atmosphere of the earth's difficult and expensive medical treatment. It is no wonder that Yunyun has worked hard for thousands of years in the world of immortality and has returned to his fortune.

Holy Poison Sect's panacea and medical expenses are really expensive, especially those good things only produced by Holy Poison Sect, the price is even more terrible, often more than a hundred times the cost price.

After inadvertently learning about it, Zhu Wuyi couldn't help but gasp. He had seen such cruelty, and it was no wonder that the Holy Poison Sect had accumulated so many resources and treasures over the years.

It is a pity that these resources and treasures have corrupted the monks of the Holy Poison Sect. Although there are abundant resources to help, the Holy Poison Sect has only one human immortal who has transcended the tribulation, and it is also a human immortal in the early stage of the tribulation. As for the Mahayana quasi-immortal The number is far inferior to other super immortal sects, only about thirty.

However, in the Nirvana Building, the number of Mahayana quasi-immortals is as high as more than 100, and the difference between the two is several times. There are also two tribulation immortals in the Nirvana Building, each of which is stronger than the Holy Poison Sect. Human fairy.

The resources and treasures of the Nirvana Building can't keep up with the Holy Poison Sect. There is a certain gap between the two. As a result, the gap in high-level combat power is so large. It can be seen how much the Holy Poison Sect has been eroded by sugar-coated cannonballs over the years.

The way of immortality requires not only resources, but also enough will and effort.

The Holy Poison Sect is all about money. Everyone wants to forcibly improve through resources, but they never thought that cultivation requires more effort and hard work. Too much resources will affect the foundation of cultivation, and ultimately they will not be able to climb to the highest level. peak.

Although the Holy Poison Sect is far superior to Nirvana Tower in terms of mid-level combat power, in this world where the strong are respected, the high-level combat power is the decisive force, and the middle and low-level combat power is often just cannon fodder.

After staying in the Holy Poison Sect for several years, Zhu Wuyi also has a certain understanding of the development model of the Holy Poison Sect. He secretly said that if he can control the Holy Poison Sect one day, he will definitely pull most of the high-level officials of the Holy Poison Sect to do business. , to earn resources and treasures for the Zhu family, instead of letting them handle military and political affairs, but the monks in the Nirvana Building are quite suitable for fighting.

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