I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter eight hundred and sixty first transaction

Chapter 859 Transaction

Sun Yaozhong also thought about teleporting and running away, and then calling friends and besieging Zhu Wuyang, even if he couldn't leave Zhu Wuyang, he would be able to flee in embarrassment.

However, because the means that Zhu Wuyi had shown before were too powerful, Sun Yaozhong was also afraid that Zhu Wuyang had another backhand, or that Zhu Wuyi had already made a secret attack on him, so he did not dare to act rashly.

Facts have proved that Jiang is still old and hot, Sun Yaozhong's speculation is not wrong, he has indeed been secretly handed by Zhu Wuyang.

Everything is empty + soul-chasing and life-threatening characteristics, finally successfully spread to every corner of Sun Yaozhong's soul, if it breaks out, even if Sun Yaozhong can't be killed, it can make him even worse, suffer unprecedented heavy losses, and fall into several realms.

Hearing Sun Yaozhong's words that were both a test and a threat, Zhu Wuyi smiled slightly: "If I leave, Sun Yisheng is afraid that something will happen."


Sun Yaozhong's face changed, this enemy was too careful, and he really had a backhand: "What do you mean by this, senior?"

"You can carefully perceive your own soul." Zhu Wuyi smiled.

Sun Yaozhong took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and began to carefully sense his own soul. I don't know how long it took, Sun Yaozhong finally found the slightest abnormality. Although it was a little obscure, it was terrifying and deep.

The most important thing is that this kind of anomaly has spread all over his soul, like a giant beast lurking under the water. Although it only shows a few clues, it is so terrifying that it can almost destroy him.

Sun Yaozhong quickly confirmed that this is another kind of eighth-level mixed poisonous trait, or the trait that can kill transcendental immortals, and it has penetrated into every corner of his soul before he makes a sound.

Even if he was lucky enough to get rid of it, he would have to fall into a few realms at least, and his lifespan would be consumed a lot, and he might even fall directly.

"Hey..." Sun Yaozhong took a deep breath and looked at Zhu Wuyang in disbelief: "You...you actually have such a powerful back-up."

Zhu Wuyi said: "If it wasn't for this, how would I dare to stay here, Sun Yisheng is also a smart person, and he should be able to perceive the power of this eighth-level trait, so if possible, let Sun Yisheng fall, and treat you and me like this. all good."

Sun Yaozhong understood what Zhu Wuyi meant, that is, to give up resistance, be completely brainwashed by him, and become his subordinate, but as the world's number one medical saint who has been in power for over ten thousand years, how can he be willing to be enslaved by others.

Sun Yaozhong sneered: "I think it's better to die than to be someone else's servant, not to mention that the poison you've poisoned me is not insurmountable."

"Even if it can be lifted, I am afraid that Sun Yisheng's strength will plummet, and even his lifespan will be lost a lot, but how many years does Sun Yisheng have to live now?" Zhu Wuyi smiled.

Sun Yaozhong was speechless.

His face was a little gloomy.

Zhu Wuyi continued: "Besides, even if Sun Yisheng doesn't care about his own life, he always cares about his relatives and friends, especially his only child. He shouldn't be able to hold my eighth-level characteristics."

"You use such despicable means to coerce me, aren't you afraid that I will die and the net will be broken, and use all your relationships, contacts and resources to hunt you down." Sun Yaozhong's face was stern: "And don't you have any relatives and friends, once you let me Having found out your identity, do you think your relatives and friends will be spared?"

Even in the face of such a threat, Sun Yaozhong did not panic, even if he cared about his only son, this was his inheritance, and he didn't know how much he paid for it.

Seeing that Sun Yaozhong threatened him in turn, and such a threat was indeed helpful, Zhu Wuyang was also worried about his relatives and friends, especially his many descendants.

But Zhu Wuyi still looked calm: "I have lived for more than 30,000 years, and all the relatives and friends I cared about have died, and the rest do not know how many generations have passed, even if they are killed by your Holy Poison Sect. , I don't care as much about children and inheritance as you do."

"This..." Sun Yaozhong was silent. After all, monks like Zhu Wuyi are not uncommon in the world of immortal cultivation. Many immortal monks with long lifespan are like this. When the previous generations they care about have died, the latter It is not so much concerned about whether the descendants of the people are alive or dead.

If Sun Yaozhong knows Zhu Wuyang's age, I'm afraid that Sun Yaozhong can threaten Zhu Wuyang without fear, so that Zhu Wuyang will not dare to attack him again today.

However, Sun Yaozhong didn't know, so Zhu Wuyi's indifferent attitude threatened Sun Yaozhong, which made Sun Yaozhong feel cold, and became more and more jealous of Zhu Wuyi.

But if Sun Yaozhong was so completely enslaved by Zhu Wuyi, how could Sun Yaozhong be willing.

Seeing that Sun Yaozhong was hesitating, Zhu Wuyi said, "Yisheng Sun, in the illusion, you should be able to find that I don't have much malice towards you, I just want to get along with you as a master, so that you can do your best to help you. I save a more important person, otherwise I'm not at ease."

"If you are willing to get along with me as a disciple like this, I won't let you do anything in vain. I know that what you care about most is your offspring and inheritance. Unfortunately, with your talent, aptitude and strength, it has been so many years to be able to give birth to an offspring. It is a blessing to invite heaven, and it is very difficult to have a second child."

"But I have an extremely precious secret medicine here. After taking it, Sun Yisheng can have children, or even conceive several twins at once, and have multiple children."

"Is what you said true?" Sun Yaozhong's expression changed when he heard Zhu Wuyi say that, and he looked at Zhu Wuyi in disbelief. He really values ​​his children and inheritance very much, and he was willing to pay a huge price for this.

Although Zhu Wuyang's actions are excessive, if he can get some children for this, Sun Yaozhong is also willing.

Zhu Wuyi smiled and said: "If Sun Yisheng doesn't believe it, we can try it now. After Sun Yisheng confirms that your wife and concubine are pregnant, we will move on to the next step."

"If that's the case, I can think about it." Sun Yaozhong was still a little skeptical.

Zhu Wuyi said, "Don't worry, Sun Yisheng, I got this secret medicine from a historic site. The quantity is extremely rare. It has been lost for many years. Now no one has been able to refine it. The value is beyond imagination."

"If it wasn't for Sun Yisheng's medical skills, I wouldn't have come up with such a precious secret medicine. After all, such a secret medicine is invaluable even for some tribulation immortals, and it can make me get far more than one. What does Sun Yisheng think about the interests of quasi-immortals in the later stages of Mahayana?"

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