I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Eight hundred and sixtieth eight chapters rampant Mahayana

Chapter 866


I don't know how much time has passed, with the sound of the dam collapsing, Zhu Wuyi finally broke the shackles of the physical body leading to the quasi-immortal realm, and was promoted to the ranks of Mahayana Body Cultivation.

Physical strength is soaring at a terrifying speed...

The flexibility of the body is soaring at a terrifying speed...

The sensitivity of the five senses is soaring at a terrifying speed...

The power is soaring at a terrifying speed...

The speed is soaring at a terrifying speed...

The reaction force is soaring at a terrifying speed...


This is a kind of all-round transformation and improvement. Once the cultivation base is improved, it will definitely bring this kind of all-round improvement to the monk.

It is precisely because of this that the cultivation of the body refining cultivator is quite difficult.

At the same time as the overall quality has been improved, Zhu Wuyi's Prison Pan Sky Mist and Wan Nie Earth Mist have naturally improved to a certain extent, but of course the magnitude is far less than that of other aspects.

In terms of quantity and quality, the Prison Pan Sky Mist and Wan Nie Earth Mist covering a radius of nearly 3,000 meters have already caught up with the quasi-immortals in the middle stage of Mahayana, and even surpassed them in some aspects.

However, because the gap between each small realm in the Mahayana period is also very large, so if you compare the power of the sky fog and the ground fog alone, in the case of a head-to-head confrontation, Zhu Wuyang will destroy the quasi-immortals in the later stage of the Mahayana, and meet the quasi-immortals of the Mahayana perfection. Immortals are still different.

But if you add other advantages, such as Heaven and Earth Immortal Martial Arts, Heaven and Earth Spells, Heaven and Earth Secret Techniques, etc., Zhu Wuyi can be crushed.

With the breakthrough of body training, Zhu Wuyang's body has experienced explosive growth in all aspects. When it stabilizes, Zhu Wuyang's body flexibility and strength are about ten times that of a body training cultivator of the same level.

Zhu Wuyang's overall physical quality is about ninety-eighty-one times that of a body-refining cultivator of the same level!

This makes Zhu Wuyi reaffirm one thing, that is, ninety-nine-eighty-one times should be a limit, because Zhu Wuyi's comprehensive power of qi cultivation is also eighty-one times that of a monk of the same rank, which is not beyond the slightest.

Although it is only ninety-nine-eighty-one times, it is enough to compete with the body-refining cultivators in the later stages of Mahayana.

Qi-refining cultivation and body-refining cultivation are combined into one. Although Zhu Wuyi is still wandering in the early stage of Mahayana, it is enough to run rampant in the Mahayana period, and he can faintly be able to pass two moves with Transcending Tribulation Renxian.

The breakthrough in the cultivation of the body has increased Zhu Wuyang's comprehensive strength several times on the basis of the original, which does not seem to be too much.

The combat power is extremely amazing, and it has been invincible in the Mahayana period before.

Now that there is a bonus for body refinement cultivation, it is not bad to be able to increase it several times.

But if you want to cross the border to defeat the transcendental immortals, don't think about it for the time being.

Because any human immortal who transcends tribulation has reached the pinnacle of the human world in one aspect, and then successfully passed the test of the heavenly tribulation, and obtained an unimaginable transformation, so that he can set foot in the realm of transcending the human immortal.

Their cultivation base in one aspect has reached an incredible level. It is very good for Zhu Wuyang to be able to fight with them. It is too difficult to defeat them.

However, at present, Zhu Wuyi's strength is only in the early stage of Mahayana. When he continues to improve, it may be possible to cross borders against the enemy. At that time, Zhu Wuyi may really become the first person in history.

In the days that followed, Zhu Wuyi first got used to the skyrocketing strength, and also let some Mahayana complete quasi-immortals who were enslaved by him to spar with him, and found that they could defeat these Mahayana complete quasi-immortals with one hand. Zhu Wuyi was finally right. I have a clear understanding of my own strength.

The first person under the calamity is absolutely worthy of the name!

After getting used to the skyrocketing strength, Zhu Wuyi became a lot bolder in the enslavement of many high-level monks. After all, his combat power and life-saving ability have improved so much, even if he encounters the first person in the world in the middle of the calamity, Zhu Wuyi is not afraid. , how could he be afraid of the Sacred Heart Great Immortal, the ancestor of the Sacred Poison Sect in the early days of the calamity.

And with the improvement of comprehensive strength, the characteristics of the fantasy bubble have also improved, and the Tianzhu can be enslaved at will in front of Zhu Wuyang, basically without much effort.

It is not difficult for ordinary Mahayana early and mid Mahayana quasi-immortals to want to be enslaved, not to mention the cooperation of Sun Yaozhong, the world's first medical sage, enslavement is simply effortless.

Zhu Wuyi's enslavement of high-level monks became smoother, and he became a lot bolder. A high-level monk who was on the side of the mundane suppression was won by Zhu Wuyi like chopping melons and vegetables. The speed was amazing, basically There is no chance of failure.

Even if it happens occasionally due to some accidents, Zhu Wuyang can solve it in time without causing too much consequences.

The eight-level trait of the Dream Bubble was brought to a certain extreme by Zhu Wuyang, far surpassing the mind-controlling soul-controlling characteristics of the Mind Control faction.

Unconsciously, several years have passed, and at this moment, there are more than a thousand people who are enslaved by Zhu Wuyi.

As for the number of Mahayana quasi-immortals, it has already exceeded one hundred at this moment.

In addition, Zhu Wuyi's strength is faintly able to compete with Du Jie Renxian one or two. He also has amazing accomplishments in formation. To put it bluntly, with Zhu Wuyi's current energy, he has been able to build a super immortal sect. .

It is not the super immortal sect of the Southern Wilderness, but the super immortal sect that surpasses the countless first-class and top immortal sects in the entire Eastern Continent, and becomes the founder of the new super immortal sect.

Of course, at this moment, Zhu Wuyi would not dare to be so high-profile, because the combined Tianzhu and Mahayana quasi-immortals enslaved by him came from many immortal sects, including many other super immortal sects.

If Zhu Wuyi dared to lead them to set up a sect, they would definitely be besieged by many first-class immortal sects, top immortal sects, and even super immortal sects, waiting for Zhu Wuyi and the absolute sect. Not a good ending.

Zhu Wuyang still has something in his heart, so he definitely won't do this in a short time.

Moreover, keeping these high-level monks enslaved by him in their respective Xianzong sects definitely outweighs the disadvantages for Zhu Wuyi. Many Xianzong sects have not visited Zhu Wuyi yet.

The monks of the Xianzong sect must also be waiting for Zhu Wuyang to send them a set meal, so that their lives will be more colorful and not so boring. All day long except for practice, there is no other entertainment.

Just when Zhu Xia Divine Kingdom, which was secretly controlled by Zhu Wuyi, had already formed an imposing manner and faintly became the number one underground force in Dongyuan Continent, there was a big problem in the Holy Poison Sect.

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