I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter eight hundred and seventy first respectfully invite the ancestors of Yuandou

The chaotic battlefield provides the best cover for Zhu Wuyang. Magical treasures, spells, and secret techniques flying everywhere... firmly cover up the characteristics of Zhu Wuyang's release and have not been discovered by anyone.

With Zhu Wuyi's strength at this moment, only the two immortals of the Kunlun faction in the middle of the tribulation have a very small chance to find him, even if there is no influence, but at this moment, the two Kunlun faction In the middle of the robbery, the immortals were busy attacking the holy poison sect's mountain protection spirit formation group, how could it be possible to fully perceive everything around them, and thus find Zhu Wuyang.

For the sake of safety, Zhu Wuyi also deliberately stayed away from the two immortals in the middle stage of the Kunlun faction, and chose as far away as possible the high-level monks of the Kunlun faction to be enslaved.

In the Kunlun faction two middle stage tribulation immortals know nothing, more and more high-ranking monks of the Kunlun faction become the subordinates of Zhu Wuyi, willing to give everything for Zhu Wuyi.

However, in order to avoid being discovered, they are still fighting hard at this moment, but they have tried their best to avoid making a ruthless attack on the colleagues of Zhu Xia Shenguo. The guy from the country is ruthless, or the cultivator of the middle and low levels is ruthless.

The situation on the battlefield has changed silently. This battle of revenge for the Kunlun faction has gradually become the battle of Zhu Wuyang's harvest.

Zhu Wuyi enjoys eating and drinking, sneaking around the battlefield, vaguely controlling the situation on the battlefield, and having an increasing influence on the battlefield.

Unknowingly, a day passed, and the number of Tianzhu who were enslaved by Zhu Wuyang had exceeded 5,500, and the number of Mahayana quasi-immortals had reached 160.

That is to say, in just one day and one night, with the help of the chaotic battlefield, Zhu Wuyang enslaved about 60 Mahayana quasi-immortals and about 4,500 combined Tianzhu, which is comparable to the accumulation of many years under normal circumstances.

It's not that I don't want to continue, but even if there is Zhu Wuyang's secret manipulation, the Holy Poison Sect's mountain protection spirit formation group will not be able to withstand it.

The monks of the Holy Poison Sect knew in their hearts that unless a miracle happened today, the Holy Poison Sect would be doomed.

Once Guangming Tianshan is breached, all the resources, treasures and inheritance of the Holy Poison Sect will be taken away, and it is basically difficult to rebuild.

The catastrophe is just around the corner!

The Kunlun faction has been planning for over ten thousand years, not hesitate to use the extremely precious Tribulation Fruit as a bait, and finally it is about to achieve a rich victory.

The first ancestor of the Kunlun School, Qianyuan Jiansheng, had a bit of moisture in his eyes.

The revenge of his mother's murder was finally due today. The death of the Sacred Heart Immortal was just the beginning, and the destruction of the Sacred Poison Sect was the best way of revenge. He finally did it.

Countless monks of the Holy Poison Sect also realized that the crisis of destroying the sect was coming, and the whole person was a little stunned. They never thought that they would dominate the Central Plains Shenzhou a day ago, and they were known as the world's first poison sect, the world's first medicine sect, The Holy Poison Sect, the No. 1 pill sect in the world, will soon be wiped out.

Looking at the mountain protection spirit formation group that was about to be broken, sensing the formation that had been properly arranged, and the Yuandou secret technique that had been cultivated to the extreme during this period of time, Zhu Wuyang felt that the time had come.

"I'm about to break through the Holy Poison Sect's mountain-guarding spirit formation. You all stand by me, smash the tortoise shells of the Holy Poison Sect, and drive out all the tortoises of the Holy Poison Sect."

"Hahaha, this should be the only super immortal sect that has been destroyed for tens of thousands of years, and it is also the number one poison sect in the world. Our Kunlun faction will surpass the Nirvana Building and become the strongest immortal sect in the world."

"The Holy Poison Sect has been arrogant for so long, and it is finally about to be destroyed. After breaking their tortoise shells, it is better to drive out all the monks of the Holy Poison Sect."

"If the grass is cut and the roots are not removed, the spring breeze blows and regenerates, and none of the monks of the Holy Poison Sect can let go."


Victory is imminent, and the countless monks of the Kunlun faction are also a little crazy.

Under the leadership of the two immortals in the middle of the calamity, Kunlun sent tens of millions of cultivators to drown the bright mountain again and again.

"It's over, this time is really over, our Holy Poison Sect will be destroyed."

"The Kunlun faction's offensive is too urgent, and they didn't even give us three days. As long as we can last for three days, maybe we can be saved."

"Even if there are rescue soldiers, I'm afraid not many will come. In recent years, our Holy Poison Sect has offended too many forces, and many immortal sects are eager for our Holy Poison Sect to be destroyed."

"Hehe, no matter how important resources and wealth are, how can it be compared to absolute force? Kunlun sent us a good lesson. Unfortunately, it is the last lesson."


The hundreds of millions of monks of the Holy Poison Sect are also almost desperate. Once the mountain guarding spirit formation group is broken, the Kunlun faction led by two immortals in the middle of the tribulation will be invincible, and few monks of the Holy Poison Sect will be spared.

The number of high-level monks who master teleportation is limited. Even if they all escape, there are only about 10,000 people. Compared with so many monks in the Holy Poison Sect, they are not even a fraction.

Once Guangming Tianshan is lost, all resources and inheritances will be taken away, and even if there are people in the Holy Poison Sect, it will be difficult to rebuild. Maybe the Kunlun Sect will use these resources to rebuild a Holy Poison Sect. big.

What's more, many high-level cultivators are unwilling to give up their relatives and friends, and it is impossible to say that they will live and die together with the sect, and it will be even more difficult to rebuild the Holy Poison Sect in the future.

The Holy Poison Sect was already facing the danger of extinction, and the attacks of the Kunlun cultivators became more and more frantic.

But at this time, to the surprise of hundreds of millions of monks from the Holy Poison Sect and tens of millions of elite monks from the Kunlun faction, many high-level monks from the Holy Poison Sect suddenly shouted loudly.

"The Holy Poison Sect is going to be destroyed by the Kunlun faction, and the ancestors of Yuandou are also invited to turn the tide and save the sect from water and fire!"

Hearing the words shouted by these senior monks of the Poison Sect, not to mention the monks of the Kunlun faction, even many monks of the Poison Sect were stunned.

"What do you Tianzhu and Shangxian mean by these words, don't we have hidden cards in the Holy Poison Sect?"

"No way, isn't our trump card the old ancestor, but the old ancestor has been killed by the monks of the Kunlun faction, where are there other ancestors, Tianzhu and Shangxian must be mistaken? ."

"I haven't heard of any Yuandou ancestors in our Holy Poison Sect. Is it because we are ignorant and ignorant, or the sect really hides other trump cards."

"Old Ancestor Yuan Dou, I seem to have heard this name somewhere. If I remember correctly, our Holy Poison Sect indeed had a Patriarch Yuan Dou a hundred thousand years ago. Did you die?"


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