I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Eight hundred and seventieth chapters make big profits

Daoist Shenglong received the sound transmission, and quietly used the top-level secret technique of heaven and earth, the shocking fist technique, which was also one of his strongest attack methods.

The strange fluctuations flocked to Zhu Wujie without a shadow, and he was about to fall on Zhu Wujie's body, causing him to suffer heavy losses.

But when the fist approached Zhu Wujie, Zhu Wujie's figure just disappeared, and a single whip slapped on the face of Daoist Shenglong who was caught off guard: "Crack..."

Daoist Shenglong looked ugly: "The old thing is courting death!"

No longer concealed, the fists shook, and the strange fists slammed towards Zhu Wujie one after another, and together with the Qianyuan Sword Saint's Immortal Execution Sword Formation, they besieged Zhu Wujie.

That's all, in order to distract Zhu Wuyang, Sword Saint Qianyuan shouted at the elite monks of the Kunlun faction: "Attack the Holy Poison Sect's Mountain Protection Spirit Formation with all their strength, and wipe out all the monks of the Holy Poison Sect."

The words landed, and tens of millions of Kunlun sect monks shouted and rushed towards the crumbling Holy Poison Sect guardian spirit formation. Although Zhu Wuyang restrained the two Kunlun sects from tribulation, the Sacred Poison Sect guardian spirit formation could bear the burden. The pressure plummeted, but so many Kunlun faction elite cultivators joined forces to bombard it, and it only took a few hours at most to break the mountain protection spirit formation group and clean up the sacred poison sect cultivators inside.

At the same time, doing this can also distract Zhu Wuyang, which can be said to be a feat, and the small abacus of Qianyuan Juggernaut makes a "pop" sound.

It's just that Zhu Wuyi will be as they wished, facing the full-scale offensive of the Kunlun faction, Zhu Wuyi is like electricity, easily evading the joint siege of Qianyuan Sword Saint and Shenglong Daoist, and in an instant, a group of Kunlun faction arrives. Among the middle and low-level monks.

"Tai Chi Divine Fist's Void Step Pressing the Palm!"

The hands wearing Yuandou fists pressed hard, and tens of thousands of monks from the Kunlun School Jindan period or above seemed to have been milled by a stone mill and turned into a large piece of meat. The ground sounded, bringing a lot of breakthrough stones to Zhu Wuyang.

"Tai Chi Shenquan: Fighting Tigers Independently!"

Countless boxing figures emerged out of thin air, and slammed tens of thousands of Kunlun monks on the heads, directly ripping their brains apart, and death was everywhere.

"Turn around and push the palm of Tai Chi Divine Fist!"

Dodging the attacks of the red-eyed Sword Saint Qianyuan and Daoist Shenglong, Zhu Wuyi turned around and pushed out countless palm shadows, and nearly 100,000 monks from the Kunlun School Jindan stage were pushed to ashes.

In just a few dozen breaths, about 300,000 elite monks from the Kunlun faction were killed by Zhu Wuyang.

Such a heavy loss, even Qianyuan Sword Saint and Shenglong Daoist felt extremely painful, frantically blocked and attacked Zhu Wujie, and tried their best to limit Zhu Wujie.

However, the combination of the teleportation technique and the Yuandou Great Array was beyond perfection, which could not be restricted by Qianyuan Sword Saint and Shenglong Daoist.

Especially those Kunlun sect cultivators who attacked the Holy Poison Sect's mountain-guarding spirit formation group are the main targets of Zhu Wuyang's killing. Before a cup of tea, about three million Kunlun sect elite cultivators died in Zhu Wuyang. man's fist.

Sword Saint Qianyuan and Taoist Shenglong couldn't stand it anymore, and they hurriedly asked all the Kunlun Sect disciples to retreat, no longer attacking the Holy Poison Sect's Mountain Protection Spirit Formation, leaving only two people to deal with Zhu Wuyi.

But how could Zhu Wuyi let them go so easily? While the disciples of the Kunlun sect had not withdrawn from the range of the Yuandou Great Array in Guangming Tianshan, Zhu Wuyi continued to slaughter the monks of the Kunlun sect until all the monks of the Kunlun sect had left, The number of Kunlun sect monks who died under the hands of Zhu Wuyang has exceeded five million, which is comparable to all the Kunlun sect cultivators killed by the Holy Poison Sect.

Killing so many Kunlun monks above Jindan stage, and also obtained a lot of storage rings, etc., brought Zhu Wuyang more than 20 trillion breakthrough stones, plus the breakthrough stones obtained before, Enough Zhu Wuyang to raise his strength to a new level.

The Kunlun faction is really his lucky star. It not only brought him the opportunity to control the Holy Poison Sect, but also brought him so many breakthrough stones.

It's a pity that these guys run too fast, otherwise if they can kill another ten million or twenty million, maybe they can be promoted to the later stage of Mahayana in one fell swoop.

If you can kill the elite monks of the Kunlun faction, you can be promoted to Mahayana Consummation in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that the Kunlun faction did not give Zhu Wuyi this opportunity. Zhu Wuyi could only watch helplessly as so many Kunlun faction elites fled away without their armor and armor, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The Long Daoists were entangled tightly, unable to chase and kill them.

And once he leaves the scope of Guangming Tianshan, Zhu Wuyi can no longer borrow the power of Yuan Dou Great Array, and he will definitely be beaten by Kunlun's two middle-stage human immortals, so let's go back honestly.

Without the constraints, Sword Saint Qianyuan and Daoist Shenglong let go of their hands and feet to attack Zhu Wuyang, and wanted to win Zhu Wuyang in a short time. Unfortunately, although the strength of the two was very strong, they used the Yuandou Great Array to their advantage. The ultimate Zhu Wuyang can still easily escape.

Although they were at a disadvantage, there was no danger. Seeing this scene, Sword Saint Qianyuan and Taoist Shenglong were also ready to change their methods. While besieging Zhu Wuyang, they began to attack the shaky Mountain Protection Spirit Formation of the Holy Poison Sect. I want to break through the mountain protection spirit formation group, deal with the monks of the Holy Poison Sect inside, and use the same way to return to the body, making Zhu Wuyi's clone weak.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Wuyi smiled slightly. He did not resist these attacks as Qianyuan Swordsman and Shenglong Daoist wished, causing him to be exhausted. Instead, he simply retreated to the mountain protection spirit formation group and personally received them. Over the control of the mountain protection spirit formation group.

Seeing Zhu Wujie's actions, Qianyuan Sword Saint and Shenglong Daoist were stunned for a moment, not understanding what Zhu Wujie meant.

Then the two immortals in the middle of the calamity saw Zhu Wuyi's hands like a gust of wind, and the streamers and materials popped out, landing on the crumbling eyes. With the falling of these streamers and materials, many eyes that were about to collapse were It can be seen to the naked eye that it has begun to recover, and the speed far exceeds the speed of the destruction of Qianyuan Sword Saint and Shenglong Daoist.

This is so...

Qianyuan Sword Saint and Shenglong Daoist were both stunned. They never thought that this Yuan Dou ancestor not only had unimaginable combat power, but even his formation cultivation had reached such a superb level.

To be able to do this, at least it is a top-quality spiritual formation master, and it is also the most powerful group of top-quality spiritual formation masters. Looking at the huge Dongyuan Continent, I am afraid that there are not many spiritual formation masters of this level. .

The combat power is so terrifying, and the formation cultivation base is amazing to this level. The Yuan Dou ancestor who was reincarnated from more than 100,000 years ago really did not live in vain. He has lived all these years, not a dog. .

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