I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Chapter eight hundred and eighty first cowardly very simply

When Zhu Wuyang returned to the Sacred Poison Sect, hundreds of millions of monks in the Sacred Poison Sect were rebuilding the Sacred Poison Sect. Although the Sacred Poison Sect lost most of its resources and treasures this time, the number of dead monks was not large.

The total number of middle and low-level monks is only tens of millions, and even fewer high-level monks died, only a few. In this regard, the loss of the Kunlun faction is even greater.

As a Sacred Poison Sect cultivator who looks towards Qian Qian and earns a lot of money, his combat power may be a little worse, but he is great in terms of escaping and saving his life.

Even looking at the entire Dongyuan Continent, the title of the Saint Poison Sect cultivator's escape master is well known throughout the world, and he can be regarded as one of the best escapers in the Dongyuan Continent.

Therefore, just after the Holy Poison Sect showed its defeat, countless monks of the Holy Poison Sect couldn't wait to flee into the core area with the strongest defense. The escaped monks would not fight to the death, and persisted for more than a day.

As long as there is a slight retreat, I am afraid that the monks of the Holy Poison Sect will almost run away. This is also because the Kunlun faction is too arrogant, thinking that this time it will be able to destroy the Holy Poison Sect, so there is no way for the monks of the Holy Poison Sect to survive. , I wish Wuyang to be able to go out in time.

Of course, even if there is a situation where the army is defeated like a mountain, Zhu Wuyang has a way to deal with it, but it is not as perfect as it is now.

In fact, Zhu Wuyi would like to thank the Holy Poison Sect and the Kunlun Sect separately for giving him such a good opportunity. Most of the Kunlun Sect has already been controlled by him, and the day he takes charge of the Holy Poison Sect is just around the corner.

Seeing Zhu Wuyi appearing in the mid-air of Guangming Tianshan, the monks who were rebuilding the Sacred Poison Sect were stunned for a moment, and then they all cheered.

"Meet the ancestors of Yuandou, and thank the ancestors for their life-saving grace."

"The old ancestors were mighty, and the Kunlun sect who fought them threw their helmets and armors and shook the whole world."

"Isn't the old ancestor practicing in retreat? Why did he suddenly appear here? Did something happen, or has something to tell us."

"What nonsense are you talking about, kneel and kowtow to the ancestors."


Accompanied by the sound of the tsunami, countless monks of the Holy Poison Sect devoutly bowed their heads, thanking Zhu Wuyang for his life-saving grace, and many high-level officials of the Holy Poison Sect also galloped from their residences and knelt down together.

Looking at the countless Sacred Poison Sect cultivators at his feet, Zhu Wuyi pondered for a while and said: "Everyone, please get up,

In the past few days, I went to Kunlun to send a trip, and I negotiated peace with Sword Saint Qianyuan and Daoist Shenglong. Sword Saint Qianyuan and Daoist Shenglong also made an oath of heaven and will not trouble the Holy Poison Sect again in the future. , so in the future our disciples of the Holy Poison Sect can travel the world with confidence. "

As soon as the words fell, the huge Holy Poison Sect was quiet for a while, and then the cheers of the sky suddenly sounded.

"Old Ancestor is too powerful. Thank you Old Ancestor for taking the risk for us to seek peace. Thank You Old Ancestor."

"Really, the Kunlun faction will actually agree to negotiate with us. This is too incredible. There are so many masters of the Kunlun faction, and there are two immortals in the middle of the tribulation. Their strength is far superior to us."

"Hahaha, I was worried that I would not be able to do business in the whole continent in the future. I didn't expect that my ancestors would send Kunlun to send peace talks. I can continue to do business in the future, thank my ancestors."

"Excuse me, ancestor, do we need to pay some resources and treasures. The Kunlun faction agreed to negotiate with the upper hand. It should cost a lot of money. We are willing to pay the corresponding tribute."


Seeing these cheering, almost weeping monks of the Holy Poison Sect, Zhu Wuyi fell silent.

Originally, he thought that doing this might make many cultivators of the Holy Poison Sect unhappy. After all, the Kunlun faction had just almost wiped out the Holy Poison Sect, and had also looted most of the resources and treasures accumulated by the Holy Poison Sect over the years, although these resources and treasures are now basically All went into Zhu Wuyang's pocket.

But in the eyes of the monks of the Holy Poison Sect, these resources and treasures were all looted by the Kunlun faction, and the Kunlun faction even killed tens of millions of the monks of the Holy Poison School, and many families of the Holy Poison School have killed relatives hatred.

Under such circumstances, negotiating with the Kunlun faction will surely arouse everyone's opposition. Zhu Wuyang has already figured out how to appease them, and he has even thought out reasons and excuses.

But Zhu Wuyi never thought that he hadn't explained and appeased them yet. The monks of the Holy Poison Sect were already crying with joy. They were so cowardly.

Anyway, it is also one of the most prosperous super immortal sects in Dongyuan Continent. Actually, there is only one transcending tribulation immortal. The number of Mahayana quasi immortals is only about 30. , it is a strange thing to be able to cultivate powerful strong men.

Fortunately, Zhu Wuyi did not expect the Holy Poison Sect to cultivate strong combatants. After all, after so many years of decay, it is difficult for the Holy Poison Sect to cultivate many combat experts in a short period of time.

Moreover, what the Holy Poison Sect is best at is making money, which is one of the best in the Eastern Continent. It is the right thing to do the best you can. It just happens that Zhu Wuyang is in need of the talent of the Holy Poison Sect. To a certain extent, it is even bigger than the thirst for talents in combat. .

After all, Zhu Wuyi's combat power is here. If you really need it, Zhu Wuyang can go there by himself, but the ability to make money is relatively rare. Although Zhu Wuyi is good in this regard, it is still worse than the entire Holy Poison Sect.

Zhu Wuyi was able to maintain his monopoly position and earn a lot of resources and treasures by relying on his knowledge of multiple worlds, coupled with his absolute domination of the Southern Wilderness.

But the Holy Poison Sect did not have the conditions and talents in this regard, and it was able to become one of the most prosperous immortal sects in the Eastern Continent.

Moreover, it can be seen from the fact that the monks of the Holy Poison Sect put down their hatred in a blink of an eye and are willing to negotiate with the Kunlun faction. Although the fighting ability is not good, the monks of the Holy Poison Sect are very strong, and they know that there is a reason for specializing in the arts.

Since you are not good at fighting, then don't go on with the Kunlun faction. Isn't it delicious to earn money to improve your cultivation and improve your lifespan?

Such a mental attitude has an excellent impetus for the development of business, and the monks of the Holy Poison Sect always put money and life in the first place, which is also what Zhu Wuyi needs, and being able to live brings Zhu Wuyi better With more resources and treasures, Zhu Wuyang can earn more breakthrough stones.

The sensibleness of the monks of the Holy Poison Sect saved Zhu Wuyang a lot of trouble, so he decided to give them another surprise.

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