I Broke Through Too Fast (I'm Leveling Up Too Quickly)

Eight hundred and ninety seventh chapter is not bad body

After winning the Dadi Xuanmen, Yaohua Palace, Buddhism and other immortal sects one after another, Zhu Wuyi did not rashly attack again. During this period of time, he had eaten too much, and he had to digest it well.

After all, the territory occupied by Zhu Wuyang at this moment is probably as large as a fraction of the Central Plains Shenzhou. As the most fertile territory of the Dongyuan Continent, the resources of the Central Plains Shenzhou can be called countless.

Zhu Wuyi just occupied these territories wholeheartedly, and it is not possible to digest the treasures and resources in these areas in a short time.

And what Zhu Wuyang wants is not to search these areas, but to prepare to operate these territories for a long time, so the necessary cultivation and stability are necessary.

Otherwise, the foundation will be unstable. Even if Zhu Wuyang can control these territories, the resources and treasures obtained from them will not be too many, and a lot of time and energy will be spent on them.

I can just take advantage of this time to have a good rest, memorize some classics and exercises, and prepare for the next trip to the three thousand worlds.

By the way, digest the resources and treasures of this territory well, and get more breakthrough stones from it.

In order to better obtain the breakthrough stone of this territory, Zhu Wuyi specially mobilized many professionals in this field from the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty to carry out in-depth cultivation of the territory newly occupied by Zhu Wuyi.

With the help of these professionals, a large number of breakthrough stones rolled in, and the speed was far faster than before, and Zhu Wuzheng obtained more breakthrough stones from each area.

Through this process of reversal, Zhu Wuyang's actions also effectively promoted the development of the Great Zhuxian Dynasty and the southwest region, thus achieving a win-win situation.

Zhu Wuyi obtained the breakthrough stone from it, and spent many resources and treasures on ordinary people and monks in the territory, not only gaining fame and faith, but also gaining fatter leeks.

Although Zhu Wuyi has not managed the affairs of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty very much for so many years, he has formulated effective policies and policies for the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty. Coupled with the assistance of many high-level monk-level servants, the development of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty can be described as prosperous.

In just a few decades, a large number of talents in various fields have been cultivated for Zhu Wuyang. Now when the time comes, these talents immediately flock to help Zhu Wuyang effectively handle the affairs of the new site.

This kind of treatment is not only in terms of breakthrough stones, but also in economic, military, political, institutional and other aspects, effectively connecting the territories of the various immortal sects in the southwest region.

Speaking of how chaotic the southern wasteland was in the past,

There are thousands of Xianzong sects fighting against each other, but they were sorted out by the officials of these Dazhu Xian Dynasty, and they burst into vigorous vitality and development.

Today, the Xianzong sects in the southwest region are less than a fraction of the southern wasteland, so it is much easier to deal with.

The only downside is that all this needs to be done in secret, which increases the difficulty for professionals in the Great Zhuxian Dynasty, but it is not that difficult, it just takes a little more time and energy.

With the help of Dazhu Xian Dynasty officials, Zhu Wuyang is much more relaxed and can study with peace of mind.

In order to better handle these matters, Zhu Wuyang also selected a group of talents in this area from the high-level monks who were enslaved by him, and cooperated with the officials of the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty to rule the southwest region.

With the full cooperation of the two parties, the various immortal sects in the southwest region merged together at a speed visible to the naked eye, and laid a solid foundation for the follow-up connection with the Dazhu immortal dynasty.

Everything is going on smoothly. The territories that Zhu Wuyi masters were originally like vain bubbles. At this moment, Zhu Wuyi is tempering them so that they can be consolidated little by little, and finally turned into steel earth.

In this process, this piece of iron and steel has continuously fed back various resources and treasures for Zhu Wuyang, and finally turned them into breakthrough stones to enhance Zhu Wuyang's strength.

I wish you a full and happy life, and your strength and realm are steadily improving.

During the period, Zhu Wuyi also learned a defense secret technique from the ancestors of the earth's mysterious gate, and it was a defensive secret technique that surpassed the top secret techniques of heaven and earth with half a foot.

Not bad body!

This is a defense secret technique that has been lost for tens of thousands of years in the Dongyuan Continent. It used to be known as the world's number one defense secret technique. Wuque Great Sage's defense is so strong, and most of the credit lies in the fact that it is not bad above the body.

Now it's cheap, Zhu Wuyang, who has long coveted the defensive strength of the Great Sage Wuque, and now, as soon as he gets an indestructible body, he spends the first time to cultivate with the breakthrough stone.

With the help of the breakthrough stone, Zhu Wuyang cultivated him to the realm of small success in just a few hours. Once he exerts his full strength, he can stably resist any attack from the Mahayana quasi-immortal. It's hard to hurt and I wish you no harm.

Coupled with the rebound and unloading effects of the starlight glazed jade body, the power is simply terrifying, and even Zhu Wuyang was shocked by his current defense.

Although there is still a little gap with the Wuque Great Sage of the Transcending Tribulation Period, the gap is not too big in all aspects, and in some aspects it has surpassed the Wuque Great Sage.

When Zhu Wuyi is promoted to the Immortal Realm of Tribulation, the combination of the strongest shield and the strongest spear will definitely be able to explode with unimaginable power.

Moreover, Zhu Wuyi has only cultivated his indestructible body to the realm of minor achievement. When Zhu Wuyi cultivates him to the realm of great achievement, his power will soar several times or more, and maybe he will be able to catch up with Wuzhang in an all-round way. Great St.

The Great Sage Wuque has cultivated an indestructible body for tens of thousands of years. So far, he has only cultivated to the peak of minor achievement, and he is still half a step away from the realm of major achievement. It can be seen how difficult the practice of this defense secret technique is.

Zhu Wuyi originally wanted to raise him to the realm of perfection in one breath, but after looking at the breakthrough stone that needs to be spent, he stopped at the realm of small success.

As expected of the defense secret technique that used to be in the world in the past, the consumption of raising it is really terrifying, and Zhu Wuyi can't stand it.

After all, he still wants to raise his cultivation realm to the later stage of Mahayana before entering the Three Thousand Great World. If he consumes too much on the indestructible body, there will be no breakthrough stones to use to improve his cultivation realm.

Compared with the benefits of improving the indestructible body, at present, the improvement of the cultivation realm brings more benefits to Zhu Wuyi, so Zhu Wuyi decisively suspended the improvement of the indestructible body, but kept most of the breakthroughs. Shi, ready to bombard the bottleneck shackles in the later stage of Mahayana.

With the assistance of those professionals from the Dazhu Immortal Dynasty, Zhu Wuyang's speed of obtaining breakthrough stones has been increasing, and he has quickly accumulated the breakthrough stones needed for promotion. Next, it is time to hit the bottleneck in the later stage of Mahayana.

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