I Broke Through Too Fast

Chapter 847: Beginning of becoming a god

   Chapter 847 The beginning of becoming a god

I don't know if Zhu Wuyi's prayers worked, or if the will of the heavens in Dongyuan Continent was also tempted. After Zhu Wuyi promised to earn a lot of world origin for Dongyuan Continent during his trip to the three thousand worlds. , the belief in the solipsistic nature of the birth is quite smooth.

   It took only one month for Zhu Wuyi to successfully integrate the characteristics of belief in mere self, and it became another peak characteristic of Zhu Wuyi mixed with poison.

  Believe in only me!

With the fusion of this strange trait, Zhu Wuyi instantly sensed countless strange powers coming from the southern wasteland, and rushed towards his soul space, turning it into a strange the power of.

   This kind of power is thick and powerful, ever-changing and omnipresent, and can be used to improve Zhu Wuyi’s strength in almost all aspects, such as Qi cultivation, body cultivation, and Tianyuan cultivation…

   Follow these strange forces to perceive the past, and you will find that behind these strange forces there is a line hidden in a special space, and these lines are the lines of faith.

There are thick and thin lines of faith, which connect Zhu Wuyi and many believers respectively. The deeper the believers' belief in Zhu Wuyi, the thicker the line of faith, which can naturally bring more power of faith to Zhu Wuyi. .

   After a little calculation, the line of belief that came from the southern wasteland through the special space is more than hundreds of billions to say the least.

   In other words, in the vast southern wasteland, Zhu Wuyi already had tens of millions of followers.

These believers are providing Zhu Wuyi with a lot of faith power all the time. Zhu Wuyi can directly use the power of faith to improve his own strength. While gaining the power of faith, Zhu Wuyi also got special opportunities. The breakthrough stone brought by the system can be described as a double harvest.

However, Zhu Wuyi felt a little distressed. Looking at the power of faith accumulated in a small lake in a short period of time, Zhu Wuyi was shocked by the speed at which the power of faith was acquired, but also thought that he seemed to have missed countless times in the past 100 years. The power of faith, to say the least, is as amazing as a sea.

  If I had known this earlier, I should have grasped the characteristics of self-confidence and absorbed the power of these beliefs. If this is the case, maybe Zhu Wuyi has been promoted to the perfection of Mahayana by now.


  Zhu Wuyi sighed, carefully felt the power of faith, and found that the power of faith and the soul were nearly 100% compatible, and even faintly urged Zhu Wuyi to give up the body and spiritual energy, and only retain the power of the soul.

In this way, the power of faith can be completely integrated with the soul, forming a strange chemical change, creating a few gods in the world, with an almost immortal lifespan, and can better mobilize the power of faith, bursting out beyond The power of imagination.

   But the power of faith is not king, how could Zhu Wuyi be easily immersed in it, and easily got rid of this temptation.

But at this time, with the pure and huge sky fog in the prison, Zhu Wuyi could clearly perceive that the thoughts from countless believers began to "hum" and wanted to affect his sanity and thoughts. It comes from the will of all beings.

Now that you have enjoyed the power of belief of all living beings, you will naturally be eroded by the poison of belief. In the face of these poisons of belief, Zhu Wuyi mixes the poisonous poison with the characteristics of dispelling all poisons, and easily wipes out these swarming beliefs. poison.

Seeing that the poison of faith can really be eliminated by Zhu Wuyi's poison-relieving trait, Zhu Wuyi nodded with satisfaction. Fortunately, he once merged and gave birth to the trait of removing all-poison, otherwise he would not dare to touch the poison of faith. .

Moreover, Zhu Wuyi tried it again, and was surprised to find that the poison of faith is a highly poisonous poison that acts on the soul. There are few ways to detoxify the poison of faith.

   If it weren't for the trait of dispelling Wanpo and the trait of Faith in Solipsism, both of which came from Zhu Wujie's mixed poison, and had a strange connection and mutual restraint effect, I'm afraid that Zhu Wujie would not be able to deal with the poison of faith.

   After the poison of faith is removed, only the beneficial part of the power of faith is left, and it can cooperate with the breakthrough stone to rapidly improve Zhu Wujie's strength, making Zhu Wujie's future practice faster.

   Of course, Zhu Wuyi will not rely entirely on the power of faith. The power of faith will only be an aid to the breakthrough stone. If you blindly use the power of faith to break through and improve, certain hidden dangers will inevitably arise.

After practicing for so many years, Zhu Wuyi has also tried to use many kinds of power to cultivate, improve and break through, and finally found that only the strange power of breaking through petrification has no potential safety hazards, and any other power is more or less certain. security risks.

  Whether it is a panacea, a treasure of heaven and earth, or other powers, although the power of faith claims to have no hidden dangers, there is only the threat of the poison of faith.

   But Zhu Wuyi won't be completely convinced. In the future, he will decide how much of the power of faith to spend to improve his strength, or to determine the ratio of breakthrough stones and power of faith to break through.

   In addition, Zhu Wuyi will naturally not ask for it blindly, he will divide a tenth of the role of the believers according to the amount of faith provided by them to improve their strength and realm.

After Zhu Wuyi removes the power of faith purified by Wan Po, there will be no more poison of faith. In this way, these believers can obtain the pure power of faith and achieve better promotion. Basically, there is not much hidden danger. .

  In the case of back and forth, these believers will believe in Zhu Wuyi more and bring more power of faith to Zhu Wujie.

   Even if there is too much power of faith in the future, it cannot all be used to improve strength, Zhu Wuyang can use special means to condense the power of faith into treasures of heaven and earth, and use it when needed in the future.

Through the line of faith, Zhu Wuyi can clearly calculate how much faith each believer brings to him, and with his current power of Tianyuan, the computing power is strong enough to be comparable to the most developed optical brain on the earth. It's a piece of cake to calculate the power of faith.

   Even if all the intelligent beings in the entire Dongyuan Continent believe in Zhu Wuyi, such a calculation amount can be calculated, and it is very easy.

   And with the improvement of strength, with the enhancement of the power of Tianyuan, Zhu Wujie's computing power will further soar, and even Zhu Wujie can't measure the extent to which it will eventually reach.

  Thinking of this, Zhu Wuyang smiled slightly, ready to try the feedback method of the solipsistic trait of faith and see how it works.

   (end of this chapter)

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