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446 The Battle That Jiren Decided

446 The Battle That Jiren Decided

"Son Goku..."

Looking at Son Goku, who gradually became clear from the streamer, Jiren's face was very ugly.

For the first time, he was knocked back by Son Goku's attack.

The strength of this guy...

become more powerful!

Jiren even felt from Son Goku's evasion and counterattack just now that Son Goku is probably stronger than himself now.

Then next...

Do you want to avoid head-to-head combat as much as possible?

"Boom! 99

As Son Goku's body wrapped in silver-white streamer retreated, the rubble floating around Jiren exploded one after another as if he was implicated!

The terrifying airflow swept the entire arena in an instant!

Son Goku's attack was not only aimed at Jiren, but also affected him at the same time!

And this attack was an attack while Son Goku was dodging.


Jiren roared, no matter what, he couldn't keep falling into Son Goku's attack rhythm.

If he keeps choosing to avoid the current Son Goku, he will always be at a disadvantage.

By the time……

He didn't know if he couldn't hold on to it first or if Son Goku was the first to get out of this bizarre state.


Jiren's sturdy body instantly wrapped layers of red flames that flowed like magma. The whole person seemed to be surrounded by heavy flames, and the breath became more terrifying unconsciously.

Son Goku landed quietly, a set of movements of dodging and then counterattacking were natural, and the silver-white arrogance on his body also swayed slightly, as if it was slightly washed away by Jiren's powerful arrogance, and it was erratic.

Although the current Jiren has shown his tyrannical strength, Son Goku's momentum has also fallen slightly.

But everyone in the audience could not easily assert that the current Jiren must be stronger than Son Goku.

after all……

Son Goku's previous performances have blown them away.

Vermut's cheeks trembled slightly, and even he who had always had absolute confidence in Jiren was a little (cffj) shaken at this time.

He didn't know whether he should tell Jiren to avoid Son Goku or face Son Goku head on.

After hesitating for a moment, looking at the red arrogance rising from Jiren's body and the high fighting spirit he could feel through the barrier, he decided to leave the decision to Jiren himself.

It's a battle for the survival of Universe, yes, but it's also a battle for Jiren.

Should come to let him decide the battle!

"come yet?"

Son Goku stared at Jiren's tall body without the slightest expression on his face.

At the same time, he also felt that his brain was very clear at this time, and he had even analyzed where Jiren's next offensive line was.

Before that, let alone analyzing Jiren's offensive line, I'm afraid even the defense will be stretched.

That's the power of Ultra Instinct!

"Every time he moves very slowly, but it's exactly the same."

After several previous attacks, Jiren also knows how weird Son Goku is now.

That is, no matter how he attacked, how he attacked, or which blind spot Son Goku attacked, Son Goku's response was always calm, but he was able to avoid it perfectly.

They didn't even know when there was such a big gap!

"call out!""

The figures of the two overlapped at this moment.

In the eyes of Son Goku and Jiren, each other's figure is reflected in each other.

Time seems to stand still at this moment!

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